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Design your own Heaven

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posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Have you ever contemplated what Heaven will be like? I have, even though I consider myself agnostic.

My idea of Heaven may seem strange to others. Sure, I want to reconnect with those I've lost, but there's more than that in my Heaven.

My Heaven would allow me to observe OR participate in the entire universe, from beginning to end. I could watch the first appearance of life on Earth, and watch it develop over millennia. Might sound incredibly boring, but in my Heaven I will not experience time in the same way as on Earth. So eons may seem as minutes, and minutes as endless ages.

I want to be present at major historical events; both as an observer and as a participant. I have no desire to change history, but to experience it in a visceral way. And yes, this includes the pain and torment felt during such cataclysmic moments in human history.

I want to know what it was like to live as a Roman gladiator, an Egyptian priestess, a Jewish theologian, a citizen of Acre during the Crusades, a serf under King John, a courtier in King Henry Viii's court, a colonial, and a plantation slave. These are just a small fraction of what I want to experience.

I know that sounds choose to experience suffering in Heaven. But I happen to believe that learning comes through experience...and to experience everything is my idea of Heaven.

So there you have Utopia. Now it's your turn.

What is your Heaven like?

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 02:49 PM
This is the best description of Heaven I have ever read, Percy Collett went to heaven for 5 & 1/2 days. (I've been reading these for years BTW).

Very few people have heard of this man, he knew and worked with Smith Wigglesworth at one point. After he had this experience, the Pope asked him to come to the Vatican because he heard that Dr. Collett spoke to Jesus and Mary while he was in Heaven. He also saw JFK in a part of Heaven called the "outer perimeter". He saw dinosaurs there also.

The Modesto Bee

"Percy was born in England, met his first angel after his mother died when he was five, met the same angel again in 1917, was baptized "in tongues" in 1921, studied medicine on the Kaiser’s former yacht in Sydney Harbour 1924-1927, spent four years in military school, served in the US navy, became a medical missionary in Brazil in 1933, served as a US army doctor in World War 2, and has been married for 60 years.

"I met the Devil alone in the jungle… I walked right over him."

"All the Bishops of Rome voted 100% for me to go to Rome to tell them about Heaven."

"I asked Abraham, "How long have you been here?", and he said: "A day or so"

"I’ve never begged a dime but rely only on faith."

"When people tell me to see a psychiatrist I tell them ‘I am a psychiatrist’."

"I’ve been interrogated by 400 lawyers. But they couldn’t shake my story."

For seven years in the 1970s Percy fasted and prayed: "Let me see your glory."


Dr. Percy Collet prayed for 7 1/2 years to see heaven. He was a missionary to the Amazon jungle when God honored his request and took him to heaven for 5 and 1/2 days. Collett and 250 Indians and missionaries prayed for eight days to God to show them Heaven. On the 9th day everyone saw angels in the sky and on the 10th they were all "struck down by the glory of God". Then: "My soul came out of my body. Your soul is God's intelligence in you."

As my soul had left my body and my soul looked down at my own body, my guardian Angel, who had been with me for so many years, said to me: "We are going to take the Journey. I have not been in Heaven since you were born and at the time I appeared to you in Edgehill." My soul and the Angel stood there in expectation as everyone else was still lying on their backs under the power of THE LIVING GOD. We were the only ones standing.

An eight foot angel with a flaming sword took Percy's soul on a six hour journey through space to a great planet called Heaven. "It's over two trillion miles away. We passed two light years in one hour." After passing the sun at millions of miles a minute, we came to another sun and another solar system and planets all around it. Heaven is a real planet 80 times bigger than the earth and 2,000,000 miles around. LINK

Here are some links for anyone who wants to read about this:

YouTube Video (audio only meat & potatoes only - edited to 3 hours)

In the book he mostly writes about his family and his earthly life, the video & audio files focus more on his trip to heaven.

I walked in Heaven with Jesus (PDF only)

Percy Collett MP3s and Book

edit on 12-6-2012 by Murgatroid because: Added link

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 03:48 PM

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 08:48 PM
My ideal heaven is what I term the ‘truth’.

We die and there is nothing, no thought, no emotions, no spirit, no energy, just nothing as we have ceased to exist.

To think that there is ‘something else’ is only a way to cope with the fact that you don’t like or are simply scared of the most logical & truthful answer.

I think ceasing to exist is more beautiful & peaceful than any imaginary heaven ever would be.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

S&F !

How I would like to see long lost loved ones again !

I believe that our soul lives on after we pass. But I have no clue as to what I will see, or feel...time will tell.

Here's a nice story from KingLizard, an ATS Super Mod. An old thread but a good one !

