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Newsweek Cover: 'The First Gay President'

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posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:17 AM
This may come as a shock to the Democrat-media complex but not all Americans are so eager to jump on the gay marriage bandwagon. In fact, including this week’s vote in North Carolina, 32 states have now voted for traditional marriage.

It’s easy to write off President Obama’s announcement of his support for gay marriage as a political ploy during an election year. But don’t believe the cynics. Andrew Sullivan argues that this announcement has been in the making for years. “When you step back a little and assess the record of Obama on gay rights, you see, in fact, that this was not an aberration. It was an inevitable culmination of three years of work.” And President Obama has much in common with the gay community. “He had to discover his black identity and then reconcile it with his white family, just as gays discover their homosexual identity and then have to reconcile it with their heterosexual family,” Sullivan writes.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Daedal

There is also the fact that he is a closet homosexual, but as the great rick james says

"coc aine is a hell of a drug"

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Doalrite
reply to post by Daedal

There is also the fact that he is a closet homosexual, but as the great rick james says

"coc aine is a hell of a drug"

That could be just an unfounded rumor. Take me for example, my friends call me gay because I can't stay on a skateboard for longer than a minute. I'd like to see them try it with high heels on.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:45 AM
Buchanan was probably the first real gay president. At least that we know of. Obama? There is all that rumor surrounding murdered organist Donald Young. But of course we'll never know for sure and the real question is .. does gay/straight matter in a POTUS? IMHO - no it doesn't matter unless that POTUS has put him/herself into a blackmailable position.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:10 PM
You have to be careful with accusations though, I accused my brother of being gay yesterday. He was so angry he hit me with his purse. Of course he's still confused after I asked him if he's heard that new thing they're not telling gay people.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Doalrite
reply to post by Daedal

There is also the fact that he is a closet homosexual, but as the great rick james says

"coc aine is a hell of a drug"

Little known fact. To supplement his foreign student scholarship in college obama worked evenings at a sperm bank. It didn't go too well though as he was fired for drinking on the job. In fairness though, 70% of the gay population were born that way. The other 30% were sucked into it.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by KaiserSoze
You have to be careful with accusations though, I accused my brother of being gay yesterday. He was so angry he hit me with his purse.

Made my day.

On topic........

This Newsweek Cover is all whats wrong with Obama,and the Pedestal people put him on.



posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:59 PM
So what you are saying 32 states have had the majority vote on the civil rights of the minority..

Step back a little bit and look at that. Is is not against the very soul of our country and our constitution?

What would have happened if the south was allowed to vote about keeping slaves. If voting rights for women and blacks had been voted on by a majority (white men). Interracial marriage -- Jim Crow -- the civil rights act. All of these were sanctified by the bible; and in many cases -- bogus science.

It is ironic that the right is against this - by being so they are against the first amendment, science, the small unobtrusive government mantra, the family values chorus. What has been their wedge issue is now the sign post pointing to their hypocrisy.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by KaiserSoze
You have to be careful with accusations though, I accused my brother of being gay yesterday. He was so angry he hit me with his purse.

Made my day.

On topic........

This Newsweek Cover is all whats wrong with Obama,and the Pedestal people put him on.



Actually more importantly he is not a republican!!


posted on May, 13 2012 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by spyder550

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by KaiserSoze
You have to be careful with accusations though, I accused my brother of being gay yesterday. He was so angry he hit me with his purse.

Made my day.

On topic........

This Newsweek Cover is all whats wrong with Obama,and the Pedestal people put him on.



Actually more importantly he is not a republican!!


Why is it that everyone gets stuck on the Republican or Democrat tag.... don't you understand that their is only the Establishment and they use names like democrat, republican to divide americans right down the middle... if you consider yourself a democrat or a republican then you are the problem..\

We are all americans and if americans would wake up and look at their government without the Red vs Blue labels then they would truely be pissed from what our government has done. Then real change can happen.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Buchanan was probably the first real gay president. At least that we know of. Obama? There is all that rumor surrounding murdered organist Donald Young. But of course we'll never know for sure and the real question is .. does gay/straight matter in a POTUS? IMHO - no it doesn't matter unless that POTUS has put him/herself into a blackmailable position.

I agree with you in that Gay or Straight really isn't that critical for the U.S. President. If his character is strong, their values as a Man or Woman are there and healthy and they want the job for the right reasons...well, maybe someday we'll get one of those.

I think it matters everything if the President has hidden the fact though. It's not about hiding the fact they are gay, specifically. Other things can matter equally and for the same reason, IMO. (Parentage, for instance...or National Guard service history...) It's the fact a President, of ALL the people on Earth, have moved into a position of ultimate power with a whole side of themselves carefully hidden and buried from the public who trusted and elected them.

That is unforgivable and absolutely beyond tolerance. As it ought to be as a basic common sense thing when electing a person to a position with the power to literally end life on this planet by nothing more than a series of codes and commands.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by KaiserSoze
You have to be careful with accusations though, I accused my brother of being gay yesterday. He was so angry he hit me with his purse. Of course he's still confused after I asked him if he's heard that new thing they're not telling gay people.

He hit you with his satchel. At least that's what a "man-Purse" was called in a movie I saw....

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by imd12c4funn

Originally posted by KaiserSoze
You have to be careful with accusations though, I accused my brother of being gay yesterday. He was so angry he hit me with his purse. Of course he's still confused after I asked him if he's heard that new thing they're not telling gay people.

He hit you with his satchel. At least that's what a "man-Purse" was called in a movie I saw....

Cool, I'll go with "satchel", that sounds even more gay than "man purse". Thanks for the tip.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:05 AM
If the POTUS wants to gain "popular" votes.....why doesn't he start FIXING the PROBLEMS??? Why do Presidents, up for re-election, always wait til the last year of their presidency, to start winning favor with the people? It's the same ole-same ole...every 4 years. Nothing ever changes! Same ole tactics, same ole promises, same ole LIES!

That ALONE should be enough to make people say.....WTF? And to think, we actually PAY these screw us over??? At some point, you'd have to think, "the people" DESERVE it for being so GUILLABLE...and NAIVE!

Same game, different players....kinda like your favorite sports team.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:12 AM
it isn't pitching that makes a body gay
its catching

and really
the whole country is catching

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