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It's the Little Things That Reveal the Character of a Man -- Does Character Influence Your 2012 Pre

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posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 08:21 AM
With still more than 2 months until the election, maybe you are like I am -- getting weary of the ads and attempts to manipulate your thinking. Regardless of your "side," who among us really trusts what we see in ads? So how do we really take the measure of a man (or woman). I find that I learn the most in those little unscripted moments.

With Obama, contrary to what some would like to make us believe, we've likely all formed our opinions of the guy personally. He's an incumbent who has been on the scene in front of us for a few years now. At this point, we think what we think and few are going to be convinced he's different than how each of us already perceives.

So I've been more interested in finding clues about Romney. Yes, I "see" him as stiff and awkward, but so are many people in front of cameras or crowds, so that tells me little. Besides the optics though, I now personally think I have had enough clues to form a quality opinion and, well, I am not a fan.

-- We know about his dog Seamus.
-- We know about his elevator restrictions as governor.
-- We know he made an insulting joke about the "7-11" grade hometown bakery made cookies.
-- We know his bad joke when he unintentionally insulted NASCAR fans for their cheap rain ponchos.
-- We know about his youthful "high jinks," where he led a gang that ambushed an outsider kid, pinned him down and cut his hair.

Here is a good new tidbit that was kind of the last straw for me to draw my final conclusion and it comes from his own son.

This took place in a fluffy FOX interview with Mike Wallace in one of the Romney homes. Mike asks Mitt's son Tag what family meals are like. This is the response. Tag thinks its kind of funny. Mitt smiles and takes another bit from the food on his plate. Ann's look hints to me Tag's response is cringe-worthy for the rest of us.

If you can't access the video, here's the brief exchange.

CHRIS WALLACE: So, Tagg, what are family meals like?

TAGG ROMNEY: A little bit of craziness. Dad always goes in line first because he doesn't want to wait for all the grand children because it takes forever. Parents are cutting their meat and he's usually finished by the time the rest of us sit down.

Who does that? How many of you are so selfish that you do that? Is that something your grand dad did? So he goes first and then at least does not even wait for others? Okay, he has a big family. Mine is a LOT bigger, 2x in size actually and my dad now would never have done something like that. Now one of the grandkids might have made a plate for dad, but you'd not see him up in line before all the little kids.

Okay, I don't pretend there is any malice there, but to me, well, it says the guy really is the selfish, entitled jerk he seems to be -- even when he is trying so hard not to be. It makes it very easy for me to see that'd he'd give little thought to the impact of his actions, whether closing a plant, outsourcing jobs, etc. The man is just not a connected thinker who cares about the human toll left in his wake. Maybe I'm too harsh, but it is what my gut says.

What about you?
edit on 29-8-2012 by pajoly because: formatting

edit on 29-8-2012 by pajoly because: title change, partly in protest because the thread was illogically moved to the "People & Politicians" forum.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 08:44 AM
I pretty much agree: Selfish, entitled jerk who could give a **** about us little people. All-in-all, an execrable POS.

But at least he's not working nights and overtime to sell us out to the UN....

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

Read this, just out today. It is something sorely missed these days -- a true investigative journalism piece. This is a master work by Rolling Stone.

Rolling Stone article

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by pajoly

I saw that part of the interview and I was also thinking..."wow...that is kind of prickish".

He gets his food first so he doesn't have to wait for the kids to get their food...and then he finishes eating before everyone else even has their food???

It is a little thing...but it does show some of his character.

I don't know about anyone else...but when I have family over or any guests over for that matter...I always get my food last, once I know everyone else has been served.

Dare I say...Romney has some self-importance issues????
edit on 29-8-2012 by OutKast Searcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 09:29 AM
Nothing surprises me about this guy anymore. His personal perspective of the population and the "worth" of different economic classes is crystal clear. He sees himself as entitled, deserving and chosen and those that aren't, don't matter, can be manipulated and are basically, stupid.

He makes me quite ill. I can't watch him for 60 seconds without wanting to leave the room. The fact that his wife (and all the GOP butt-kissers) has to try to convince the people that he's a good person and that he's friendly, funny and likeable just isn't sitting right with me. It's like he has to get his friends to "sell" him to the people, because he can't sell himself - and I'm not buying.

His character is one of the least appealing and honorable that I can imagine.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Nothing surprises me about this guy anymore. His personal perspective of the population and the "worth" of different economic classes is crystal clear. He sees himself as entitled, deserving and chosen and those that aren't, don't matter, can be manipulated and are basically, stupid.

He makes me quite ill. I can't watch him for 60 seconds without wanting to leave the room. The fact that his wife (and all the GOP butt-kissers) has to try to convince the people that he's a good person and that he's friendly, funny and likeable just isn't sitting right with me. It's like he has to get his friends to "sell" him to the people, because he can't sell himself - and I'm not buying.

His character is one of the least appealing and honorable that I can imagine.

I'd double star if I could. Go read that Rolling Stone article. it is a must read. Deeply researched, readable and incredibly insightful. It makes the rest of the MSM like like the utter tools they are.

P.S. -- I am annoyed that a mod moved this thread to a desert wasteland forum where it does not belong. Some of these folks people need some lessons in logic.
edit on 29-8-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 10:01 AM
In my experience this is very Mormon.

The LDS church is only about Men. You will be told that relief society is about making women feel important to but it is really about keeping them busy.
The men are the head of the household and always go first and always sit at the head of the table. They always offer the prayers and blessings, Women never, ever do. Women do not hold major positions in the church and never will.

Willard will make sure that he is served and his family and friends are served FIRST and the rest of America will eat last…

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:46 AM
Are you guys being serious? This thread almost doesn’t seem real to me. I would equate this as an issue as much as the thread about MSN going to commercial with ethnic minority speakers. Look Obama is going to win again so take the higher road with the issues. To be honest this seems a little petty. You should have seen how my family was at dinner, well on second thought I am glad it’s not up for debate.

We all get charged up but threads like Obama being narcissistic by paying tribute to Neil Armstrong and Romney’s eating habits are not worthy of a civilized society.

I am probably going to get torched for this.

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