My Near Death Experience and Ascent to Heaven

edit on 12-6-2012 by SonoftheSun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Heaven, for me, is a space to reenergize. A freedom to rest in true love. An authority provided to listen for my yearnings and if my yearnings are to be with us, loving us, a power to return my spirit to us as a new life. A life then specially blessed to be of help to us by the One Who loves us most.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 02:05 AM
To say that "non existence is peaceful" is silly, your non existence is not peace to you, because you are not there to feel that peace. Actually that statement is a statement of belief in the souls immortality. Further....To come up with your own idea of heaven is like saying "mars is full of cats ", or " "China is so beautiful" when you havent been there, and have not even listened in the slightest way to someone who has. The best choice we can make here is by listening to Jesus who was sent to earth from God who is in heaven, and he rose to life and went back there. He tells us that heaven is two things, firstly an inward state that's achieved by the forgiveness of sins and the indwelling Holy Spirit thanks to his death and resurrection, and secondly it's an actual place, where those who have been acquitted of their sins and love God with all their hearts will go after this life is over. The clock is ticking, we don't have forever to accept Jesus, don't believe this world, or the media! Believe the bible, we will all end up with God in heaven or in hell, for lack of faith & foolishly following this worlds thinking if for nothing else.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Drewber
To say that "non existence is peaceful" is silly, your non existence is not peace to you, because you are not there to feel that peace. Actually that statement is a statement of belief in the souls immortality. Further....To come up with your own idea of heaven is like saying "mars is full of cats ", or " "China is so beautiful" when you havent been there, and have not even listened in the slightest way to someone who has. The best choice we can make here is by listening to Jesus who was sent to earth from God who is in heaven, and he rose to life and went back there. He tells us that heaven is two things, firstly an inward state that's achieved by the forgiveness of sins and the indwelling Holy Spirit thanks to his death and resurrection, and secondly it's an actual place, where those who have been acquitted of their sins and love God with all their hearts will go after this life is over. The clock is ticking, we don't have forever to accept Jesus, don't believe this world, or the media! Believe the bible, we will all end up with God in heaven or in hell, for lack of faith & foolishly following this worlds thinking if for nothing else.

And you know Christianity is the one true religion how?

I spent years studying comparative theology, even have a degree in it. If you want to discuss Christianity, be prepared to answer some very hard questions.

But that wasn't the purpose of this thread. And I think you know that.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 09:39 AM
I've always imagined Heaven to be whatever you want it to be, but not in the 3rd dimension. I guess the whole clouds in the sky thing was just a common idea of heaven many people had and that's why so many Christians imagine that as heaven.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

What if heaven is your imagination/desire/fantasy, and you ARE still there AND here in a human body participating/observing but while you are here you think heaven/imaginary/desire/fantasy is fake and just something produced in the brain?

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 09:34 PM
link heaven is simply a beautiful endless tropical beach on which my home resides,
that somehow connects to the ocean, with a beautiful friendly wife with whom I share it where we enjoy listening to Frank Sinatra, eating fine cuisine.

it will only last a few years but it's all need and really believe in.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Design your own Heaven


posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker heaven is simply a beautiful endless tropical beach on which my home resides,
that somehow connects to the ocean, with a beautiful friendly wife with whom I share it where we enjoy listening to Frank Sinatra, eating fine cuisine.

it will only last a few years but it's all need and really believe in.

My heaven would be the heaven I make here on Earth too because I'm of the opinion these days that its the only chance of creating a heaven that any of us are ever going to get. So far we haven't shown much talent for doing it even though all the ingredients we need are here already.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 09:55 PM
Mine is probably similar to I think Arborea from Planescape would be.
edit on 2/9/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 10:12 PM

serenity and peace


posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 01:41 AM
Our mind is a battery and heaven is a battery charger and hell is a trash can where batteries slowly decompose with other decomposing batteries as their battery acid slowly leaks out and burns the surface of other decomposing batteries.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by Mickierocksman
My ideal heaven is what I term the ‘truth’.

We die and there is nothing, no thought, no emotions, no spirit, no energy, just nothing as we have ceased to exist.

To think that there is ‘something else’ is only a way to cope with the fact that you don’t like or are simply scared of the most logical & truthful answer.

I think ceasing to exist is more beautiful & peaceful than any imaginary heaven ever would be.

Yup. Many people have no concept of ETERNITY. Once you experience everything for the gazillionth time, once you have learned everything there is to learn, you still have all of ETERNITY!

Really, no thanks.

P.S. To the souls of our loved ones watching us while we're still on earth - stop it! What I do in the bathroom and how I explore my own naked body is NOT for your viewing pleasure! Just sayin'.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:56 AM
What is your Heaven like?

For myself, it would be the opportunity to observe, learn, interact and enjoy without the material limitations of time, money, distance, technology or human memory. I’d find out just what dark matter and dark energy are; I’d read every book, watch every movie and play every game I wanted, regardless of language; I’d visit ancient civilizations in their heyday..

I think a relatively good idea of Heaven might be something close to the Internet. Infinite knowledge, you can learn and interact with anyone, anywhere, anytime, if they want. You see, you probably don’t get everything you want with other people. They have their own will to live out. I imagine you can leave ’em a message, though. Just like you do down here on Earth....peace,sugarcookie1 S&F

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj
Yup. Many people have no concept of ETERNITY. Once you experience everything for the gazillionth time, once you have learned everything there is to learn, you still have all of ETERNITY!

Really, no thanks.

P.S. To the souls of our loved ones watching us while we're still on earth - stop it! What I do in the bathroom and how I explore my own naked body is NOT for your viewing pleasure! Just sayin'.

So few, as you appear to be one, realize that even the most incredible space-time sensory event to be considered to be heaven is a concoction of the mind. How about evermore newness and expansion of awareness at an infinite rate? Nothing to do with a re-hash of anything regarding your past. That is a hell once gone over the billionth time unchanging.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:09 AM
My ideal version of heaven would probably be seen as as a sinful place to most christians, so ill probably end up in hell.

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