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People finding Jesus without Death

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posted on May, 11 2012 @ 09:13 AM
God is forgiving and he will forgive you, if you do not believe than there is always hope you will find the way and you do not have to die to see Jesus, here is are some videos for you to watch.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 09:27 AM
Schizophrenia is on the rise. How do you think Mohammad saw Allah? He was fasting in a cave for 3 weeks. I think we would all hallucinate...

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 09:31 AM
Say what you will

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:30 PM
People are converting FROM Christianity too.....

"Young people aren’t walking away from the church—they’re sprinting. According to a recent study by Ranier Research, 70 percent of youth leave church by the time they are 22 years old. Barna Group estimates that 80 percent of those reared in the church will be “disengaged” by the time they are 29 years old. Unlike earlier generations... these “leavers” are unlikely to seek out alternative forms of Christian community... When they leave church, many leave the faith as well."

Interview by Greg Richter, The Birmingham News, Birmingham, Alabama
Religion News Service
Every indication suggests that America is becoming increasingly secular.
In fact, 78.4 percent of Americans still describe themselves as Christian and ninety-one percent say they believe in God, according to a 2011 Gallup survey. And yet, books like Christopher Hitchens' God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything and Harry Potter books are flying off the shelves, while Christian bookstores sit idle, and pews are stacked outside of some Churches, and yes, some Churches are being foreclosed upon after stretching too thin their resources in search for a bigger, better place of worship. And then there is the rise of Wicca in the US....

Witch School International, Inc. said in a press release that “America is on the brink of awakening and discovering its inner magic, and this is changing belief systems around the world as well. How this change occurs depends on what people believe, and more people than ever are looking at Paganism and Wicca.”

The schools co-founder, Ed Hubbard, is quoted as saying, “There is such a rapid spiritual reorientation in America occurring, that the need for thousands of Wiccan teachers over the course of the next decade will be required to meet the demand for basic teachings.”

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:21 PM
That's why very few will make it, just like a rabbit running through the forest and sees a bunch of trails and doesnt know which path to take. Should he take the paths that lead to the same way but all have there snairs or should he take the heavy brush with a little way to get through. Sure he will get scarred and will get hurt along the way but after that the scars will mend.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 10:56 PM
Make it where, friend? I know exactly where I'm going, what to expect during the transition, what to ask for, who to report to. All these things are encoded into me. I have been shown my Afterlife, and look forward to spending some time there.

But that's just me. All get a chance to Ascend to a Higher Dimension. Many will just go, more will follow later. some will refuse to go, some will run and hide, because all will be known then, no more secrets of any kind. I described this Afterlife as best I can remember it...from being there before, and from seeing it in perspective.

All get to go, and what the reality of it is for you, is just what you make it, nothing more, or less. All passed relatives, wifes, husbands, grandparents, and yes, even pets will be there to greet you, ans best of all, your True Soul Mate, your "other half", as it were.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:54 AM
Sounds like you have the mark of the beast and Your time will only be awhile, because when they land and claim to have created you and change your DNA and he will make him self known and it will be too late. You will fall to your knees because you where decieved, when you see the son of man coming in the clouds you will be the one running to hide. My brother throw down your hate for the Lord and return and don't let those who pride themselves with the word of the father be your downfall. I am not your enemy and I made this thread to show the people here the power of the lord and I didn't make it for you to come and tell me about yourself. Just watch and feel the love they have and Know that's how I feel when they talk of my savior. Love is not jealous or conceited but it's how you treat your friend and how you feel when you say I love you to your wife or son or anyone you meet. Love is the hand you reach out to your brother and your sister or a fellow ATSer because you love them.
edit on 12-5-2012 by WarriorOfLight96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:25 AM

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by WarriorOfLight96
Sounds like you have the mark of the beast and Your time will only be awhile, because when they land and claim to have created you and change your DNA and he will make him self known and it will be too late. You will fall to your knees because you where decieved, when you see the son of man coming in the clouds you will be the one running to hide. My brother throw down your hate for the Lord and return and don't let those who pride themselves with the word of the father be your downfall. I am not your enemy and I made this thread to show the people here the power of the lord and I didn't make it for you to come and tell me about yourself. Just watch and feel the love they have and Know that's how I feel when they talk of my savior. Love is not jealous or conceited but it's how you treat your friend and how you feel when you say I love you to your wife or son or anyone you meet. Love is the hand you reach out to your brother and your sister or a fellow ATSer because you love them.

