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The Curse of Coincidence (call it synchronicity if you like)

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by sylvie

Thanks for the advice and feedback. I guess it makes sense really - whoever's sending these messages, whether it's the self or some other entity - if they didn't want us to pursue these things it's unlikely they'd draw our attention to them! I never really thought of it like that before.

To be honest I haven't really done all that much to 'put the moves on' when it comes to Alex. Probably 50% playing it cool, 50% fear of rejection
If I said that I asked her how her weekend was, that probably wouldn't seem like much to most people - but if you knew me you'd know it's a big step!

My point is, I'm certainly more inclined to pursue it than to avoid it - and not just for the obvious reasons. I think my heart tells me that if they are signs, they're signs to be followed - signs of direction not signs of warning. I guess it's just all those times I followed them and ended up no better for it that makes me cautious. While you may not end up any worse in these situations, they're certainly more frustrating when you could've sworn the universe was telling you it was the right course of action.

Oh, and queenannie - I don't need to look to far into the name 'Allan'. The last woman I loved - an experience which messed me up pretty well - was named 'Alana'
Yet another dimension to the synchronicity I suppose, but I figured it had enough dimensions already so I decided not to take too much from that. Although there's no denying it's there!

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:10 PM
My life is full of it to the point where it is exceedingly difficult to believe that it is just coincidence. It is incredibly difficult to brush it off as mere chance.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 11:48 AM
personally i love when i see 12:34, or sequential numbers in general, for me it has always been a reassurance that my life is moving in progression the way it was intended. recently though my synchronicity has been backwards where as i see 3:42 or other such examples that things are backwards.
when i do see the 12:34 (which used to be a lot, sometimes it seemed that was the only time i ever saw a clock...) i usually smile and just "keep truckin"

music also has a good relation for me as well, i always get good feedback from the radio as if my higher power uses it to communicate with me directly, and even sometimes when i dont want it too. For example, there are times when i will hear a particular message i dont like to hear (even though i know its true) and i will change the station or even put on a cd, and the words will be different but the message will be the same.

As for what you describe, when you try to react to a sync in one way or in its opposite and neither seem to have a result...have you concidered neutrality? Sometimes there are certain things that we must simply accept, whether they bug us or not. Many aspects of this life cant be changed, they must be tolerated, it strengthens in different ways and can even prepare us to deal with new challenges in the future.

Best wishes and hope to hear if anyones advice in this thread helps you in the future

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by owtFsink

Yeh I can relate to what your saying with the music,it happens alot with me. Alot of people say its my illness but then they don't have this kinda thing happen so I don't blame them for saying that

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:22 AM
Oh yeah buddy. It's just the universe messing with you. Most people aren't that observant to notice life's lovely coincidences. Whether these occurances are positive or negative? I don't know.

I do know that I used to ALWAYS have synchronicities happen and like you was too paralyzed, confused, or just plain stunned to do anything about them. You know that there are blatant signs pointing to something but what to DO with them?? I never figured it out.

This is probably why all of this quit happening to me years ago. The universe eventually just gives up

You must be at some crossroads at your life and the signs are screaming to go a certain way. Don't blow your chance brother...they will stop eventually, and you will become a jaded and bitter old man like many out there.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by TheStev

I'd be willing to bet it all, that this has been happening to you your ENTIRE life. It's hard to describe exactly how I view synchronicity, but I like to think of it as your 'spiritual hand'. To me it's the events/coincidences brought to you by your higher self.

We Create this Reality.

This is the mechanism by which "The Secret", "The Law of Attraction", "Consciously Creating Circumstances" etc, play out in our physical lives. PAY ATTENTION. These 'kiwinkidinks" are important 'points' or nodes in the development of your soul. Every time you see one, there is a lesson or experience inherent to the moment, that will help you grow. That's what you're here for, to grow, become better, more.

We Create this Reality.

To say that this is an influence from outside yourself or 'god', to me, isn't right. In the spiritual, there is no separation, no 'self'. There is one human soul and you/we are it. Synchronicity is your soul speaking to your physical body for the express purpose of leading you into a situation or train of thought that will foster your development and growth. It's ALWAYS a good thing, the message that is, but sometimes a message can be conveyed through tragedy, but that shouldn't be considered a curse, on the contrary, this is one of if not THE blessing that we have as growing souls/humans.

