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Recent Solar Anomalies NASA stil missing/deleted 10 hrs data? from April 11, 2012 NAVY & SOHO links

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posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 02:25 AM

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 02:34 AM
Yeah, I swear they are hiding something and are up to something. I've been fooling around with the heiloviewer and jviewer for a while now and they block a lot of stuff off. Sometimes in like patches, and sometimes it's like half the planet of the Sun. Like what the heck is going on? Awesome find by the way. That thing was huge. Wonder which way it went.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 02:34 AM
i agree with you,something is going mad
our sun is have a bad mood
and i think the 2012 movie is the real fact,and the real explanation about what will happen to our earth

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 03:08 AM
i will not be surprised at all if NASA indeed temper and hide data from the Sun..

after all was not NASA started by NAZI war criminals who deserved to be brought in front of justice...or is justice not equal to all?

and if you plant corrupted get corrupted fruits

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:40 PM
glad im not the only one noticing this. i have the SohoDynObservatory SDO app, and the sun video clips have been really strange lately. they have always taken an extra 5 secs to load (a functional glitch, no biggie), but.. now theyre skipping around, missing several hours at a time. ive checked my other apps, and the "latest earthquakes", "disaster events" and others are also missing the last day or two suddenly. ive had these for a year or two and this has NEVER happened.
its online too, rsoe site was blank, and others missing last 24 hrs of data. i look at these sites daily, and this is definitely odd. info is being blocked, imo.
and we're having mystery geomagnetic storms, and the big earth observing satellite has "gone silent," ...aaaand now im nervous.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:28 AM
here are the recent space weather activities

NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center

doesnt show any significant events atm

edit on 14/4/12 by awatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 01:19 AM
wonder if its connected to this

says there disclose tv last uploaded some strange photage of the sun, and has now been seized by the government, very strange.....

if i was to feel truely free, i would not expect to see my government censor photage of the sun, by nasa.....

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 01:38 AM

the sun was PULSATING so NASA deleted that.

Stereo web site home page :
Images and cams here:

@ 1:08

NASA is focusing on the sun, this video was intercepted from the NASA satellite showing the Sun pulsing. Soon the sun will go out. We have been observing this pulsing for months and what we observe is immediately uploaded for the world to see.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 05:27 AM
This is very strange and interesting how sun is pulsating! I´ve never seen anything like it, but I´m no expert. Can someone at least try to explane what this means? It looks like something new, some big change is going on with sun, but most people just ignore it
I don´t think we should panic, but I´d expect more interest and investigation.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 06:35 AM
I found one explanation for sun pulsating. It's normal for a star to pulsate.

I wonder if there are more explanations as well.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 06:58 AM
That's crazy....... to me it seems more likely a camera auto exposure issue than the sun pulsating to that extreme degree.
This amount would be noticed during daytime by all....... I don't buy it, plus stars usually pulsate at a certain frequency, not irregular as shown in the vid.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

Here's the OP from a thread started February 21, 2010. A couple years ago I know, but it came to mind while reading this thread. Interesting stuff...

Visual Black Out: Who tripped the sun for a second?
by Jimjolnir
started on 2/21/2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Jimjolnir

I live in a little town called Waterfall in Durban, South Africa. The following is something myself and at least two others experienced around 3 hours ago now.

Between 12:00PM and 12:30PM today, 21 Feb, my Mom and I were talking in the kitchen when something strange happened. For a split second everything went dark. Outside as well as in. The electricity, the sun, all light dissapeared! It is a cloudless, sunny, summer day. I don't want to speculate to much but it was as if we jumped dimensions. We both looked outside and then at each other.
I asked my Mom, "Did you see that?"
she said, "Yes! What the (expletive) was that?!"
I don't know if it is relevant, but a plane was flying overhead.
I followed my Mom outside, the plane went so fast that it was gone before we could catch a glimpse.
(I just went to confirm things with my Mom, my aunt just arrived, she says she experienced the same thing at the same time. She lives over the hill from us, almost from where the plane would have flown. It came from the north.)

My mom and I both felt a little funny, our eyes and stomach especially. Nothing crazy, almost a little faint. That lasted a few seconds. strange.

