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Consensus.. or lack there of..

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posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:58 PM

"United we stand, divided we fall" is a phrase that has been used in mottos, from nations and states to songs. The basic concept is that unless the people are united, it is easy to destroy them.

Quoted from Source

We must build general consensus, or we are doomed to fall apart, be divided, and dispatched as a disorganized bunch that we have become.

We do not agree on who the bad guys are.

We do not agree on how best to oppose said "bad guys".

We do not agree about religion, race, color, or creed.

We do not agree on violence, and when it is appropriate.

We do not agree on how to even treat each other.

It is true, everyone has an opinion, and generally, in the views of someone else, our opinion stinks because it does not mesh with their opinion. This is the problem: There is very little respect for other individual opinion(s). and considerably less attempt to work to understand each other.

How in the world are we to move forward if no one ever agrees, or understands others viewpoints. The only way things seem to get done any more is if someone rams it down our throat, to where we simply give up because we're tired of it.

Who is right, and who is wrong, or rather "I am right, and everyone else is wrong" is a bad mentality that seems to have permeated its way into everyone's thinking. If we do not change such mentality, we are doomed to ruin.

Divides are created many ways, the most basic is to alienate someone for their views and perspectives because they differ from your own.
edit on 29-6-2012 by Cygnis because: ETA source link.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 03:20 PM
And that's a good thing, to some extent. There's always the danger of consensus becoming groupthink and ideology, and then we're in trouble.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Cygnis

How in the world are we to move forward if no one ever agrees, or understands others viewpoints.

Who's viewpoints?

We are NOT "one" and cannot all think the same thing. Live with the beauty of chaos, it's everywhere.

Isn't that great?

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by XeroOne
And that's a good thing, to some extent. There's always the danger of consensus becoming groupthink and ideology, and then we're in trouble.

There has to be a middle ground here. The people are almost as divided as congress at this point. Just look at ATS for example. Pick almost any thread, and there is all sort's of altering view-points, and it's usually not very constructive to coming to a solution or to a consensus on things.

Without a consensus nothing can be solved. A consensus is achieved by "discussion" and working towards a middle ground. Thus coming to a agreed to solution or standing, and moving on from there..

Originally posted by nerbot

Originally posted by Cygnis

How in the world are we to move forward if no one ever agrees, or understands others viewpoints.

Who's viewpoints?

We are NOT "one" and cannot all think the same thing. Live with the beauty of chaos, it's everywhere.

Isn't that great?

No we are not "one" and but we can reach a point where we agree.

For instance, Americans and the Constitution we hold dear. There is consensus there on it being the Law of the Land. But take most anything else, and there is questionable consensus.

Order comes from Chaos, Chaos comes from order.. They are one in the same. At this point Chaos needs to start to shift to order.. Think of it as a pendulum, swings back and forth between Chaos, and Order.

No it's not great when the world needs solutions. Be it for Energy, or for War, and everything else in-between..

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:05 PM

edit on 29/6/2012 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

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