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Where was God in Aurora?

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posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 02:57 PM

Either god is all powerful all knowing or he is not god - and if he is all powerful all knowing than obviously we don't have free choice because he already knows what we are going to do since the beginning of time.
reply to post by circuitsports

Someone or something who is outside of time can perceive begining middle and end all at once, as it is not restricted by the natural constraints of the concept of time.
Put it another way...a blimp in the sky can perceive the entire route of a carnival float, whereas the float doesn't necessarily know the route. To the carnival float, everything is undetermined. To the blimp, the course is predetermined. However, both perspectives are correct and true.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 04:21 PM
Hello all,
Just a tid bit of back round information here.....i myself am a christian and it was not because i was raised that way. I have had personal experiences that were supernatural which led me to what i believe. Am i religious? Some would say so, but i disagree. Religion is a man made system in which you follow rules and then are deemed good enough by other men. I have a relationship with Jesus that is above all religious institutions and i am accountable only to him.

I do not hate atheists, gays, muslims ect. Jesus taught to love all regardless of sin for one simple reason....he loved us when we are the least deserving. I am a christian with many, many non christian friends.

Now to the point. I do not understand why people question the things that God does. IF you do believe that there is a god(regardless of which one you think exists), do you REALLY think you have the right to question the being that created you and the very air you breath?

Here is something to consider for those of you who are christians.....When Israel was defeated and lost there home land, they questioned god as to why he would allow his chosen people to be enslaved and defeated.(sounds familiar right?) But has history took its course we now see that the people who defeated Israel in that time do not even exist anymore, but Israel, 2000 years later became a nation once again. Amazing isn't it? Even though they toppled, God did not forget them and here Israel is a nation once again.

God allows tribulation in our life for many reasons. Some we will NEVER understand since how could you possibly understand GOD? Does God allow death and murder? Yes but it is always for a greater purpose. Just because we humans cannot comprehend it, doesn't mean there is no good reason for it.

Athiest's-----I do not hate you so do not hate me. I have my beliefs just like you do.

Now, i am finished.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

He was there, and said, as if to the devil - "you'll take no more than twelve" each of whom belongs to me, which is highly symbolic.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 05:50 PM
Was the shooting a result of Karma?
Did the ones who were kill all do something so wrong in a past life that they all were deemed unfit to live?
Those that were wounded what did they do?
And finaly what are the chances that this whole collective group did something indiviualy wrong that caused Karma to act in such a way, that they were all collected together to get their Karma paybacks.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Simple cop out question,

How come you do not ask why does the devil do this destruction to man kind???

But in a simple nut shell God was there the whole time he does not wish this upon anyone yet the whole Hollywood scene is full of abominations towards God. God hates sin and is not going to save you from your own destruction that is your freewill choice, to live for and serve him is of your own freewill neither Jesus or Satan makes anyone do anything they do it on freewill, it is the scoffer that loves to throw up destruction and death as God's fault for our own choice.

As I recently read non-believers want all the feel good they can get with out any of the cost for doing harm and wrong to God and others in their quest for sin.

God bless

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by ACTS 2:38
reply to post by yourmaker

Simple cop out question,

How come you do not ask why does the devil do this destruction to man kind???

But in a simple nut shell God was there the whole time he does not wish this upon anyone yet the whole Hollywood scene is full of abominations towards God. God hates sin and is not going to save you from your own destruction that is your freewill choice, to live for and serve him is of your own freewill neither Jesus or Satan makes anyone do anything they do it on freewill, it is the scoffer that loves to throw up destruction and death as God's fault for our own choice.

As I recently read non-believers want all the feel good they can get with out any of the cost for doing harm and wrong to God and others in their quest for sin.

God bless

Actually God is very active in each and every human life. God sends His Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin. I was over thirty and had been doing drugs for over half my life when I was convicted of my sins and was delived out of my addictions with no withdrawls what so ever.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Meh. OP still isn't done thinking about God. All these threads. All this efforts. Like he or she is begging for a burning bush or something, a giant post-it note from God explaining it all. An atheist would have given up and moved on by now. Who knows? maybe the OP will grow up to be a saint or something.

Why does God "allow" evil in the world? The real question is, why did he allow evil inside of us? And there is evil in us alright. Otherwise, it would have been eradicated by now. On the other hand, there is good in us too; or else the evil would have finally triumphed over the past millennia.

Why didn't God just make us all robots, with no capacity for either dark or light? Or why didn't he make us eternal and unchanging, or at least very slowly changing, like mountains or something.

Who knows? And who speaks a language capable of articulating such thoughts? As if our small minds could encompass his reasons.

