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Jewish Summer Camp in Pennsylvania 'Terrorized'; Five Charged

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posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Notadisinfoagent
Time for the jewish banksters to tell the jewish government officials to tell the jewish owned media and the ADL to label these anti-semites as terrorists. They love using that word these days.

What in the hell are you talking about?

Do you have anything to contribute besides hate?

Using an attack on children as an opportunity to post hate... I think you have the wrong forum.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Djarums

You know exactly what I am talking about when I said America is controlled by zionist infiltrators. If you don't, you're either blissfully unaware or intentionally ignoring the fact this country is dominated by them.

So quick to come to the rescue jewish kids but completely ignore any other kid in the world, dying of starvation or getting shot at.

I'll retract my earlier statement as in hindsight I made a rash statement and there was anger in my words. I'm just sick of the hypocrisy.

"I think you have the wrong forum."
Yeah over the years of my lurking here I think more and more that you may be right.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Notadisinfoagent

So quick to come to the rescue jewish kids but completely ignore any other kid in the world, dying of starvation or getting shot at.

I'm gonna step in on this one. I am the one who posted this story. I've seen people use examples like you before. The whole fallacy of pretending that because someone brings attention to one story that they are ignoring all others. You see that when a celebrity dies. Someone posts about it and there's always at least one person who has to spout something like, "Oh everyone crying about [insert celebrity name here] dying. What about all the average unnamed citizens of the world that die every day? Why don't you care about them?!" Or people act like if you bring attention to ONE issue, for instance global warming, that you ignore every other issue out in the world like children being killed in Palestine. Or after the Haiti earthquake, the "Why do you care what happens to people in Haiti? What about all the people in AMERICA who are starving and homeless?!"

My question is how do you know that he or I or anyone is "completely ignoring any other kid in the world, dying of starvation or getting shot at"? How do you know our level of involvement in these things? Where do you get the audacity to make such an unsubstantiated and bogus claim about anyone?

I'll answer you how I answer people like you who say the same exact thing that you said: Bringing this to people's attention does NOT mean I ignore what happens to children worldwide every single day of the year. News flash, buddy: It's very possible, in fact probable, and downright SIMPLE to care about more than one issue! It can be done and is done every single day by millions of people. I mean, because someone cares about the environment they can't care about starving children in Africa? Because someone cares about the treatment of the Palestinian people they also can't be involved with the Free Tibet movement? If someone cares a species going extinct somewhere in the world they can't care about immigration reform in America also?

Your argument is a completely irrational false dichotomy. Voicing your opinion about ONE THING on a thread does not mean you don't care about other issues.

I must say, though, I think you have made history. You may be the first person to accuse a Muslim of caring more about Jewish children than other children who are suffering worldwide. Take a bow.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:39 PM
All you people minimizing and defending the rednecks would be singing a different tune if it was your kids being harassed and shot at with paint balls. You people are sick in denial or perhaps just woefully ignorant. I hope the latter.

Tenth...blown out of proportion? Deny Ignorance! To target kids in this manner is 'Terrorism'

I wonder who views the above video as just a bunch of pranksters out for a fun evening.

I'll bet you think water boarding isn't torture as well.

edit on 26-7-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Coolerabdullah, my post was not in response to you, but to Djarums. And it was barely directed at him/her. I notice certain members discussing only a certain side of a story, and I know I can't say if any one person on this site "has an agenda"(don't we all), but I have been getting increasingly frustrated with world affairs and I now realize that what I said wasn't related to the thread topic very much. I apologize for that. I was wrong.

I have read many of your posts, and I find that you are a level-headed man and I agree with you. Your earlier points about the celeb stories etc have reminded me that highlighting one event does not ignore the rest. I was overcome by a weak moment. This will be my last post in this thread to stop further derailing your thread.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Notadisinfoagent

Thank you for your compliments and your apologies are welcomed and accepted. Everyone gets frustrated from time to time and makes mistakes. Allah knows I do myself. It takes a big person to admit those mistakes.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:20 PM
While I completely understand where you are coming from OP, would you consider this a hate crime if it had been blacks riding through an all white neighborhood doing the same??? Shouting epithets like 'cracker' or 'honkey'??? Be completely honest OP. If the racial coin were reversed would you even care? I am not saying that what these men did was right. On the contrary, I believe that what these men did was highly unintelligent and devoid of purpose. But I would like you to answer my question none the less and be completely truthful.