In addition to this story, I experienced the same thing when I was 14, 10 years ago. I was in standard 7 and in a second floor classroom, sitting at a table with 5 other people. The same thing happened.
Everything went dark. We looked up at eachother and the question arose, "did you see that?". Some say they just blinked, others swore, like me and my friend Ross, that we hadn't. I looked around and I thought other students noticed it too. A lot of them were looking around. I asked a lot of them about it after class, some say they experienced it while others weren't sure, or were sure they had blinked.

This happened again about a week or two later (if memory serves me well). After a recess period while lining up before going back to class, my friend Ross and I were talking and we both experienced a black out.

So, I've experienced this outside as well as in and with multiple witnesses and I, and others, have no clue as to what can cause this.

If anyone as any leads on what this could be, or how it happens, it would be appreciated.

If anyone has experienced a black out like this, or something you find similar, or that could contribute to the topic please post your experiences/information.

Please no flaming, trolling, off-topic posting... we know this is burdensome, even in a vauge topic such as what I've posted above.

Thanx and happy posting

*my first thread, I apologise if it sucks, or has been covered already. I tried searching and googling with no luck. Delete if need be. I'm a noob
if this is in the wrong forum, or could be in a better one please move it. Thanks to MODS for taking care of us noob flock

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Village Idiot

Uh... guys? a star can't pulsate. Its gravity has to PERFECTLY balance its internal explosion force. The reason you see other stars pulsate is because atmospheric perturbation. A star as close as the Sun isn't supposed to pulse.
Something weird is going on.
Remeber the Nicolas Cage movie ''Knowing''?

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

And this:

The Sun has had a powercut, I repeat the sun has had a powercut...
by Bun-G
started on 6/28/2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Bun-G
This isn't much but it has really perplexed me...

I was on a cig break at just after 10:30 this morning. I was having a chat with someone else at work whilest enjoying lovely clear blue sky's with the sun beating down on me, when all of a sudden... someone hit the dimmer switch lol.

The sun blinked off for a split second.

If it was was just me that saw it, i'd of thought that the sun was playing tricks on my eyes, but both myself & my buddy from work saw it.

It's not really anything big, but I'm just wondering if anyone know's what could explain this???

There were no clouds in the sky

No birds / low flying airplanes were about

The sun seemed to be shining a hell of a lot brighter a couple of minutes after this happened.

I'm at Milton Keynes, England.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 07:18 AM
And this:

Sky went dark for about 6 seconds..
by Axzion
started on 8/10/2008 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Axzion
Im in u.k England in a place called Shinewater which is within Eastbourne..
It is now about 9.20am and relativity bright, and the sky just went dark around this area, like night time dark, but no stars or clouds just pitch black...Quite a few people saw this so i'm not hallucinating...My neighbour believes it was a sudden eclipse but wouldn't that make everywhere else dark?
I could clearly see the area known as "The Downs" which is a rough bunch of high hills and it was not dark over there from what i could see.. it seemed like the light within about a .... a mile radius perhaps? just simply went dark, and I could very clearly see The Downs alight with natural light...the downs being quite a relativly high landmark you can see them from quite afar.
This may sound mad but it was like, kinda like...The sky was cracked almost. Like what i was seeing wasn't our was odd and there was a really eerie feeling going on, but i guess that's just human nature when faced with something unknown.
I posted this here because was in the sky and you guys kinda deal with the sky, so perhaps a UFO of some sought?
But honestly, it just felt looked like the sky had cracked, im sure someone would've picked this up on there mobile phone or something and cctv, that has to be an option.
I'm gunna try my best to get this in some media format, i'll start with the local herald newspaper and see if i can get this higher because what i saw was not natural well, i for one believe it wasn't natural and i have a probable several 100 witnesses to this...but if you guys/girls do have a more sensible solution then mine then please do post instead of flaming and calling me a liar.

Anyway i have to goto work so i'll answer question when i get back, but i've done the best i can describing the event.

okay...this is odd:

[edit on 10/8/08 by Axzion]

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by awatara
here are the recent space weather activities

NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center

doesnt show any significant events atm

edit on 14/4/12 by awatara because: (no reason given)

atm, i dont know if i trust that info, anyway. seems like a lot of filtered sketchy info lately from several top sources...

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
reply to post by BiggerPicture

And this:

The Sun has had a powercut, I repeat the sun has had a powercut...
by Bun-G
started on 6/28/2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Bun-G
This isn't much but it has really perplexed me...