We Create this Reality.

Now think about it like this. If your 'spiritual side' can convey messages or bring you into situations, what else can it do? You hear stories about how people learn about "The Secret" and begin attracting things to themselves through their INTENT. What did their INTENT get them before they were aware of its impact? All of it, their whole lives, every aspect, is just what you asked for, weather you realize(d) it or not. It doesn't start happening after you become aware of what your intent brings, its always been going on. Without realizing it, you've asked for everything around you, and it's Just What You Need!

We Create this Reality.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by SoulVoid
...for the last 10 years it's been the same here.The more i trie to be ''good'' the more my life keeps pointing me to bad ocurrences that i've been trough...over and over again..Maybe something is telling me that those are the things that i need to overcome or let go..but like you can i do that

edit on 29-4-2012 by SoulVoid because: (no reason given)

This is a good example. Stop avoiding. Stop avoiding whatever it is that keeps coming up to you, even if you think it's all bad, there IS something for you to grow with there, its all a matter of perspective. I believe this is your own 'self', so try asking yourself.

You'd be surprised what answers you get. My mother passed when I was 2. She helps me ALL the time. Sometimes I'll ask her to help me find things and literally before I've finished the thought, my eyes will jump to the object in the room(or ill remember its location). Now I could think about her death as a tragedy in my life, and generally avoid thinking about growing up without a mom, but I don't. It's made me who and what I am. I'm stronger for it, and coping with her loss was what made me strong. Would I have become stronger or weaker if i decided to avoid the issue?

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by TheStev

Synchronicities & coincidences are, of course, "the stuff" conspiracies and/or conspiracy theories are made of...

And, I would think that if you've been encountering them in the volumes must have considered another/other explanation/s...such as - "the script is already written".

That is certainly NOT a popular answer...unless you count the popularity of movies/stories/paradigms as that put forth in "The Matrix".

If such an explanation, is, in fact, the "reality" we are of the most fundamental and cherished (if not The Cornerstone) components of being human must exit - stage left... That component being - "free will".

If the Universe/God/Your Higher Self/Jinns/ETC had an answer, reply or response on its way to you...even before the counterpart (your question, situation, etc...) had manifested in your life or much credit do you think you should deserve for your part in the synchronicity?

The same goes for Prophecies, Visions, etc... How could any of those Higher Entities (noted above) know exactly what will happen in the future (mulitplied by billions) have Free Will?

Don't know what I believe about these things... They are a constant reality of my life, too.
I have, though, had to consider the possible explanation just given, is as plausible as others (which I, likewise, hold an open mind toward).

Good luck in your quest for knowledge!

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by TheStev

It happens to me all the time actually.. i would say its God hinting at how perfect the universe is...

Everything happens for a reason... there is no coincidences


posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by TheStev

My logical mind very strongly agrees with both of these perspectives. But I guess the problem I find is that if these are signs, it's not like they're particularly clear. I feel like I've tried reacting to these situations in both ways - either considering them a sign of something I should pursue (a sign to direct someone to something) or considering them a sign of something I should avoid (a warning sign) and in both cases my actions have made little-to-no difference in how the overall situation has played out.

What I'm saying is when I avoid the things these signs seem to be drawing attention to, it seems like the wrong decision - and when I seek out the things these signs seem to be drawing attention to it also seems like the wrong decision!

I think the message of your "Allan" sync is quite clear: you are supposed to reach out to this woman. Not necessarily romantically, mind you. Maybe just as a friend, or a date for coffee. You're being pointed to her and it may simply be because she will have a message for you, or an introduction to someone who's the next step along your path. If you did reach out and you did have coffee, and it lead nowhere, it may have been because you were assuming the sync meant "new romantic partner" and so you weren't noticing anything else going on at the time.

This is where the magic happens. Check out the movie "Jeff Who Lives at Home."

I'm very open to the possibility that these coincidences are some sort of message being communicated to me - as yet I'm undecided whether that message is from my higher self or from some entity/deity. But the fact that they're not exactly clear messages - and that I've tried reacting to them in two completely different ways and the results always seem to be the same - this just makes me think wtf?

