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Challenging Monsanto. Kicking a Hornets Nest.

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posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:50 PM


It’s a corporation that strives to “meet the needs” of the population. According to them, the number one goal they have is to provide farmers the crops they need to feed the world. They even say, “we’re all in this together.” But, is that really a good thing?


We’ve seen a number of threads on ATS noting the connections between Monsanto the most powerful entities on the planet:

Fox Pressured by Monsanto ::

Food “Safety” Bill Empowers Monsanto to Control Food Industry ::

Monsanto Truth - USDA, FDA, and EPA Favor Corporations Over Human Health ::

The Concern

We could discuss old threads all day, but that’s not what I’m here to think about. Let’s talk about what Monsanto is trying to do here. I’ve heard the saying multiple times, “he who controls the food controls the people.” Well, that’s precisely what Monsanto is trying to do. Between their patents and sterile plants, they’re putting the strain on farmers worldwide. Not only that, they are manipulating the very building blocks of life and putting everyone at risk.

Right now they are secure in their power, but what happens when they become challenged? What happens when someone has power and a desire to keep that power? They get aggressive. Enter, what I’d like to call the Insurance Seed.

Let’s look at wikileaks for a moment. In the event of something dramatic happening, they’ve threatened to release the password to a file rumored to have devastating secrets contained within. Whether or not that will actually happen is one more thing we could sit and debate all night long. But, what happens if Monsanto takes that idea and plays the same ball in their own court?

Let’s say the scenario plays out like this:
A large number of countries and farmers threaten to end their relationship with Monsanto over a major concern. Once the movement begins to gain momentum Monsanto decides to step in and take action. Wielding the power that they currently have gives them a great deal of leverage. They threaten to take action if the movement is not stopped within a certain time span. What sort of action could they take? I worry they may have some sort of Genetically Modified Organism that functions as their own plan B, the Insurance Seed. What If they threaten a staple food and target it with a vulnerability that destroys entire swaths of a years crop?

What’s to stop them from using their genetic modification methods to produce rice or corn that synthesizes a hormone to stop human or animal reproduction? There’s really no telling what they’re capable of, they’ve been working with genetic modification for years and I would hesitate to underestimate them.

The reason I write this tonight is to ask the questions: Do you think it’s possible Monsanto could have such a plan in place? If so, what could we do to combat it?

Thanks for joining me here tonight!

Sorry, the logo transparent background is really annoying!

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Mapkar

I fear we are doomed my friend. France recently banned GMO farming and the EU overruled their decision.

I think we will just have to let our bodies adjust chemically, biologically and physically to these new "foods".
Like the human guinea pigs we are.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver
reply to post by Mapkar

I fear we are doomed my friend. France recently banned GMO farming and the EU overruled their decision.

I think we will just have to let our bodies adjust chemically, biologically and physically to these new "foods".
Like the human guinea pigs we are.


posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by angrysniper

No what? No I got my facts on France recently banning GMO farming wrong or No we won't have to let our bodies adjust?

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:12 PM
Why would they need to use some sort of bug? Once the world gets the hint that all they have to do is cut us off and we will all starve, then we will give them all of the power they like. My worry is that they may be the elite's way of creating the most powerful depopulation strategy. The one thing that all of their strains have in common is that they only last for one season. It wouldn't take much for a big part of the population to starve if they were to cut us off for a couple of years.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

My thought is, what if they designed a strain of plant specifically for this purpose. One that could overtake heirloom seeds and disrupt them. Sure they could cut off supplies of their current offerings, but how would they grasp for their control again? I don't expect them to give it up willingly. It's like taking candy from a baby, they get cranky. Then, their mom steps in and slaps you around a bit with a large trout. Remember, there seems to be evidence that Monsanto's really in tight with the government. I doubt it'd take much to get a terrorism charge if you're busy trying to "disrupt the food supply and threaten national security through that process."

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver
reply to post by Mapkar

I fear we are doomed my friend. France recently banned GMO farming and the EU overruled their decision.

I still can't believe that. The people of a country decide something only for someone else to come in and say, oh you can't do that. Your opinion really doesn't matter. I'd be visiting some corn fields.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Mapkar

Well I guess that would make them terrorists in a way, my thought's are that they would simply start cutting off regions or countries that complained, then when people started starving, the farmers would just come crawling back and begging for Monsanto's products again.

