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Reasons why I believe the sun is more luminous and why it matters to you

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by brigand
I have thought the sun felt hotter the past two summers.. this past week it was unbearably hot.

Its nice to see I'm not crazy.. I swear its getting hotter by the day.
A few months ago,i was working outside and the sun was shining down on me as bright as ever up in a very blue sky and it was so cold out,i almost got frost bite.The sunshine that day,is called,ineffective sunlight and so is the sun seemingly getting brighter and hotter,based on someones perspective? Or is it based in reality?
edit on 30-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by shortsticks

I'm in Florida, where are you? I haven't seen any blue when looking a t the sun. In fact I just blinded myself trying it now. But I'll keep a look out.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:31 PM
I was born in the 50s, and I noticed a change in the sun's color in the late 1990s. Definitely much whiter. I had read somewhere as a star ages it begins to burn off different types of gases, i.e. more helium than hydrogen, and that would affect the color of the sun. Who knows...

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by shortsticks
Whatever the sun has been doing,is doing and will be doing,we have 8 minutes and 20 seconds before we find out about it >

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruthhe new ,more energetic and turbulent "bubble we are in now also makes possible interplanetary lightening bolts that can vaporize cities in seconds -even better than our thermonuclear bombs.We've already seen that comet shoemaker et al was blasted apart by one of Jupiter's lightning bolts even before it entered the Jovian atmosphere-the pieces then splattered on something far below the Jovian cloud cover.Why don't we get electrical discharges(super bolts) between the moon and the earth? The moon is poc marked by numerous "pittings" we call craters.I think the magnetic field of the earth acts like a Faraday Cage . But as our magnetic field weakens, we will get hit by Superbolts as Ceres passes by in the next few years( the pulverized Ceres will form a luminous ring around the earth , like that of the planet Saturn.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by siluriancryptic
reply to post by theabsolutetruthhe new ,more energetic and turbulent "bubble we are in now also makes possible interplanetary lightening bolts that can vaporize cities in seconds -even better than our thermonuclear bombs.We've already seen that comet shoemaker et al was blasted apart by one of Jupiter's lightning bolts even before it entered the Jovian atmosphere-the pieces then splattered on something far below the Jovian cloud cover.Why don't we get electrical discharges(super bolts) between the moon and the earth? The moon is poc marked by numerous "pittings" we call craters.I think the magnetic field of the earth acts like a Faraday Cage . But as our magnetic field weakens, we will get hit by Superbolts as Ceres passes by in the next few years( the pulverized Ceres will form a luminous ring around the earth , like that of the planet Saturn.

Ceres has been villainised and used as an excuse for the real things going on.

The sun is in a certain phase that is affecting the solar system and hence Earth, weakening the heliosphere and Earth's magnetic field. There are theories that these things are happening because of the solar system's position within the milky way.

But the gravitational pull of the stars in the Galactic (Milky Way) plane is slowing down the Sun's escape. The astronomer Frank Bash estimates that in 14 million years the sun will reach its maximum height above the Galactic disk. From that 250 light-year position, it will be pulled back towards the plane of the Galaxy. Passing through, it will travel to a point 250 light-years below the disk, then oscillate upwards again to reach its present position 66 million years from now. We crossed the plane 2 million years ago. We are currently in the thick of the galactic disk and our view of distant regions is largely blocked by dust but 10-20 million years from now, our motion will allow a full view of our starry galaxy.

Major things happen to Earth, as archaeology proves, these things happening are most often caused by galactic forces.

Is there a genocidal countdown built into the motion of our solar system? Recent work at Cardiff University suggests that our system's orbit through the Milky Way encounters regular speedbumps - and by "speedbumps" we mean "potentially extinction-causing asteroids".

These models reveal a regular oscillation through the central galactic plane, where the surrounding dust clouds are the densest. The solar system is a non-trivial object, so its gravitational effects set off a far-reaching planetoid-pinball machine which often ends with comets hurled into the intruding system.

Many of the ricocheted rocks collide with planets on their way through our system, including Earth. Impact craters recorded worldwide show correlations with the ~37 million year-cycle of these journeys through the galactic plane - including the vast impact craters thought to have put an end to the dinosaurs two cycles ago.

Almost exactly two cycles ago, in fact. The figures show that we're very close to another danger zone, when the odds of asteroid impact on Earth go up by a factor of ten. Ten times a tiny chance might not seem like much, but when "Risk of Extinction" is on the table that single order of magnitude can look much more imposing. Worse, Bruce Willis will only be available to save us for another fifty years at most. But you have to remember that ten times a very small number is still a very small number - and Earth has been struck by thousands of asteroids without any exciting extinction events. A rock doesn't just have to hit us, it has to be large enough to survive the truly fearsome forces that cause most to burn up on re-entry.

Professors Medvedev and Melott of the University of Kansas have a different theory based on the same regular motion. As the Sun ventures out "above" the galactic plane, it becomes increasingly exposed to the cosmic ray generating shock front that the Milky Way creates as it ploughs through space. As we get closer to this point of maximum exposure, leaving the shielding of the thick galactic disk behind, the Kansas researchers hold that the increasing radiation destroys many higher species, forcing another evolutionary epoch. This theory also matches in time with the dinosaur extinction - and it's nice to see theories for that from Kansas not based on "an angry bearded man in the sky did it".

edit on 7-5-2012 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Baracas
reply to post by shortsticks

ABSOLUTELY!!!! Something is up... Solar Activity is an adjunct to what is happening..... the SUN is STRONGER... I have noticed.... and many others... I have been talking about this with colleagues for a few weeks now. It even feels stronger on the skin.. or through windows... We are here in New Mexico USA. I cannot vouch for the color... but you can barely glance at it anymore for however brief...

About ten+ years ago I noticed the Chemtrails starting... not as frequent as nowadays... which is a several time a week occurrence here at times.... I have been documenting them photographically for the past year (during the day and night) as they have been occurring with such increased frequency... almost blatant, like no one looks up anymore at the sky anymore and says WOW... whats going on?? too busy watching TV or rushing about the day to day overwhelm .... Something is up... I think there is a RELATIONSHIP between the increased Solar Power (Luminosity / Radiation, Brightness, Heat, etc...) and the Chem-Trail Phenomena... maybe "global warming" is somewhat wrapped up in this as a guise as well to what is actually happening here.... good post...

Hi Baracas..
tried contacting you for our discoveries... but no luck..
please contact me at aurionmission blog or use the same name at gmail.. the email is there in the blog on the right side..
thanks and looking forward for our work together and ur contributions to ATS..

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