I was on a cig break at just after 10:30 this morning. I was having a chat with someone else at work whilest enjoying lovely clear blue sky's with the sun beating down on me, when all of a sudden... someone hit the dimmer switch lol.

The sun blinked off for a split second.

If it was was just me that saw it, i'd of thought that the sun was playing tricks on my eyes, but both myself & my buddy from work saw it.

It's not really anything big, but I'm just wondering if anyone know's what could explain this???

There were no clouds in the sky

No birds / low flying airplanes were about

The sun seemed to be shining a hell of a lot brighter a couple of minutes after this happened.

I'm at Milton Keynes, England.

ok, this line of conversation is weirding me out. this has happened to me, too, and i was told the usual "you imagined it/ eyes need checked/thats not possible."
ive noticed it probably 6-8 times, all in the last 2-3 years. wth..

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:53 PM
^ its hard to tell if its the sun or our atmosphere - with all the reflective compounds they are spraying in our atmosphere for years now - and i wonder why?
- so often. theres diffinitely a fuzziness i seen recently from regions that dont have a significant smog at all. its ez for skeptics to dismiss it as passin clouds and/or paranoia..

A massive Earth directed Solar Flare that launched off the Sun on (April 9th 2012). The expected arrival date was 2 days later which was (April 11th 2012). This was also the day; the Earth just got rocked by all the magor Earthquakes such as a 8.6 off the coast of Sumatra, 7.0 Michoacan Mexico, 6.2 the off the coast of Oregon, 4.3 Utah, 5.0 North Indian Ocean, 6.9 in the Gulf of California & many other less magnitude quakes. So it clearly shows that Solar Flares/CME affect & have a magor impact on our Seismic activity dealing in reguards to Earthquakes & volcano eruptions

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are

That's crazy.. I was reading this thread, starting to think along the lines of these 'black-outs' and then I saw your posts refering to mine and others threads on the matter... (so old threads can be usefull

Trexter Ziam has brought some interesting thoughts to the discussion:

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam

I missed seeing anybody claim the sun "actually" blinked out for any period of time. Most are trying to figure what obscured the sunlight. In my case, it couldn't have been sun related because even the gas stove fires were not visible.

There's a 1950 case in some town up North where the whole town had the sun obscured and the reasoning turned out to be a forest fire in Canada ... some people accepted the hypothetical reasoning, some didn't.

Lots of cases ended up as complete solar eclipses.

A couple ended with the deductive hypothesis that an airplane blocked the light.

And there are other hypothesis which more complicated.

Since the mind is electrical 2-8 Hz during awake periods ... my current guess (not even a hypothesis ... just a guess) for Mom's and my experience is an electromagnetic blip. Whether it was the result of a solar flare or terrestrial electromagnetics, I don't know.

Alternatively, it could be a perception phenomenon.

I think if somebody says, "The sun went out" that they meant it as a figure of speech.

Here's my reply with some thoughts:

Originally posted by Jimjolnir
reply to post by Trexter Ziam

I think you're on to something! This phenomenon seems to affect a small enough area, that not everyone will notice it (could have just blinked/been sleeping?).

If what we've been experiencing is electro-magnetic (or similar) it could explain this nicely. If this is a possible cause, how is this occuring? Is it radio/wireless technologies that are to blame, is it radiation from outside the earth eg. cosmic rays, solar flares, etc, is it something happening in the atmosphere? This is pure speculation, obviously. Could it be a cumulative result of all of these things, with localy energized particles affecting our ocular mechanics as to trip our eyes from receiving light (or sending the info to the brain). On the other side, where people have claimed a 'white-out', could that just simply be the opposite; an over stimulation of the nerves connecting the eyes to the brain?

I've never thought about trying to find historical cases of this. That could help, to see how far this experience goes back.

There is obviously still no conclusive explanation for these phenomenon, though our speculations seem to be refining to a more plausible reality (in my opinion).

I wouldn't jump in to quickly to assume that what is presented in this thread is related, but it is interesting to consider any correlations. We shouldn't jump to conclusions... if this (in the OP) was affecting this 'black out' phenomenon, wouldn't there be an increase in witnesses?
edit on 2012/4/16 by Jimjolnir because: well italics may or may not work

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 10:36 PM
today's M1.7 looks peculiar...

kinda looks like explosive vomiting

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