I believe that we have really gotten ourselves into a mess letting this company get so big, and using these types of methods. There is little of the farm trade left that relies on heirloom seeds, and even fewer that practice seed harvesting in the commercial farming industry. There are only a few of the major crops that do not use monsanto products now.

I posted a thread a couple of days ago on this same subject. There are a couple of good articles in it if you want to check them out.

Above Top Secret

edit on 5-6-2012 by Quauhtli because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

Thanks for stopping by, and also for pointing out the thread.

While it seems like the easiest and quickest way to go about maintaining control is the suspension of services (aka no seeds for you), I'm looking at what may happen if things get ugly for Monsanto. What I have envisioned here is something like Mutually Assured Destruction. It'd be their way of giving the finger and saying, "If you won't eat our product, you won't eat anything."

I wholeheartedly agree with your statement on the excessive size of corporations and entities. For centuries humans have fought to be free from oppression, and even in the USA we can look back only a couple hundred years to see us fighting for our freedom. Now, over time look at what we have done. We've traded freedom and independence for corporation defined choices and the conveniences they offer. It's sickening really.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:41 PM
Kicking the hornets nest doesn't seem to have the same effect ever since Monsanto's GMO crops killed off all the bees.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Samsquanch
Kicking the hornets nest doesn't seem to have the same effect ever since Monsanto's GMO crops killed off all the bees.

And I've heard that there is a new strain of hornets that are actually resistant to kicks now due to some of the GMO processing

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by scorpiosin

It appears to be the same kind of construction as the US. The EU rules go first, just like Federal laws. Despite what local or state legislation says, if the EU decides it is not to be then it's all over.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 05:52 AM
I think they should be a national security concern instead of a national darling.

Look at it this way, on a small scale.

My dad had a landscaper that sprayed a patch he'd tilled up with roundup- last year. Dad was going to plant it but never did and it had weeds in it. Weeds, really would have been fine in a garden plot, as they aerate he soil and add nutrients. But it got sprayed with roundup. LAST YEAR.

This year, dad tils it. It's a very fertile spot normally, running about over where his septic line is. He plants it. Everything dies. Plants it again, everything dies. Goes and buys plants from a big box store, thinking it was the plants. The little chemical doused darlings die too.

He called my husband over and my hubby said, "It was that round up." So they tilled a new patch and now the plants are growing well. Dad is nearly 76 and always liked 'modern agriculture' and he's fit to spit. He's like "that stuff said I could plant there this year."

JUMP to huge fields doused with roundup repeatedly year after year.

Something happens. It might be a superweed, which we know have deveoped already.
It might be a EMP or economic collapse,it might be failure of Monsanto or new scientific information that comes out that causes it to be banned- anything - something- happens and we need to plant the fields traditionally, without GMOs or without roundup.

Say localities to those fields are dependant on those fields for food. Will those people just die? Even if the problem is not that extreme, if those fields will not produce, there go our grain exports.

Seriously Americans, seriously. The level of corruption is threatening our national security. Even though our high ups say Oh it is safe, we will push it on the world- why don't the people that are INTELLIGENCE use a bit of it?

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver

I think we will just have to let our bodies adjust chemically, biologically and physically to these new "foods".
Like the human guinea pigs we are.

I think it's time to pierce the corporate veil and disassemble Monsanto. Their products, political behavior and social behavior is not compatible with any normal, rational society.

After their total destruction, it's time to remove aspartame, neotame and high-fructose corn syrup from the food supply. This would only be a start.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by jcarpenter

Don't get me wrong, I hate Monsanto too but the question is how? How to get rid of something that has bought its way into mass-scale deployment and global legislation? Legally, lawfully and safely that is.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 09:29 AM
I thought the title would get some jokes!

reply to post by hadriana

It's quite possible Round-Up is their version of what I'm talking about. If they stop selling Round-Up Ready seeds it may already play into their favor. That's something I hadn't considered, but it makes sense. Over the years they've marketed it as the perfect solution to the weed problem. To top it off, the farmers have really buy into it and like you said, year after year they soak their fields with the stuff.

It may already be to late if that's the card they'd want to play.


I appreciate all of the responses to the thread. Thanks everyone!


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