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Seeing Past the Meme

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posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:11 AM
Here is my attempt at trying to deconstruct the social paradigm that most unknowingly accept.To break free from the conditioned mindset you first have to know that you have been conditioned. A position I feel many are not aware of. I'd be interested to hear what anyone thinks.

Transcript -

As a collective we have been sold a meme so pervasive that most have accepted it as there own idea. We buy into the ideologies set forth to us by the media, the political rhetoric, the education system, the cultural and social influences to such a degree, that we have built a fictional shared consensus. This consensus mandates that personal success is gauged in our ability to clime the economic ladder, to collect more bits of paper called money than our neighbours, so we can buy more goods that we simply do not need. We have been taught that consumption for the sake of consumption is a worthy attribute, because it contributes to the financial growth of the economy. While the truth is you cannot maintain infinite economic growth when it is dependant on the finite resources of our world. Why should we have to pay others to live on the land we were born on?

The meme locks us into servitude through the use of false scarcity. Nature gives freely, but the ruling classes have cast their net of restriction, which severs the natural abundance the world offers as our birth right. They have done this through turning the monetary supply into a privately owned, debt based instrument of control. In today's society, money is born out of debt, the sum total of which can never be paid back as the debt never gets issued, only the principle. This creates a never ending vacuum that syphons off wealth from the masses to those that own the banks. We have become financial slaves through forced dependence on this system. Although most believe they are free through the unwritten rules that they unknowingly follow.

Through a consistent barrage of propaganda, Mr Average has come to accept that he is the lowest wrung on the societal ladder. He never questions those he believes are of higher authority than him. If only he knew that sovereignty comes from the people, not from any institution, regardless of their grandiose claims. You are the highest authority in your life. And so it is up to you to author your own life story.

Government cannot grant you a thing, it can only place limitations on that which was rightfully yours to begin with. It has no basis in tangible reality. It is an agreement between people to act as a representative institution. Being a fictional entity it can only interact with other fictional entities. This gives rise to what is known as your straw man or corporate person. It is not you and so stands to reason that the only way government can force you to comply with its demands is if you agree that you are this fictional corporate entity.

People are scared to brake free from the general consensus, as it means taking responsibility for ones own actions. It is said that some do not want to wake up from their waking dream as it would shatter their illusion of reality. The meme has such a firm grasp that the amount of time and energy invested in it is directly proportional to the unwillingness to give it up. This resistance comes from a place of fear, a worry of never having enough, fear of reprimand for disobeying orders. The adult elephant tied to a small tree never breaks free because of a lack of physical strength, but because of years of conditioned belief from when it could not break free as a baby.

The meme is an illusion. It exists in the minds of men and women. Therefor it is only in the mind that independence from it can arise. It comes down to an understanding of who you are as a sovereign being, with the unalienable right to live freely, without the threat of intimidation or coercion. Freedom truly is a state of mind. Further more, freedom comes down to a choice: Love or Fear. Which do you choose to live your life by?

To participate with your own enslavement is either an act of insanity or ignorance. The system is dependent on our belief that it is real. You only validate the authority of that which you protest against. The meme cannot survive if we choose to simply walk away and write our own script. The key to our freedom is peaceful mass non compliance.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:44 AM
Thank you for posting such a well thought out and put together video.

I don't want this thread to go unnoticed so I will have a go at debating something within it.

Originally posted by Namaste1001
The meme locks us into servitude through the use of false scarcity. Nature gives freely, but the ruling classes have cast their net of restriction, which severs the natural abundance the world offers as our birth right. They have done this through turning the monetary supply into a privately owned, debt based instrument of control. In today's society, money is born out of debt, the sum total of which can never be paid back as the debt never gets issued, only the principle. This creates a never ending vacuum that syphons off wealth from the masses to those that own the banks. We have become financial slaves through forced dependence on this system. Although most believe they are free through the unwritten rules that they unknowingly follow.

What I think I see happening at the moment is the ruling class actually losing some of its illusion of control.

In the past labour thrived through (as you say earlier in the post) competition between labourers, a sense that your labour was rewarded by monetary gain and a rise upwards through the social ranks (even though in reality people were only ever given just enough to maintain a life that necessitated them continuing to labour within the system), now however the system can not even sustain that illusion and we start to see peoples labour being rewarded with the labourer actually becoming worse off, losing what little they had already gained (i.e. loss of job / status / property)

Without the illusion of reward for work people start to see the system for what it is (a means of producing more capital for the ruling class) and that competition between the labourers is replaced with a camaraderie against the system of enslavement, which I think is what we are seeing with things like the occupy movement.
edit on 15-6-2012 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 05:26 AM
Memes are present everywhere in our society. We are not aware of many, which is why it is difficult to say which is which. Whether love and/or hate, these are concepts relative in nature. Frankly, they do not mean anything as generic terms sound nice but do not contribute to the paradigm as a whole.


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