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Are you a closet prepper?

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posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by olaru12

Perhaps, but I'd rather go down with honor outside in the open air, than hiding in a stinking hole scared ****less that someone's gonna get my stuff.

I guess it's just a personal preference...

"Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives."

--A. Sachs
edit on 2-7-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

Not all that hide are scared.

Not all hippies are peacefull when push comes to shove.

Not all quiet preppers just have veg in their garden.

If you have to hide to live, then do it. Live later.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one
If ever you're on the rampage when the SHTF, stop by for a cuppa. If you get brave and try it on, i'll get my elsest to make you one....that will kill anyone off.

edit on 2/7/12 by CX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Maxatoria

Some people in the uk may be more prepared then you think, having lived in an isolated place for a while ,,, quite a long while where the nearest shop was 12 miles away u learn to prepare in advance.You sock up on things like flour yeast, bottled water , canned goods , dried goods etc.Now living in a big city im no different its a hard habit to break, i still make my own jams preserves and bread.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 05:26 PM
When I got married my husband used to joke and call me the pantry can queen, then we had a blizzard. Nope couldn't get out for about three days. Pantry queen right, ever since then we have been preping. My Mom had old cupboards in the basement fullof hame canned and store bought foods. She grew up during the depression and it carried over into her adult life. To me it was antural to have extras on hand. We now have fuel, alternate heat sourses, guns,amo, and are learnignn Morse Code. Just signed up for a Ham radio couse. Need to know what is going on out there if and when SHTF. I agree that it is a form of insurance. Our grown children prep also. Just be careful who you include in your circle. "Loose Lips Sink Ships." Just my thoughts.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by CX

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one
If ever you're on the rampage when the SHTF, stop by for a cuppa. If you get brave and try it on, i'll get my elsest to make you one....that will kill anyone off.

Thank amigo, I have no idea what a "cuppa" is or an "elsest" for that matter; but kindness and honesty will be met with in kind, even by us "scooter trash" should we meet.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 09:23 AM
Yup, I keep lots of my food in a closet. Darn it, I should have built a pantry when I built the house.


posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 09:24 AM

A cuppa = cup of tea.

"Elsest" = eldest mispelled lol.


posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by imnothereru

One of the rare ones then as alot of the people i see/speak to now seem to live more day to day due to less money so theres virtually never anything in the cupboard/fridge when you visit them and they have no idea of food shortages but having parents who grew up during/just after the war they're used to the rationing and make do and mend mentality where nothing gets wasted certainly helps

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 02:28 PM
Yeah, I guess I'm a closet prepper. Absolutley none of the people in my circle, including my husband think it's important to even have water stashed away let alone food or any other supplies. What shocks me even more is that the majority of people in my neighborhood are older people and A LOT of handicapped people, I would have thought the old people would like remember the 'old days' when more people had canned goods for months and actually took care of themselves and maybe even their neighbors. If I even bring up the subject I am ridiculed and labled 'crazy'. The general consensus around here is 'oh the government will save us with their FEMA tents and all" Are you kidding me!? Instead of taking a little time and effort to be prepared for whatever may lay ahead, they think it's acceptable to just sit back and wait for someone else to take care of them. This just blows my mind especially given the fact that where we live there is only one road in and out with a mountain on one side and the ocean on the other. Um hello? All it takes ia a minor rock slide and we are cut off people! Heck, even a small tsunami would wipe out our road! I'm not saying the gov. won't come or, I just don't see why people can't be the slightest bit self sufficient. If you have absolutley no money at all to buy anything that is one thing but if you even spend $5 per week you can have a nice little safety net hidden away.
Sorry, I feel like I'm ranting here so back to the subject. I have to hide and sneak to be prepared as my husband is planning on just waiting for FEMA to save him and all our friends. I stash water in every conceivable place in my tiny apartment, as well as foods. I have built shelving out of 2 litre bottles of water and boards. People that come over always say "wow what a great idea to recycle that way". HA! I'm not really doing it to recycle, the water bottles are just more of my emergency stash (because I have no more room under my bed)for my self, husband and yes even my "anti being prepared neighbors and friends" The boards I use are carefully planned out as well, every board I use for the shelves is the right length to use to board up my windows if need be. I've hoped that since everybody thinks this (kinda ugly) shelving is such a great idea they will maybe do the same, all in the name of recycling
Yeah right, a girl can only dream.
I am also starting to learn more about self defense under the disguise of exercising so I may have a little better edge on taking care of myself in a hostile situation. I fear that if the time comes when it's time to 'bug out' I will be going alone because Mr. Oblivious to the condition of the world around him, also known as my husband, refuses to even consider the thought that no one will come to help him.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 02:31 PM
I don't know about being a closet prepper, but I clearly prep my closet.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 02:36 PM
I would be interested to see if there aer any preppers on the Eastern seaboard that managed to put their prepping to good use during the power outage.