In the Spiderman comic books, doesn't the editor hate the superhero, because the superhero wasn't in time to save the newspaper editor's child or something?

The Bible portrays God as seeking people who will worship him even when he doesn't give them their three wishes or whatever. He seems to want to have a relationship with people, and not simply be a personal genie for them.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:30 PM
This is no better than a Christian writing a letting like this:

"Dear atheists,
You are wrong. You are all suffering in pain because you don't love God."

Let's not pull this card so close to a tragedy that's happening during a global tragedy. This is a time where we forget our differences to comfort each other until the trouble is over.

I'm not Christian and this still offends me.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by ACTS 2:38
reply to post by yourmaker

Simple cop out question,

How come you do not ask why does the devil do this destruction to man kind??

I didn't make the initial question.

I don't ask that question because the "devil" sounds like it's a character from a B-grade movie.
I'm certain the devil is some sort of metaphor for the naturally occuring evil within us.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:46 PM
Quit playing the God copout. An insane man went on a rampage because he is a sick individual. Stop giving the man glory by speaking about him and focusing on him, thats what he wants.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:19 PM
If there's a God or higher power/being which exists...i'm sure we could hardly put ourselves on the same train of thought......

after all, as the worlds dominate species who has come from mere cave dweller with a exploring space....we are nothing more than mere, selfish, greedy, power hungry monsters consumed with self indulgence and desires.

Don't we start wars that murder millions, enslave and oppress, let our neighbors starve, evict families from homes? .....the list is endless, yet somehow everyone wants to blame a God if it even exists....How about blaming humans and their true nature?

If God does exist, and he sees do we now what's going on and why? Maybe their death was totally painless and they're in can any of us even begin to know sitting behind our keyboards? We just speculate and empathize from a standpoint we can relate to and that we fear. We have NO CLUE what's on the other side.

Such deep thinkers of the world

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:40 PM
The is no evidence that god has done anything since Jesus left.The bible says unforeseen occurrences befall us all.Supposedly it is a match between the devil and god and the fact that man cant rule himself.The old Armageddon thing is when he/she/it sorts it all out.On the day to day bases god probably just takes notes for when the big day comes.He probably was getting ready for the Olympics you know all those prayers wanting to win gold.It is silly to thank god or blame him when things happen.People dont blame god for losing the game do they but they thank him for winning the game.They blame him when there is a tragedy.It was an act of god that that tsunami hit Japan.The act of god is still in insurance policies.It is a shame these things happen and innocent people have to die but the blame lies with the killer or whoever helped along the way and now more freedoms are going to be taken away.Now ever one lives in more fear.What I found funny is it happened in Colorado yet the whole country freaked out like there was going to be a mass hit on all theatres

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:06 AM
What a cruel way to advocate for atheists. The little effort you made by simply copying and pasting a quote from CNN of all places, is probably the same amount of effort you've put in to research and learn about God.

God sacrificed his life for our sins.. I hate to break it to you but when someone makes a bad choice, chances are there will be consequences. Some people have to learn the hard way, and because we the people have chosen a rotten group of pigs to lead our country, the consequences in this case were the life's of human beings.

My heart sincerely goes out to all of the victims loved ones, and my deepest apologies for the loss in such a tragic way.

You ALL are in my thoughts and PRAYERS!!!

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

I realize this probably wont mean much to most of you but if God was going to save every man, woman and child that ever was in jeopardy there would be way more then 7 billion people living here!
Secondly, if God does exist and i believe he does what is he saving us from more earthly suffering?
lastly, Have any of you ever heard of free will?
Free will means we are here to do as we chose and if one of us decides to take an Ozi to the others then that
person will pay for his crime "if he is in sound mind" with eternal suffering!
If this does not convince you that God is not here to see we are happy here on the earth then nothing will!
I believe life is like a test and those of us that fail will pay a high price!
If you choose to believe he is not real then nothing I say will change that but what's the harm in believing in the possibility? God Bless you all and I will pray all those that read this will see some possability that we do go on beyond this world!

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:51 AM
You assume alot...I guess you can tell me about the wasteland of racism, but I'm well acquainted with poverty! And pssst! Here's a secret: Whatever your belief system, happiness is found when you learn to find the positive in life rather than the negative!

I can agree with that... until- well, *every* time I hit happiness, there is a tidal wave of more crap. I fought through the previous stuff, and now, a whole new creative pile of it.

