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why cant we just admit we are all at least a little bigotted somtimes?

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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:01 PM
This is my first op, didn't want it to be a rant, however it needs to adressed. I have seen, we will call in the last year, at least 100 instances of someone trying to have intelligent discourse about a sensitive topic( which ones aren't important) and it gets derailed every time by people being bigotted about somthing while at the same time acussing others of being bigots.

Look, we are all adults here( well maybe not) there is no reason we shouldn't be able to look past the stink of our neighbors crap and smell our own. None of us is nearly as perfect as many keep claiming.

So once again, why is it that some of you are more than willing to point out the shortcomings of others while in the same sentence unleashing your own idiotic bigotry in an air of superiority for having shown them they are racist/bigots...etc

For example, I was reading some of the responses in the "gay agenda" thread. At one time in one sentece I saw a member deny ignorance, and expose their own. It was quite distasteful, to see. The commentor made a couple good points, followed by obvious racially motivated negative stereotypes. That isn't the only time, there are many more examples, and I won't claim to be innocent, I honestly don't believe I have said anything that would belittle others because of race/religion...etc as I try to take into account that others lives and experiences may have been entirely different from my own. However that does not mean that even tbough unintentional it didn't occur, so just as maybe my intent was not to offend, offense may have been taken. And as such maybe i just misunderstood, if that is the case than disreguard this post, andenjoy your lives.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:08 PM
hi op

good point

i admit im a biggot and a hypocrite
but that point where i am one of them, it soon gets squashed and reason kiks in

i also admit that since joining ats and getting knocked down now and again,
i have certainly learnt that im wrong, and in some cases right
i say its a great learning curve

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by davesmart
hi opgood point
i admit im a biggot and a hypocrite
but that point where i am one of them, it soon gets squashed and reason kiks in
i also admit that since joining ats and getting knocked down now and again,
i have certainly learnt that im wrong, and in some cases right
i say its a great learning curve
Thats the first step towards enlightenment
Always look at yourself and evaluate before making any comments and judgements towards others
See my signature below for the thread that I started for people to contribute as per what they have learned so far after joining ATS

edit on 24-7-2012 by hp1229 because: add content

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by davesmart

Thanks for your honesty, I am not asking for perfection, I know this to unatainable. I am only asking for others to take a whiff of their own brand before they start complaining about the smell of others.

Also, I know I have many shortcomings as well. I am very oppinionated, but over the years have learned to shut the hell up SOMTIMES! LOL, you guys should have seen me in my twenties, lord was I a fireball.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

you are right, we are all humans with flaws.
It is hard to see you own, or maybe we just don't want to.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by conjury

I know I don't like to see the faults in my own actions, I love the idea that I am perfect at all times in all situations, to bad that is only fiction.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:25 PM
we all have our good sides and bad sides inside of us, I think the key is to work on the good side. The point is you have a choice about how you choose to behave and treat others.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:49 PM
we all have a bit of tribalism in us, its human nature, we don't like that which is different from us.

And here the thing, Stereotypes exist for a reason, Ive worked as management in diverse areas and Ive seen all the stereotypes in play

From the Hispanic that refused to learn english, to the chronically late African American, and even the stereotypical Miserly Jewish man.

These all exisit because a small subset of the population exhibits these bad behaviors in general, and the truth is their are far less of the negative Stereotypes, its just what people focus on because of their own inherent distrust of what is different.

Its a Bias that takes place on an almost unconscious level.

The question becomes, are you an animal, or are you a reasoning thinking human being who can overcome their baser instincts and prejudices...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 04:07 PM
I'm bigoted regarding bigots and the willfully ignorant. Beyond that not so much -- there for the grace of god go I.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Sigh, there's a lot of bigotry both ways, it's not just one group doing it to another.

People are incapable of seeing their own bigotry and hypocrisy.

Of course they can't admit it either because if you admit you're wrong in any way shape or or form people will rip you a new one.

There is no real respect anywhere in the world. Respect has to be enforced, because people are too caught up in their confirmation bias to understand how they might sound to other people.

And it's far too easy to discredit anybody arguing with calling them bigot.

It's an extremely popular tactic to use, because it instantly derails the topic and shuts down open and honest discussion, because you have to defend yourself from these retarded accusations.

However, the other problem is when there's real and true racism, the racists will never admit to it and think they are being victimized for their beliefs because all they're doing is being the good ole boy fighting the good fight. You have to oppose real racism, such as antisemitism and liberal bigotry whenever it rears its ugly head.

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