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Has anybody else experiencing a rise in burglary rates throughout your neighborhood?

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posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:09 PM
I lived in a nice peaceful neighborhood. Only problem was that it was next to the muckleshoot indian reservation. They set up a huge casino across from our neighborhood, setup a huge liquor store/ smoke shop which they tore down a year later to make it even BIGGER (like a Toys R Us for adults) and right down the street a pawnshop popped up.

Yet the crime I thought it would attract didn't really come. Until recently... house after house has been burglarized (we believe they're professionals) and it's been getting worse and worse. First the neighbors down the street, then houses 2-3 down from ours, pretty much all over. Now my grandparents live in the same neighborhood and their nextdoor neighbors were the most recent burglary victims. Already we've sent out a flyer to have a neighborhood BBQ at our park to setup a neighborhood watch. This happened around the Zimmerman time because right before I was about to offer my service to take 2-3 walks during the day around the neighborhood to make sure things were okay, now I don't know if I should carry my .40 cal or not.

God forbid them if they hit my gma and gpa's house. My gpa already improved his backdoor lock along with one of our neighbors that got hit. If they come inside their house they WILL GET SHOT WITHOUT HESITATION.

I've been hearing about more and more of this stuff happening around other neighborhoods as well. Is this a direct effect of how $h|tty our country has become? Has this epidemic reached your neighborhoods yet? Last year my cousin's fiance shot and killed an intruder in New Mexico and they were cleared of all charges. Can't wait til they hit my house since I have a loaded SKS right next to the fireplace....

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Swing80s

God forbid them if they hit my gma and gpa's house. My gpa already improved his backdoor lock along with one of our neighbors that got hit. If they come inside their house they WILL GET SHOT WITHOUT HESITATION.

I wouldn't say that out loud. They might do it to sue.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:16 PM
There is very little crime where I am from, so no.

Sucks for you though.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Swing80s
I lived in a nice peaceful neighborhood. Only problem was that it was next to the muckleshoot indian reservation. They set up a huge casino across from our neighborhood, setup a huge liquor store/ smoke shop which they tore down a year later to make it even BIGGER (like a Toys R Us for adults) and right down the street a pawnshop popped up.

Yet the crime I thought it would attract didn't really come. Until recently... house after house has been burglarized (we believe they're professionals) and it's been getting worse and worse. First the neighbors down the street, then houses 2-3 down from ours, pretty much all over. Now my grandparents live in the same neighborhood and their nextdoor neighbors were the most recent burglary victims. Already we've sent out a flyer to have a neighborhood BBQ at our park to setup a neighborhood watch. This happened around the Zimmerman time because right before I was about to offer my service to take 2-3 walks during the day around the neighborhood to make sure things were okay, now I don't know if I should carry my .40 cal or not.

God forbid them if they hit my gma and gpa's house. My gpa already improved his backdoor lock along with one of our neighbors that got hit. If they come inside their house they WILL GET SHOT WITHOUT HESITATION.

I've been hearing about more and more of this stuff happening around other neighborhoods as well. Is this a direct effect of how $h|tty our country has become? Has this epidemic reached your neighborhoods yet? Last year my cousin's fiance shot and killed an intruder in New Mexico and they were cleared of all charges. Can't wait til they hit my house since I have a loaded SKS right next to the fireplace....

here in Southern Virginia there has been an increase in crime... I work on foreclosed homes we often find the heat pump is missing. There has been a whole series of break-ins and other crime. There has been people stealing all of the scrap metal they can find steel or copper it doesn't matter as long as they can cash it in.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:25 PM
Yeah, I have. Ever since it went Section 8.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Swing80s

Has anybody else experiencing a rise in burglary rates throughout your neighborhood?

Yes and no.

Yes - there has been a small but noticeable climb in petty thefts, gas siphonings and home burglaries.
No - It is not particularly surprising bearing in mind the state of the economy over the last half decade. In fact, I expected it to be a lot worse than it has been so...

Local law enforcement holds regular press conferences to remind the public not to take the law into their own hands. If someone wants to steal something or prowl your dirt, you should call the cops and then, go back to bed.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:28 PM
This slowly seems to be happening everywhere. Even in the land of suburbia where I live (outside of Philadelphia), I have noticed an increase in crime reports in the general area. Most of the stuff is petty, but there seems to be a rise of theft from cars, shoplifting, and every week there seems to be a bank robbery near me. It's definitely getting worse, and probably only going to get worse from here.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:32 PM
Getting worse around my neighborhood (and near). Live in a very nice area, but keep hearing about more and more break ins. There was some guy running around robbing women at night when they came home from work. He was pulling a weapon, bulletin didn't indicate what kind, then taking the purse, and apparently running to his car parked a ways away. Actually went out and bought a little .38 to stick in my pocket when I take the dog for his nightly jaunt. I find the full size pistol/belt/holster combo uncomfortable in my pajamas. Especially with lack of belt loops. Also started sleeping with an AR by the bed just in case after hearing some horror stories from a woman at the dog park. I think we may be in for a tough summer. I would much rather hand over my wallet or anything in my house than have to shoot someone, but if that someone has a gun I have no idea their intent.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:35 PM
Are people reporting crime less, because I've seen crime stats going down for awhile now?

