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Possible psychological connection between me and my brother?

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posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:07 AM
So in the past I've come to realize that me and my brother have a lot of similarity. He's 15 and I'm 18. Some examples of these similarities would be we are both gullible, strong believers in the supernatural as well as the ancient alien theory, we both reject the existence of a god despite attending church as children/adolescents for numerous years, easily frightened, similarities in style, and etc.

These things could be coincidental, but the thing I find to be extremely strange is that we are constantly thinking the same things. For example my brother will say something and I find a lot of the time that I was literally thinking the exact same thing. He also has noticed that things I say out loud he was also thinking. I find this to be very strange and was wondering if you guys could provide me with any insight on the matter.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by jessasaurusreeex

I had this kind of thing happen with my brother alot.
We would even have deja-vu of the same events.
After all we did share the same womb...

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by jessasaurusreeex
So in the past I've come to realize that me and my brother have a lot of similarity. He's 15 and I'm 18. Some examples of these similarities would be we are both gullible, strong believers in the supernatural as well as the ancient alien theory, we both reject the existence of a god despite attending church as children/adolescents for numerous years, easily frightened, similarities in style, and etc.

These things could be coincidental, but the thing I find to be extremely strange is that we are constantly thinking the same things. For example my brother will say something and I find a lot of the time that I was literally thinking the exact same thing. He also has noticed that things I say out loud he was also thinking. I find this to be very strange and was wondering if you guys could provide me with any insight on the matter.

at first glance I would assume it's because your both receiving relatively the same input from your environment.
also you have the same genetic structures inherited from your parents which might affect the way you interpret things similarly.

you might also be reassuring your beliefs, actions, ideas etc.. into one another through mirror neurons and other psychological whatevers

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by jessasaurusreeex

Perhaps you and your brother have a limited number of interesting topics with which to occupy your mind?

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by jessasaurusreeex

The picking up the exact same thoughts is interesting. As some posters have already noted, there could be logical explanations. It is also possible that you share such a strong energetic connection with your brother that you are having flashes of telepathic-type abilities. Such abilities are real - whether that is the explanation for your experiences or not is the question. Have fun seeking out the answer!

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