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Grow some balls.

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posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep
There is nothing wrong with having a difference of opinions, as long as it is done tactfully, and not dissolve into the general bad mouthing and insults that usually happens.

Right there is the problem. On this site, people are always trying to get a point across, whether it be an opinion or a point of view, whatever. Then we get the bigmouths who think their opinion should matter more than anyone else's, and suddenly getting a word in edgewise, or even getting your point of view or opinion out there is a waste of energy, because it either gets stomped on, or completely ignored in the melodrama that follows.

I think deep down people just want to start arguments for the sake of it, not really to voice an opinion or suggest another mindset to someone they don't agree with. This "reality TV" mentality is prevalent here a lot sadly.

I have to say personally I have viewed many threads with an eye to adding a thoughtful idea or opinion, but don't see the point when after 2 or 3 pages it has degenerated into a slinging match that really gets the conversation nowhere.

Your point is well noted.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:31 PM
Nobody has principles anymore. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

I, for one, am not afraid to stand my ground - especially when I'm right.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
Nobody has principles anymore. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

I, for one, am not afraid to stand my ground - especially when I'm right.

It has nothing to do with principle, when you stand on a good principle then it is a good thing.

But to say "I am absolutely 100% right" is to say: "I am right and everyone else is wrong, I cannot err." When you put yourself in this category it is dangerous, because you then close your mind to any other possibility; even to the possibility that at the time you created your opinion you did not know every single fact there is to know on that subject. At this point you become an 'extremist.'

It is always better to say: "I believe myself to be correct based on all the information available to me at the time I formulated my opinion." This leaves your mind open to learning more, because it is usually always the case that there is more to learn. This may solidify what you previously learned, or may means your position was too far to an extreme and there is a better middle ground that could be sought, or maybe even that the new information means you should change your position, is something you do not know.

But there is always the possibility of new information, there is always the possibility that you could be wrong, none of us are perfect. All we do is our best daily, on what knowledge we have available to us. But continually we should seek more knowledge, we never know what we will find.

Never close your mind.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Jameela

Ah, but you are making the assumption that I think I am right all the time, which is an erroneous assumption. I am the first to admit when I am wrong. But when there is a subject matter that I have expertise or experience in, I am not going to back down to people who are yapping for the sake of sounding like they know what they are talking about.

I guess by saying "especially", it might imply that I would argue even if I am wrong - bad wording on my part, I guess.

edit on 28-4-2012 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by AwakeinNM

I got that assumption too, which is another thing we face here daily. Experts aren't always right though. Just more learned than the layman.

There are subjects that get different people fired up on, and things people know they have expertise in. Doesn't always make them right IMO. I agree with keep an open mind, and even if you don't totally agree with their post or opinion, listen to what each and every person has to add. If it is in the spirit of this website, ie; denying ignorance and enlightening people, then it is a good thing. I have had many I have clashed with over a difference of opinion, and the ones I listen to the most are the ones who can intelligently debate their points. I have learned new ideas to old situations many a time here, by people who are willing to communicate their opinion, rather than just plant their feet and say "Nope. I'm right. End of conversation," or my personal favourite, "Your opinion is stupid." Truly the sign of a closed mind...

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