You poor deluded Soul! I feel very sorry for you is you actually believe what you wrote here. I am Spirit, friend, not Human, I only live in one, and I bow to no "Lord", ever. One who has a "Lord" is a slave, and I am not a slave. And Hate is something that is not part of my makeup, never has been. I fail to see where you get that I hate anything. However, I can feel the hate in your words, I can only hope you are not truly a hateful person.
You Lord has no power, if he did, this world would no be so messed up, and Christian ministers would not be raping and killed little children in Africa. You are a very young Soul, and have a long path to walk, and many lives to live. I dare say you will not make it through the Ascension Process.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by WarriorOfLight96

God is forgiving and he will forgive you

What do I need forgiveness for?

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by WarriorOfLight96

God is forgiving and he will forgive you

What do I need forgiveness for?

I will echo that question, forgive me for what? Haven't stolen any cars of late, haven't killed anyone.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:16 PM
I'm not hateful and I am very kind and loving and I do not go to church and I know the errors of religion, do you think that all these people rape little children and it was there choice not have sex and they will be punished. Do you have so much hate that you have to be little everyone's faith because you are an alien, wake up and it's war for souls. I don't hate you and you are the one that comes here all the time, do wish to find fault in me or do you wish to make me a new ager. You are calling out to me but you don't want to look like you want it,I am not afraid to die and if I go I am in peace. You are stealing souls and leading them down a path you can't return from and if all it takes is love and to release bad karma than you should not worry. I do all the things that make a good person good and I do not work and slave my body anymore and I don't need money to live and I will always make myself available for someone in need. I see you swearing at me and cursing me and trying so hard to ignore me till you find the words that will hurt me but you can't hurt me I am in peace. I don't know what you need forgiveness for because only you can know that cause I am not with you.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by WarriorOfLight96
I'm not hateful and I am very kind and loving and I do not go to church and I know the errors of religion, do you think that all these people rape little children and it was there choice not have sex and they will be punished.

My my! Did I make you a little angry? Good, now let me address your little rant. Who will do the punishing of these minions? And why do I still see little kids in the grocery store collecting money for "the missionaries in Africa"?

Do you have so much hate that you have to be little everyone's faith because you are an alien, wake up and it's war for souls.

Like I said, no hate here friend...look in the mirror. Damn straight it's a war for Souls, I am at least glad you can see that. The Draco will do everything they can to get as many as they can, and guess who they want more than anyone? Those little sheep that will easily follow a brown haired and bearded apparition right into their craft. You can only escape them if you know who and what they are. And they are running your organized religions, governments, and institutions. They would like very much to separate your Souls from your bodies, the energy is useful, the bodies slave material, the children, of course, food product.

I don't hate you and you are the one that comes here all the time, do wish to find fault in me or do you wish to make me a new ager. You are calling out to me but you don't want to look like you want it,I am not afraid to die and if I go I am in peace.

Do I sound like the average New Ager? I have not called you out as yet, but I could most easily post question addressed to you that you could never successfully answer. But I do have respect for you, so I will not, unless you challenge me to do so. And hate to burst that little bubble, but you will never "die". Death is just a humanistic thing, the body ceases life function and drops down to the Earth from which it came, but the Spirit does not, it live again and again and again. Immortal, friend. It is in your book, look it up.

You are stealing souls and leading them down a path you can't return from and if all it takes is love and to release bad karma than you should not worry. I do all the things that make a good person good and I do not work and slave my body anymore and I don't need money to live and I will always make myself available for someone in need. I see you swearing at me and cursing me and trying so hard to ignore me till you find the words that will hurt me but you can't hurt me I am in peace. I don't know what you need forgiveness for because only you can know that cause I am not with you.