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:39 PM


posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:41 PM
There is zero crime where I live, but I cannot say the same for my daughter. She lives in a studio apartment in Lubbock, close to Texas Tech. In the past year we have had to replace her car windows three different times. The second time it happened, we told her to leave the car unlocked. They still broke the window the third time.

She states that it is obvious that, when she left her car unlocked, her junk was rummaged through almost nightly. One time, the idiots left their sunglasses in the car on the floorboard in their haste to pick pennies out of the drink holder.

What did they steal, besides our money (because she works hard and doesn't make much, we had to pay for all three window replacements)? Spare change that added up to less than a dollar, a pair of nasty old athletic shoes, a bag with some jeans and some used perfume in it, the compartment under her seat which held some old vitamin c tablets which had melted, some beads she had hanging on her rear view mirror, and the rear view mirror itself.

She has grown tired of filing police reports, because nothing happens, except that they say that there is a lot of petty crime around Tech. The window replacement guys say that this is common and many car window are busted out on a daily basis around there, which sucks for the car owners, but keeps them in business.

We have installed motion lights in her driveway, and are fixing to install a motion-sensor camera that is used to take nighttime shots of wild life.

I think that every city that has a population of over 10,000 probably has rampant crime in the form of petty theft, property destruction, and break-ins. I think it's a bunch of young idiot crackheads with no jobs who prefer the life of a worthless thieving thug as their career of choice. The economy is difficult, to be sure, but breaking windows to get a bunch of stuff not worth the effort or the time they would do if caught tells me they're young, stupid, and need a good butt kicking to set them straight.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by satron

Well from personal experience:

I had a canoe stolen from my dock last month, and I didn't report it.

I live in a gated golf community with paid security. I figured if they got out of here with it they deserved the fruits of their labor. Not worth the headache of dealing with the cops.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by wearewatchingyouman
reply to post by satron

Well from personal experience:

I had a canoe stolen from my dock last month, and I didn't report it.

I live in a gated golf community with paid security. I figured if they got out of here with it they deserved the fruits of their labor. Not worth the headache of dealing with the cops.


You: *claps*

edit on 12-4-2012 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by satron

Not a good enough show for a star I see... Tough crowd...

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by Swing80s

do you have a lot of seasonal residents? Because we had a rash of car burglaries and break ins this winter and the police that i talked to said it was mostly "snow birds" homes and parked vehicles being burglarized so that might have something to do with an increase in crime in your area. the police did say they seemed to think they were not average robbers or tweakers out for drug money as most of them were professionally done with little evidence left behind, even pretty sure my house was being cased as i am one of 5 residents out of 50-100 homes around a lake that stay year round in Montana and as i park my jeep in my back yard it often looks like im not home,so after seeing two people with out of state plates parked on my bridge i got suspicious so i went out and did some target practice and they took off quite quickly with out trying to say anything to me. so i assume they were up to no good (the church people still come up and occasionally do target practice with me so i know it wasent religious people)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Swing80s

Don't let racist propagandist and fear mongering liberals scare you away from your god given right of self defense.

Carry your firearm. Use caution and common sense, never use it to escalate a situation. Use it if necessary and as a last resort.

I don't care what color you are, how old you are, how ugly you are.. break into someones home and violate their security.. you deserve the consequences of an armed homeowner.

To answer your question though.. no, I've not seen a rise of burglary in my neighborhood.. it's a blue collar neighborhood, but crime here has not really increased much. When you get more into the city I actually know a few people who have been burglarized.. but they live in a crappy part of town anyways, so I don't think the economy really had much to do with it.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 01:18 AM
What sucks is that our town was a small town when I was mayor of it for Kids Day back when I was 10, maybe about 36,000 people now it's between 46-50 thousand people. I live up on one of the hills, we have lakeland hills which is a Suburban hell hole which is almost it's own town itself, the next hill over is my hill and if you keep going you hit the Muckleshoot Ampitheater where all the bands play when they come to Seattle, and the next hill over is also a suburb with our local community college up there. I've always respected my town and the police here and it's a beautiful place so I dunno WTF is going on... even down in the valley it's peaceful and full of good homes, except where the Green River Killer lived LoL

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