Whoever's sending me these messages, it's like they're speaking a completely different language. And when I don't listen, they're shouting louder. But if you've ever tried to understand someone speaking another language - it doesn't matter how loud they speak, it's not going to change whether or not you understand - only whether or not you hear. Believe me, I hear - I just don't understand!!

That's interesting. I always figure that the "whoever it is" speaks in our language, however we may define it. For example, if you think 444 means "angels surround you" because you've read that in Doreen Virtue's book, then that's what 444 will forever after mean. So for example "Alan" was your old girlfriend's name -- that is already your lingo, and "they" very well know it. Is it possible that you are meant to reach out not to Allan with two L's, but the old girlfriend with one L?

Also, you can always ask "whoever it is" (okay, I just call it "universe") to speak more clearly. For example, for me, it all started with numbers. And that was fine but then got a bit maddening, so I asked for words instead. Then later I also got symbols too. And now birds and animals. And a whole lot more, including people who come into your life to pass along something -- such as a timely book recommendation, or invite to an event where you meet someone else. Etc. The only thing I don't get are voices in my head -- and I'm really REALLY glad for that, because then I'd worry I had gone nuts.

Let me add that many times I just take the syncs as being a sign I am living completely in the here & now, in the moment. Which is the goal, is it not? I am so tuned in, I see all these signs and syncs all around... things I would not notice if I was stuck dwelling in the past or obsessing about the future. In that way, it becomes a magical and delightful dance -- you also start to realize universe has an incredible sense of humor.

Also, it comes as no massive surprise - but again it's nice to know I'm not alone - to hear that other people experience the numbers synchronicity along with this stuff. I've never had a massive sync with 11:11, but 12:34 seems to be pretty common for me.

Don't get me started about 1111. As I said above, the numbers (which I still see) got frustrating so I asked for words instead. You can string them together and you get a more complete message. I still see the numbers too -- I usually now associate them as being like a "flag" to get me to pay attention for an incoming sign which is a word or symbol or something else.

At any rate, if you want to PM me I can share more details than I will share here, where I would prefer to be intentionally vague. But suffice to say, I have been in same boat, and after three years of constant, incessant, daily syncs and signs which were hard to interpret, I finally just went with my heart. My heart knew all along what they were saying -- could not have been more loud and clear, frankly -- but my head was struggling with it all.
edit on 8-5-2012 by sheba2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by WanDash
reply to post by TheStev

Synchronicities & coincidences are, of course, "the stuff" conspiracies and/or conspiracy theories are made of...

And, I would think that if you've been encountering them in the volumes must have considered another/other explanation/s...such as - "the script is already written".

That has been my conclusion. I cannot see it any other way. But, i don't necessarily mean that as some higher entity/deity controlling it all and we are puppets on a string (though I don't rule that out either).

It is possible time actually flows backwards, not forwards; we only experience it as flowing forwards. So, in that way, the syncs may actually be a form of precognition. You notice them because they were planted by future you, so present you would follow the bread crumb. Or, we truly live in all at once -- present, future and now. So future you and past you is conspiring everything for now you to experience. Which is why the sync is so "wow" when it happens, and appears so mind-blowingly contrived.

I have a lot of different theories I've played around with, but I'm tired so probably not expressing them well. "We don't have free will" doesn't necessarily mean we are not in control. We may simply be our own masters pulling our own puppet strings -- from another time and/or dimension.

Oh, and then there's the more mundane theory, which explains hearing a certain song play on the radio, right as we asked a question: our brains process most everything on a delay. We could not operate in the every day if it did not do this for us. Then the brain carefully edits, and plays back the edited version to our minds. So, yeah... the song may have indeed already been playing *first* -- before we asked the question in our minds. In that way, it does point right to the idea that these syncs and signs are truly our subconscious speaking -- our inner most wish. We flipped the coin, it's already landed on "heads" before we've even phrased the question "Heads and I will eat this cupcake/tails and I will have the carrot sticks instead."

I could go on and on with this subject, since the syncs have been torturing me now every day for about three years, so I've given it too much thought.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by TheStev
reply to post by sylvie

Thanks for the advice and feedback. I guess it makes sense really - whoever's sending these messages, whether it's the self or some other entity - if they didn't want us to pursue these things it's unlikely they'd draw our attention to them! I never really thought of it like that before.