Whew! Jesus know you posted that? Stealing Souls? That's a new one. Please show me where I swore at you, or cursed at you. That is just a lie friend, lie often, or just when you are angry? And believe me, I am not ignoring you, but I bet you wish I would.
Bless you friend, hope you find your way. I love you, and everyone.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 11:43 PM
Lol I'm not angry and I never do that because people always say how do you smile everyday and what's my secret and the repitlians work for Satan, not from space sorry. They will land saying they are but I have eyes to see and I know you are good man and I said before its just video place for people finding Jesus. I would never anger because I love walking with God and I love talking to Jesus.

I got a question though about some dreams I have been having if your not to mad at me. The first one happened December 2010 when I was dreaming of my dads house and everyone was outside and afraid to go in. So I went in and saw everything flying around and it was cold and it felt evil and so I walked into my old room and found a cocoon on on my bed and bent down to open it and when I did I found myself inside and I stood up, I started throwing light into every room and the evilness went away and went back to normal.

Dream 2; this one was an eclipse and the sky went red and the waves went high into the sky and I stepped away and sat in the middle of the room with my family, the sky went blue again and the land was deferent from before and it was beautiful.

Dream 3; this was about an eclipse lining up but the sky just went dark and UFO's started landing and they running around laughing and it's like they where free.

Dream 4; this was the black sun and my aunt came to me and said it's day time but it's dark out and so I went to check it out and you could barley see it but these orbs of light sorrounded where the sun would be, but my children awoke and I had to wake up and wanted to see more.

Dream 5; I had this one a couple weeks ago and I was over looking the solar system and I could see something very bright come and engulph the entire world, than I was transported to a cave where thousands of people where hiding and I again was awakened by the little ones.

Last weeks dream was I was with my older brother but we where heading up to higher ground and made up there but still the water was rushing like a raging falls even that high and the water was dark and ugly.

I have also had biblical dreams but it makes you angry and I won't mention them lol.
edit on 19-5-2012 by WarriorOfLight96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by WarriorOfLight96

I am not "mad at you", and never will be. I will attempt to decode your dreams for you.

I got a question though about some dreams I have been having if your not to mad at me. The first one happened December 2010 when I was dreaming of my dads house and everyone was outside and afraid to go in. So I went in and saw everything flying around and it was cold and it felt evil and so I walked into my old room and found a cocoon on on my bed and bent down to open it and when I did I found myself inside and I stood up, I started throwing light into every room and the evilness went away and went back to normal.

To dream of a cocoon:
Your dream signifies a place of safety, and solitude. It may also represent transformation, or healing. To dream that you are in a cocoon, represents your need to rejuvenate and restore your body, mind, and spirit. You may be recreating new paths of expression, and perhaps a rebirth. Alternatively, it symbolizes your unrealized potential and possibilities.

Dream 2; this one was an eclipse and the sky went red and the waves went high into the sky and I stepped away and sat in the middle of the room with my family, the sky went blue again and the land was deferent from before and it was beautiful.

WE, here at my house, have all been having dreams of a Red Sky. To me is signifies the return of the Dark Star, Nibiru, Planet of the Crossing. Being as Nibiru is a failed star, it give off light in the infrared spectrum, and would appear to glow read. From what I have been reading of late, people all over the word are having this dream. Hint: It may look beautiful in your dream, but in reality it will be wildly different. In 1999, I had a vision of the End of the World, and a Red sky was the most remembered part of it. Here.

Dream 3; this was about an eclipse lining up but the sky just went dark and UFO's started landing and they running around laughing and it's like they where free.

Most "UFOs" are now identified, they are ET atmosphere craft. Many people on Earth are ET/Human Hybrids, or have been contacted by ET. Some are what would be termed as "prophets", although not like in biblical times, but more of a modern variety. These will be taken off planet for the duration of the process known as "Purification". There may even be a mass evacuation of the planet, but I am not privy too, or allowed to speak much on this.

Dream 4; this was the black sun and my aunt came to me and said it's day time but it's dark out and so I went to check it out and you could barley see it but these orbs of light sorrounded where the sun would be, but my children awoke and I had to wake up and wanted to see more.