Before you say "well, that's life!"- I have noticed a trend creeping in that tells me otherwise. Not only my life, but a friend of mine's as well. We get ourselves to a plateau in our lives- we're poor, health problems, You name it- but we hit a "happy". Immediately- A new, creative mess drops in our laps! Not a slight variation to stuff we SHOULD be able to deal with- like this person I am talking about- they had something impossible and horribly annoying happen that has thrown their life into an uproar. It is always- ALWAYS something that makes us- whoever it is happening to, and the one that is told about it- to go "WHAT. THE. F****." Because it is *that* impossible, unusual, nuts, you name it.

Happiness can be found when the landscape does not change every Glob Slam 5 minutes! Think of it as being asleep, and instead of a nice, comfy bed, trying to sleep in a landslide. Or trying to have lunch in the middle of a bombing range during an exercise- in the middle of the bull's eye. THAT is what is making my happiness a tad hard to hold on to.
edit on 31-7-2012 by wylekat because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:36 AM
God was hauling my terrified behind in the opposite direction of Colorado in the months prior to the shooting. I didn't know why, but I had to flee and find someone to tell me what is tormenting me. One person, who was gifted, along the route, gave me a clue: Arapahoe. But there was only one Arapaho I knew of, in Plano Texas, a street. After my fugue, I went up and down that street wondering what was so important there, why did I dread this place. It never occured to me it was about a county in Colorado.

I was exhausted after my trip, the dark cloud not gone, and I checked into a long term boarding in Dallas Texas, stayed for about 2 weeks. There was a woman who was staying there too, she had a supernormal gift of seeing spirits; she said there was a man that was haunting me in my dreams. This was before the event. I still didn't understand until after the massacre who this person was.

I had a dream about this event in 1995, but not exactly. It was a different location I have been haunted by fears of this event to disabling proportions since around 2003. I was a regular chatter in a God-centered chatroom then, where James Holmes was an infrequent chatter too. A teenager, he was an excellent student, and all this time I never connected this horrible event with that person. Only after reading the news that he was studying bird brains in college, did I remember who he was about a decade ago.

Every single day of my life at my job, I would go home an emotional wreck because this was not the day that in my mind, a strange man came in, disgruntled at his loss of a profession, threw explosive devices into the crowd, and proceeded to shoot up the place. This was in southern California around 2003, same county. Did I happen to mention my workplace got bomb threats, the first threat even on the first day I got the job, and only recently could I connect that to cyberstalking through the chat room? Was this shooting a freak event from Holmes, or a buildup after many years of crimes against others in the name of experimenting? Or was it another person there?

No simple thing to describe to anybody who clings to one-reason-fits-all ideologies. Is there a reason he did that to those people?

I had a nervous breakdown in front of a company shrink, and was put on disability, from the terror, back in 2003, from this. Mystery solved, and it only took about a decade of emotional torture.

I'm telling you that God is there, and us puny mortals have an obligation to get God's protection, to hear and obey God. When God says run, run. When God says don't do that, don't do that. Through the Bible there are stories of a few escaping an evil fate as they listened to God and snuck away from the population that was going to be ruined. God is taking care of His own. So when are you going to be one of His own?
edit on 1-8-2012 by Sandalphon because: explosive

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 05:20 AM
You people dont just understand. This goes beyond your simple little lives. To waste my time elaborating would only be of uslessness. For i cannot stop what is to come. Thank you for reading. And god bless

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by gurudsmer

Hello all, Just a tid bit of back round information here.....i myself am a christian and it was not because i was raised that way. I have had personal experiences that were supernatural which led me to what i believe. Am i religious? Some would say so, but i disagree. Religion is a man made system in which you follow rules and then are deemed good enough by other men. I have a relationship with Jesus that is above all religious institutions and i am accountable only to him. I do not hate atheists, gays, muslims ect. Jesus taught to love all regardless of sin for one simple reason....he loved us when we are the least deserving. I am a christian with many, many non christian friends. Now to the point. I do not understand why people question the things that God does. IF you do believe that there is a god(regardless of which one you think exists), do you REALLY think you have the right to question the being that created you and the very air you breath? Here is something to consider for those of you who are christians.....When Israel was defeated and lost there home land, they questioned god as to why he would allow his chosen people to be enslaved and defeated.(sounds familiar right?) But has history took its course we now see that the people who defeated Israel in that time do not even exist anymore, but Israel, 2000 years later became a nation once again. Amazing isn't it? Even though they toppled, God did not forget them and here Israel is a nation once again. God allows tribulation in our life for many reasons. Some we will NEVER understand since how could you possibly understand GOD? Does God allow death and murder? Yes but it is always for a greater purpose. Just because we humans cannot comprehend it, doesn't mean there is no good reason for it. Athiest's-----I do not hate you so do not hate me. I have my beliefs just like you do. Now, i am finished.

This was so wonderfully said, I needed to re-post it.

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