To be honest I haven't really done all that much to 'put the moves on' when it comes to Alex. Probably 50% playing it cool, 50% fear of rejection
If I said that I asked her how her weekend was, that probably wouldn't seem like much to most people - but if you knew me you'd know it's a big step!

My point is, I'm certainly more inclined to pursue it than to avoid it - and not just for the obvious reasons. I think my heart tells me that if they are signs, they're signs to be followed - signs of direction not signs of warning. I guess it's just all those times I followed them and ended up no better for it that makes me cautious. While you may not end up any worse in these situations, they're certainly more frustrating when you could've sworn the universe was telling you it was the right course of action.

Oh, and queenannie - I don't need to look to far into the name 'Allan'. The last woman I loved - an experience which messed me up pretty well - was named 'Alana'
Yet another dimension to the synchronicity I suppose, but I figured it had enough dimensions already so I decided not to take too much from that. Although there's no denying it's there!

Another thing to bear in mind is that it's possible the signs are directing you to reach out to this person because YOU have a message for her. I.e., you are just a bit part actor in her play. In other words, those frustrating times when it ended up no better -- maybe it did for the other person?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by sheba2011

Originally posted by WanDash
reply to post by TheStev

Synchronicities & coincidences are, of course, "the stuff" conspiracies and/or conspiracy theories are made of...

And, I would think that if you've been encountering them in the volumes must have considered another/other explanation/s...such as - "the script is already written".

That has been my conclusion. I cannot see it any other way. But, i don't necessarily mean that as some higher entity/deity controlling it all and we are puppets on a string (though I don't rule that out either).

It is possible time actually flows backwards, not forwards; we only experience it as flowing forwards. So, in that way, the syncs may actually be a form of precognition. You notice them because they were planted by future you, so present you would follow the bread crumb. Or, we truly live in all at once -- present, future and now. So future you and past you is conspiring everything for now you to experience. Which is why the sync is so "wow" when it happens, and appears so mind-blowingly contrived.

I have a lot of different theories I've played around with...

As to "time flowing backwards"... One of the more consistent "death" or "after life" dogmas points to a "life review"...(whole life passing before one's mind's eye)... I have wondered if what I am perceiving now isn't my "life review"... --- ... --- meaning, I'm already dead.
I know this may seem far fetched, could it be disproven?
And the synchronicities (and such), could be not unlike a teacher grading an exam --- showing which answers/thoughts/paths were right, wrong or mundane.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 06:02 AM
i doubt anyone has considered these kind of situations before me. i googled it but didnt find opinions on this topic; i find them very peculiar

its about coincidencies of events in a dream and a real world. you may have seen it in movies, but i doubt you ever considerd how is that even possible and what is probability

1st example from simpsons:
when Homer ate that mushrooms and went into the crazy world,. then a train going straight to him and hit him, and at the same time someone woke him up trowing a ball to his head

my example (one of many i have written in my notes-i didnt post anywhere online untill now):
i dream of being at clasroom at scholl, and then bell rings for the end of the class.. and at the SAME time someone rings on my doorbell and wake me up.

i guess thats what they called synhronicity if im not wrong.
oh, and even more crazy thing about it..
i was reading a book holographic universe, from michael tablot, in which he mentions example of synhronicity realted to some story around Buffalo Bill (i cant remember now).. and ..get ready for this..

tomorrow in a online news portal i stumble upon a article "LIFE OF BUFFALO BILL" !!!
and just to add, im not even from usa, im from europe

there, i hope you find it interesting. think about that ; )

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Trexter Ziam

Almost the exact same thing happened to me once. Driving to the airport and I notice my tire's pressure was getting low. It was to the point I had to turn off the nearest exit. It was one of those exits that turned into multiple different routes. I just picked one and turned into a parking lot. I found myself at a tire shop directly in front of the free air hose.
Made it to the airport just in time - in fact, they held the plane for me. Went home and found all my security cameras had been torn down.

Things like this happen so much I often wondered if I don't have some type of guardian angel.

The only other explanation is we are living in a computer game of some sort.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: TheStev

Ok, but you just slammed some words to an experience you told us nothing about, screaming synchronicity while leaving us guessing to what you really experienced and you must be disliking it or be bothered by it since you describe is as a curse.

Sure, you're experiencing reality, all of us do.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 01:27 PM
It's the Alknowing source telling you you are here.

posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 12:32 AM

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