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Bring on the Gay Boy Scouts

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posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by MollyMN

Thing is, many churches are fine with it. Thats why this is a Legal issue. Which says if you truely believe that its church choice then by defacto you are for it. Its about legal recognition and legitimacy. This-contrary to what others are claiming in the thread-has nothing to do with money. It has to do with the fact if the religious right allows it to happen it will cast doubts on their power base which is formed on Faith and biblical infallibility.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 07:20 PM
The boy scouts is a non profit orginization - part of the deal is you can't discriminate, yes the NAACP does and yes they are also a non profit but times are a changing.

For the people that don't understand they don't pay taxes on revenue as long as 22% pre tax "profit" not "income" is spent in a charitable manner - they are "not" a private institution.

I am not advocating gay boy scouts ect just clarifying they have the right to protest.
edit on 12-6-2012 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 08:06 PM
The USA really is a very odd country. In living memory it allocated bus seats based on skin colour. This alone should make any intelligent person take note and ponder. Now children are subjected to such scrutiny that their sexuality is called into question. And that's OK to some people? Argue all you like as to why some are gay; genetics, upbringing...chemicals in the water, whatever, but some people are. We seem to be left with two options i.e. it's OK to have a sexual preference or it's not.

If it is not then we, again, have two options i.e. pointless bigotry or religious belief. Both are powerful influences. Both are passed down onto young minds and reinforced so that they become acceptable to a child and are held as part of how they process the world. Just as it was with bus seats. Children accept and accommodate what they are told. It's important to their survival that they do.

Their are many that would still uphold the right to seat a person based on their skin colour. I am going to assume they are now in the minority however. Now we have organisations that will assert that prejudice should now be maintained based on sexual orientation. It is no longer acceptable to base choices on skin colour.

This leaves us that, as an organisation in the USA, religious beliefs are the only existing route of legal prejudice left for those inclined. As it is in many other countries, including my own UK. Although not for Boy Scouts in the UK I may add.

Should it just be chalked up as a country struggling to free itself from it's horrific record of discrimination but will grow up with due course? I hope so. But I also wonder who be the next target if gay citizens became free from prejudice?

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 08:22 PM
Military officers admitted gays perform better in the military because they are more orderly, and overall perform better. Even then, if you allow gays in the scouts, what's going to happen exactly? Are all the straight scouts going to be molested by the gay kids? What the hell is wrong with you people? Talking about devolution my god.

Have any of you actually met and talked to someone that's gay? Probably haven't. They're nice people, just like you and me. You know why some of them are angry? Because gay kids get beaten and killed in schools while society oppresses them. How would you feel?

And all because the bible says marriage is only between a man and women. It's amazing how we still use a document written thousands of years ago to make laws.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 08:29 PM
I'm sure that those who make the rules for the scouts have nothing at all against gays. One day when adult men stop trying to have sex with our children then they will abolish the rule. By the way, it's not the leaders of the organization that made this rule it's the parents of the scouts.

Are there women scout leaders? Because if there are, they should be banned according to this train of thought. There are just as many cases where a woman role figure has abused her position as there are cases of men. It is not fair to ban gay men, but allow women to be the leaders. I am sure I've read about women being scout leaders somewhere, maybe we need to bump the discussion up a notch or two...

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 09:00 PM
What is the anti gays obsession with gays anyways..

Gays get in the news because it is always the anti gays who decide to chime in about them.

Look if your afraid to be turned's too half way there...if all it takes is for a gay to enter into your social gatherings...

Real straight people do not fear gays...because we know you can't turn us...

I need a thesaurus...
.too many that post...

edit on 12-6-2012 by kerazeesicko because: I CAN

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 02:08 AM

There was talk earlier this week that the Boy Scouts of America would revise their 'anti-gay policy' and allow gay men and women to be scout leaders. The organization clarified today that it would not be changing its 'anti-gay policy'.

WTOV9 reports that the issue received national attention this week after Jen Tyrrell, a former scout leader, lost her position due to her sexual orientation.

Tyrrell started a petition, which now has thousands of signatures, in an attempt to get the BSA to change their policy.

Tyrell said:

“I think that (I have) almost 300,000 signatures on my petition and with the growing list of celebrities’ signatures and President Obama’s backing of gay marriage, I think that we’re sending a huge message, and the Boy Scouts seem to be one of the last ones holding out.”

The Boy Scouts have acknowledged Tyrell’s petition and confirmed that a resolution had been introduced to amend the policy. But the organization said that a change in policy was not in the works.

The Boy Scouts seem to be trying to avoid the issue. When CBS 21 News asked a spokesperson for the organization why the group won’t change the policy, the spokesperson replied:

“We don’t have an agenda on this issue. We don’t ask about people’s sexuality. The policy is the way it is, because we do not believe that our youth development program is the right place to have this discussion.”

What do you think about the Boy Scouts 'anti-gay policy'? Should gay men and women be allowed to be scout leaders?

There are Youth Protection & Adult Leadership guidelines:

But where is the elusive Boy Scouts 'anti-gay policy'?

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by technical difficulties

They may be privately run, but receive public benefits such as 1 dollar leases and governmental grants.
The moment you accept public funds you are held to public standards.
If that's true, then they should have to allow LGBT in their organization.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by technical difficulties

It is true. And conveniently ignored.
Around 400 Scouting Troops are also sponsored by the Military.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by technical difficulties

Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by technical difficulties

They may be privately run, but receive public benefits such as 1 dollar leases and governmental grants.
The moment you accept public funds you are held to public standards.

If that's true, then they should have to allow LGBT in their organization.

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