There were 7 black individuals not too long ago in the state of Tennessee that tortured raped and killed two innocent white college students and it was barely even touched upon on news channels and papers. No one screamed for justice or even mentioned the racial bias that more than likely motivated these acts. It's no surprise that HATE CRIME wasn't even mentioned at all what so ever. But if it had been 7 white men who tortured and killed 2 black students you bet your a$$ the media would have ran it through the ringer. The race card doesn't work as well for us as it does for blacks, and white on black slavery has been over for far too long to claim that it has anything to do with the blatant disregard for justice concerning racially motivated crimes against whites. So please don't pull that card.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by toxicblud

Yes, I would consider it the same? Why do you ask me that question? Why do you assume it would be otherwise? Because by my avatar picture it appears I am a Black man?

Forgive me but your post reeks of a bit of jealousy towards what you perceive as injustices against White people being ignored by the MSM. I can understand your frustrations. Most so-called ethnic minorities understand your frustration all too well. Let's not forget that attention being paid to travesties against people of color is only a fairly recent thing.

You seem very mad that this instance wasn't more highly covered, that people weren't massively informed about it. So I have to ask, what did you do to bring it to people's attention? Did you do anything? Did you post it on numerous forums online? Did you try to raise awareness? Did you call your local news? Did you contact national news? Did you try to spread the word? If not, why not? And if not why are you bringing it up now? Why are you attacking the posting of this news story that I, a Muslim and a Black man, posted about Jewish youths being terrorized by some obviously racist White people?

Furthermore, I am not calling you a liar but I would like to see some evidence of this crime. Are there any news stories I can look up? What were the names of the individuals? The names of the perpetrators?

Seems to me that myself (and others who post stories like this) aren't the problem. The media is the problem. So why are you "attacking" me and questioning how I would feel if the tables were turned and it was Black youths doing this to a White kids Summer Camp? I didn't tell the media not to, or barely to, cover the story.

Finally, I don't fully get your outrage. I have not seen the OP story blasted all over the news. I stumbled upon this story by accident myself. So it's not like because this was Jewish kids that it was on every news station nationwide, every hour on the hour, and a crime against two White colllege students was completely ignored.

My personal feeling is that you harbor some resentment to the "special treatment" that you feel Black people and so-called ethnic minorities receive, which is, in my very humble opinion, completely absurd. I also feel you may have some buried racial issues that you need to get to the bottom of. I say this with utmost compassion and respect. I am not making digs at you. I'm genuinely concerned for you and your overall well-being.

And no one is playing a "race card." I hate seeing that false accusation almost as much as I hate seeing people making every possible thing a race issue. Now some things ARE legitimate race issues (the OP being one, in my humble opinion), but not everything that is labelled "racism" is. But it makes you and your argument look just as bad when you throw out the phrase "race card" as if racial crimes do not happen at all, that it is just so-called ethnic minorities overreacting to perceived slights against them. That's not reality in the least bit. Reality is that racism is indeed real.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

First of all, I never said that racism wasn't real, so it seems to me that your'e trying to push the racism issue even further into light. Please please please do not act like you care about my well being hahahahahahaha!! Stop it. If you google the story of the two Tennessee kids you'll find it I'm sure. I don't really care if YOU know about it, it wouldn't matter if you did. Yes, I did post this story on many websites including social networking sites. No one cared then and no one will care now. I was only trying to make a point with the story. Yes, I suppose I do have some racial resentment but let's be honest, who doesn't??? Anyone who claims they don't is a damn liar. I find it funny how you say in the beginning of your reply, WHY BECAUSE I'M A BLACK MAN?! I would have asked my question regardless of your skin color but the fact that you attack me right off the rip because your'e black proves that everyone does have racial resentment and you are no different. I apologize if you felt as if I was attacking you, it's just my attitude and my question was not meant as an attack.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by toxicblud

Oh boy. Here we go. My reply is only going to be brief because I refuse to get into an argument with you. Clearly you are one of those guys who has a chip on his shoulder and likes to manipulate people. You can even take my honestly sincere post and try to turn it into an argument.

Firstly, you are not going to post the story about what happened. Instead you tell me to look it up when you could have easily shared it. Secondly you are wrong that I do not/would not care about this story. Thirdly, I did not "yell" (in all caps) "WHY BECAUSE I'M A BLACK MAN"? Anyone who can read can see that. Anyone with comprehension skills will see that I was genuinely asking if my race was the reason why you asked that question. My point was do you think that since I'm Black I would not care about that story? If you think that, which you obviously do, you are wrong. 100%. Fourth, I was not "attacking" you by asking the question I asked. I also don't know what you mean by I attacked you right off the rip because I'm Black. You are now saying that my being Black made me attack you? Hmmm.

Finally, I do not have any racial resentment whatsoever. I don't make excuses. I make my own way in life (with the blessings of Allah). If I am discriminated against, I don't make excuses. I march forward and overcome. There is absolutely 100% no reacial resentment in me. By your own admission you have some, but don't try to project that onto me and others by falsely claiming that EVERYONE has racial resentment (a claim you cannot possibly back up with evidence).

