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So You Think You Know Aircraft?

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posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 01:25 AM
I've seen this in some other threads not related to ATS, but i'm gonna see what kind of response it gets here.

So you ask a question, someone answers it and they ask another question about anything related to the aeronautics/aerospace whatever it may be mechanical or conceptual.

I'll start it off easy.

Where do vortices form on straight wings in flight?

Edit: Ok i realized that's kind of vague. Has to deal with lift and drag.

[edit on 30-9-2004 by Aether]

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:34 AM
This is not a place for aircraft trivia.
I studied aeronautical engineering for half a year (so forgive me if I'm wrong) but I'd say on a straight wing, across the entire wing

[edit on 9-30-2004 by Zion Mainframe]

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 03:40 PM
Close, but no cigar. Wind TIP vortices actually form at the (as you guessed) tips of the wings (on straight wings and some swept wings). This is why you can sometimes see as aircraft fly into sand storms and such that they create a horizontal 'tornado' effect behind the airplane. Which actually causes a loss of lift induced by what they call, downwash.

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