Can someone please message me if you fit this category and advise as to how it went?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Celestial1
Yeah, I guess I'm a closet prepper. Absolutley none of the people in my circle, including my husband think it's important to even have water stashed away let alone food or any other supplies. What shocks me even more is that the majority of people in my neighborhood are older people and A LOT of handicapped people, I would have thought the old people would like remember the 'old days' when more people had canned goods for months and actually took care of themselves and maybe even their neighbors. If I even bring up the subject I am ridiculed and labled 'crazy'. The general consensus around here is 'oh the government will save us with their FEMA tents and all" Are you kidding me!? Instead of taking a little time and effort to be prepared for whatever may lay ahead, they think it's acceptable to just sit back and wait for someone else to take care of them. This just blows my mind especially given the fact that where we live there is only one road in and out with a mountain on one side and the ocean on the other. Um hello? All it takes ia a minor rock slide and we are cut off people! Heck, even a small tsunami would wipe out our road! I'm not saying the gov. won't come or, I just don't see why people can't be the slightest bit self sufficient. If you have absolutley no money at all to buy anything that is one thing but if you even spend $5 per week you can have a nice little safety net hidden away.
Sorry, I feel like I'm ranting here so back to the subject. I have to hide and sneak to be prepared as my husband is planning on just waiting for FEMA to save him and all our friends. I stash water in every conceivable place in my tiny apartment, as well as foods. I have built shelving out of 2 litre bottles of water and boards. People that come over always say "wow what a great idea to recycle that way". HA! I'm not really doing it to recycle, the water bottles are just more of my emergency stash (because I have no more room under my bed)for my self, husband and yes even my "anti being prepared neighbors and friends" The boards I use are carefully planned out as well, every board I use for the shelves is the right length to use to board up my windows if need be. I've hoped that since everybody thinks this (kinda ugly) shelving is such a great idea they will maybe do the same, all in the name of recycling
Yeah right, a girl can only dream.
I am also starting to learn more about self defense under the disguise of exercising so I may have a little better edge on taking care of myself in a hostile situation. I fear that if the time comes when it's time to 'bug out' I will be going alone because Mr. Oblivious to the condition of the world around him, also known as my husband, refuses to even consider the thought that no one will come to help him.

You just need to get him to watch newsreel of what happened in the first week after hurricane Katrina, if he thinks the Government will always be there to help out.

Good for you.

We're not really preppers, but we always have a good supply of canned and other non perishable items around. My fiance doesn't even realize that moset of the stuff we buy in our regular grocery shopping can be used in this manner.

She didn't even question why when I told her I'm starting a LARGE vegetable and herb garden, and doesn't question why we have ten 18 L water bottles for the two of us.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 04:04 PM
I don't know that I am a closet anything, but I live in Colorado. Being prepared is an absolute must. You never know when the weather will get bad or when you might be stuck at home till the snow clears or the power goes out.. or or or.. I'm not stupid, I always stay prepared!

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