So I am now done with this and any future responses to you. You have a very bad attitude that clouds your judgment and your rationality and affects the way you interact with people online and probably in real life. I've met guys like you before. You are not pleasant to be around.

I pray that one day you come to terms with in a healthy way whatever it is in life that bothers you so much. Until you do, you will be weighed down by those demons and your life will continue to be miserable.

Peace be upon you!

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Peace to you Allah-mode. Hopefully these blessings your'e receiving from............yeah.....will shine upon me so that I can get rid of these 'Demons' that are obviously weighing me down. Demons have never been that bad of company in my life....Sooooo...Have a good night ya freedom fighting good guy. I hope that fake good guy badge on your robe doesn't 'weigh' YOU down. By the way, when the white guy is right and the black guy is wrong.....that's where they tuck tail and run. Nighty night bro.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 10:14 AM
At this point the only thing I have left to say is there are bigots from every background/culture/race/religion.

When they act out, as in the story in the OP here, it's an embarrassment to all people.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower not cool firstly.


I object to the idea that whole camp of adults and kids were "terrorized" by a few rednecks with some paint ball guns and harsh words.

Can we agree this is a bit of a exaggeration?

These children were terrorized and in fear for their lives by the actions of this group," Edwards said in the release. "The vicious, cruel and obscene nature of the language hurled at the campers is unspeakable. Luckily none of the children suffered any serious physical injury, however, the emotional damage is immeasurable."

It's immeasurable? Are you kidding me.

I mean, I thought this was the media using the word..

Nope, District Attorney..


You kind of left out the speeding truck part. I think when you combine all the parts of the story terrorized seems to fit if you ask me. Just saying.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Do you teach children to just always be offended and terrorized when some idiot opens his mouth with ignorance and hate?

Or do you teach them to stand up to that ignorance? To let it not bother them because firstly, what these rednecks were saying is nonsense. Secondly, it's nonsense. Thirdly, feeding these trolls only serves to justify their hatred filled fantasies.

I would much rather ( as I have ) provide my children with the tools and knowledge to call out and defend themselves against racial and cultural hatred, than allow it to permanently "damage" them as this story implies.


posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

No, I do not believe in teaching children to be terrorized and offended, but that doesn't mean that they didn't naturally feel that way as a result of what happened. It doesn't mean that they were taught to feel terrorized and offended. The bottom line is, though, that they did. And I think there is nothing wrong with them feeling that way. As they get older I'm sure they will better understand and be more able to take a stand.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower not cool firstly.


I object to the idea that whole camp of adults and kids were "terrorized" by a few rednecks with some paint ball guns and harsh words.

Can we agree this is a bit of a exaggeration?

These children were terrorized and in fear for their lives by the actions of this group," Edwards said in the release. "The vicious, cruel and obscene nature of the language hurled at the campers is unspeakable. Luckily none of the children suffered any serious physical injury, however, the emotional damage is immeasurable."

It's immeasurable? Are you kidding me.

I mean, I thought this was the media using the word..

Nope, District Attorney..


Seriously, how about people grow thicker skins. It happened, they got caught, move on. I seriously doubt that theyll need counseling for the rest of their lives because someone called them a (fill in the blank) jew and shot a paintball at them.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Then making a bigger deal out of it, than it actually is, only makes them defenseless longer.


posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

But this is where you and I (and others) differ on this. I don't think they were making a bigger deal out of it than it was. The kids were scared. I think it's wrong to downplay the way they felt.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by toxicblud
While I completely understand where you are coming from OP, would you consider this a hate crime if it had been blacks riding through an all white neighborhood doing the same??? Shouting epithets like 'cracker' or 'honkey'??? Be completely honest OP. If the racial coin were reversed would you even care? I am not saying that what these men did was right. On the contrary, I believe that what these men did was highly unintelligent and devoid of purpose. But I would like you to answer my question none the less and be completely truthful.

There were 7 black individuals not too long ago in the state of Tennessee that tortured raped and killed two innocent white college students and it was barely even touched upon on news channels and papers. No one screamed for justice or even mentioned the racial bias that more than likely motivated these acts. It's no surprise that HATE CRIME wasn't even mentioned at all what so ever. But if it had been 7 white men who tortured and killed 2 black students you bet your a$$ the media would have ran it through the ringer. The race card doesn't work as well for us as it does for blacks, and white on black slavery has been over for far too long to claim that it has anything to do with the blatant disregard for justice concerning racially motivated crimes against whites. So please don't pull that card.

I would be interested to know more details about this story. What was the outcome? Were these men convicted and if so what were they convicted of? Most people don't become extremely outraged over a crime when they feel justice has been served. This could be a reason for a lack of coverage. I don't know details so this is pure speculation. In the case of the OP we seem to have some debate as to what these men should be charged with. Does the punishment fit the crime?

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