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Here we go again. Drunvalo has chossen 2014 as another date for whatever

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posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 04:16 PM
I was looking to see if this Drunvalo Melchizedek was a proponent of Nibiru/Planet X/whatever when I bumped into him claiming that comet Holmes which went by in 2007 was certified by Hopis and Navajos as being the blue kachina and thus started the 7 year clock running.

According to the them, the event will take place during a window of time which began on October 24th, 2007 and ends in 2015. Melchizedek pointed to the outburst of the Comet Holmes in October of 2007 as the prophesied harbinger of "the moment when the End of Time began."

More poetically put, the masculine energy or “seed” emanating from Holmes is impregnating Gaia, or Mother Earth, to give birth to a new planet that is expected to manifest by the end of 2014 and be fully evolved by 2016 as stated by both Drunvalo Melchizedek and Tolec representing the Andromeda Council.

Mainly baloney in these links, but they are about this event.

Of course, everyone that bothered to look up noted that the comet was yellow, not blue. It was only blue in photos taken through telescopes using blue filters.

So there you have it. The time began in 2007. Big event in 2014. Things continue into 2016.

This is rather clever on Drunvalo's part. He is creating a never ending cash cow. He, the parasite, is prepping the host for years of feeding.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 04:30 PM
No sir. No way, not going to even begin to give credit to anymore of these doomsday criers. I was terrified in '99 because I was just a stupid nine year old kid, but now I ought to know better. Whatever kills all of us will be entirely unexpected, and non of us will know what to do. The skies wont split open, the Earth won't be bathed in fire, and there won't be hordes of the undead dragging us into the depths of hell.

We will probably all die from an astronomical anomaly that will come far out of left field and cause our sun to collapse or something. Or the ants (if you've seen the thread, you know what I'm talking about) will take over and we will be subjugated and eventually fed to their three foot tall larva.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Darn...I don't have my 2014 Dooms Day Calender printed out yet.....

Guess I'd better get busy, since we have doom n' gloom self proclaimed prophets hedging their futures bets....

Plus, gives me more time to dig a deeper bunker...see, there's always a silver lining to the big black cloud looming over our heads....


posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 05:07 PM
I seriously don't understand how people can continue to take these charlatans seriously. I mean just a few months ago he was doing his tour with the Crystal Skulls as they tied in directly with the big event at the end of 2012. He was also the main proponent behind those fake Mayan codices that referenced the Crystal Skulls. I guess he's realized he has already made as much money as possible from the 2012 scam and now needs to move on to another con. I hope all those people that bought into this man's lies no see him for the fraud that he is.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 05:29 PM
On a scale of 1-10 Stereo, what DS rating would you give this guy for our other thread listing them all?

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 09:40 PM
Drunvalo is not a doomsayer. He is an event sayer. He claims something wonderful is going to happen.

Did he steal that from the movie 2010

However, Bowman appears and tells Floyd that everybody must leave Jupiter space within two days because "something wonderful" is going to happen.

Drunvalo is a nut. People that listen to him nuts-squared. I say that because Drunvalo claims he teaches new tricks to ancient gods such as teaching Toth how to properly meditate. He also claims that he is the only certified representative for the Mayan council in North America.

As a charlatan I would have to give him a high score say an 8 out of 10. As a dommsayer I might have to give him a low score simply because he is not talking doom.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 09:55 PM
Just realized that we may have a conspiracy here.

Look at these 2 photos side by side. One is Drunvalo and the other is David Carridine from the movie Kill Bill. Are they one and the same, related, or evidence for human cloning experiments, or maybe just too much pretend meditation over their lifetimes.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

I seriously don't understand how people can continue to take these charlatans seriously.

Much less start absurd threads for ghod knows what stupid reason.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 06:45 PM
the end of human kind is already there but not as we expected ! 22 august something very important to humanity happened, and nobody really realize it ! so Drunvalo talk about ascension but he is in the same train and he should open the eyes of people instead to close it with this fantasy !
edit on 24-8-2012 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by pitchdragon
the end of human kind is already there but not as we expected ! 22 august something very important to humanity happened, and nobody really realize it ! so Drunvalo talk about ascension but he is in the same train and he should open the eyes of people instead to close it with this fantasy !
edit on 24-8-2012 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

Let me take a stab in the dark here..

You're an alien here to tell us what miraculously happened on the 22nd of August.

You're also going to tell us that unless we are on some other frequency we can't possibly understand what it was.

Am I right?

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Clairacoustique

This thread beats the one about a sinkhole in Louisiana turning into a supervolcano.

Let me help you with the purpose of this thread. It is about these frauds and 2012 picking a new date as so many people have predicted.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:30 PM
All Drunvalo Melchizedek is as far as I'm concerned is a new age scam guru.. Allot of people find him incredibly inspiring i am not one of them..Like so many others he is out for the money...There is a sucker born every min and he knows it..peace,sugarcookie1

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by vkey08

Originally posted by pitchdragon
the end of human kind is already there but not as we expected ! 22 august something very important to humanity happened, and nobody really realize it ! so Drunvalo talk about ascension but he is in the same train and he should open the eyes of people instead to close it with this fantasy !
edit on 24-8-2012 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

Let me take a stab in the dark here..

You're an alien here to tell us what miraculously happened on the 22nd of August.

You're also going to tell us that unless we are on some other frequency we can't possibly understand what it was.

Am I right?

Or may be his tablets ran out

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Clairacoustique

This thread beats the one about a sinkhole in Louisiana turning into a supervolcano.

Let me help you with the purpose of this thread. It is about these frauds and 2012 picking a new date as so many people have predicted.

It's not sinkholes we have to worry about it's a55hole5 that take money from the gullible they are worse than bankers

What's the old saying "There's one born every minute" the internet really reinforces that saying

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:45 PM
this is stupid, its not saying that the whole world is going to come to and end with massive disaster. Its just generally stating the turmoil and chaos that will continue on into the future before the "golden age". this is nothing like the hyped up 2012 end date

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 08:46 PM
The issue is not the Drunvalo is stating something other than doom and gloom. The issue is that Drunvalo is fleecing people by telling them baloney. For example, he claims that he has taught gods better ways to do things. He says gods are his students. Now he pushed out the date so that he can collect even more money from those that think he is smarter than a god.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 08:49 PM
I am stacking up the doom dates I am surviving

Y2k, Olympics, Rapture, ect ect

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Iron7

Don't forget that in

1985 comet Halley killed all of us
2000 the 5-5-2000 planetary alignment kileld everyone
1-1-2000 the second coming killed us
1-1-2000 the millennium prediction killed us
1-1-2001 the real millennium prediction killed us
2003 Mars tore the guts out of the Earth and we all died
2004 asteroid Toutatis kills everyone
2007 rapture
2007 Hal Lindsey predicted the end of the world
2011 Elenin killed all of us
2012 the false flag alien invasion after the Olympics killed lots of people

Pretty soon you get pretty tired of dying.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:21 PM
You should be used to these new-age marketers by now. However you are correct, this is just more (unethical) target marketing. If people want this kind of information, it's free. It's just like the gurus who charge thousands of dollars for "enlightenment" and simple meditation techniques.

This is just slightly more offensive, charging hundreds of dollars for new age ideology he likely grabbed of the net for free. Mark it up for dressing it up , putting it on cd's, packaging etc. thank you very much free market capitalism.

My new world order will consist of banning these jerks from the free market, ha. I honestly feel really bad (if) people buy this kind of stuff. I hate it when people with good intentions are taken advantage of.

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