Three days of darkness has been foretold my many visionaries through history, again, this is the Purification, a 26,000 year, give or take, cycle of Earth. This has happened three times before, Humanity destroyed their Home, and we are right now living in the Fourth World. Fear not, a new world will be born, in just a six day period, just like the bible says, that part, at least, is correct. It will take near 1000 Earth years for Earth to regain balance, stabilize her orbit, and regain homeostasis.

Dream 5; I had this one a couple weeks ago and I was over looking the solar system and I could see something very bright come and engulph the entire world, than I was transported to a cave where thousands of people where hiding and I again was awakened by the little ones.

You didn't provide a description of "the little ones," so I will make an assumption, correct me it they are something different, OK? The "cave" to me signifies those who will go into hiding as the Purification draws near. People will commit suicide too, this is already happening. The "little ones" may be Ant People:

The Apache and other Pueblo Indians, such as the Zunis and Hopi, have legends about their ancestors emerging from an underground world, generally after some cataclysmic event, as if a cycle in time, or another reboot in the programmed realities of the human experiment, always linked to star gods, or star people, who brought them here from outer space.

They speak of the Snake People (metaphor for human DNA) and the Ant People (gray aliens,) who protected them beneath the surface. Physical reality is a metaphor for 'beneath the surface'. To rise above is to return to higher consciousness, through the Back Hole (Eye of Time) or the Stargate of human creation.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 12:06 PM

Last weeks dream was I was with my older brother but we where heading up to higher ground and made up there but still the water was rushing like a raging falls even that high and the water was dark and ugly.

Water usually represents our feelings and emotions. Like the waters of the womb, it can also represent security, life and birth. A fast flowing river may show emotions that are rushing ahead too fast but if the waters are peaceful then so are you.
I would say you are having biblical dreams because that is your chosen mindset, to believe it as literal truth.

There are many types of dreams, including what are termed as Prophetic Dreams which are also referred to as precognitive dreams. Prophetic dreams are believed to be a form of extra-sensory perception (ESP) in which a person is said to perceive information about places or events through paranormal means before they actually happen. I have these also, and my Prophetic Dreams usually come true. I was able to save my daughter's life because I dreamed of a car wreck, she saw it coming and reacted. I also was able to save a friend's life, I dreamed he crashed head on into a semi and was killed, he was distracted by a phone call on his cell. Sure enough, he was driving to work, received a call, was talking, and suddenly remembered what I had told him. He told me later he had yanked with wheel and swerved out of the way just in the nick of time.

The Roman Emperor Marcian (Flavius Marcianus) dreamed he saw the bow of Attila the Hun break on the same night that Attila died.

Plutarch relates how the Emperor Augustus, while ill, through the prophetic dream of a friend, was persuaded to leave his tent, which a few hours after was captured by the enemy and the bed where he had lain was pierced with the enemies swords.

Hannibal based his battle plans against the Romans according to a prophetic dream.

Joan of Arc predicted her death in a prophetic dream.

Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his own death just days before his assassination.

JFK dreamed of being shot dead, and even made a short film of this happening.

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity was inspired by a dream.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:59 PM
Sorry about that the little ones are my children and they seem to wake up when I have these dreams, those dreams seem to come more and more as time goes by and thanks for your input on these dreams. As you know this is gonna go round and round and i know we can live together without saying stuff that makes other people feel bad at what they believe and I for one like having these conversations with you. I am not trying to test you or anything like that my friend but I am truly happy.

I walk with God and I do it without the boundaries of religion and my earth is my church and my body is my temple and I am just a man living in a world full of chaos. All I ask of you is give it thought and not to be so quick to leap into something that a being that has power to decieve has showed you. I know you want me to do the same and I have and read all the books and listened Deloris Canon and all the others.

God is real and so is Jesus and all that matters to me is removing the boundaries of religion and the boundaries that divides the Nations and the color the separates my brothers and sisters. Those dreams I had are only shortened form and I do not wish to type a book with an iPhone with these sausage fingers lol. I do have a computer but it's a vista and it has more worm holes than the universe has.

Can I ask why Jesus and God bother you so much, I know their are some that use it for money and power, the bible is weapon in the wronge hands and beautiful in the hands of those with good hearts. Does the guy who first posted a comment bother you cause people who see things are crazy in the head.

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