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David Paulides Missing 411 ... Disappearances in the national parks

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:00 PM
Hey Mods I am not sure if this is the right place because well I dont know what to classify it as, so feel free to move it.

But anyways, Did anyone see the interview with this guy on Coast to Coast last night? I sometime catch the first hour when I am up working, but I had to listen to this whole show. It was simply fascinating to hear of all these disappearances, and the fact that the Park Service was so so belligerent in dealing with all requests for info.

For those who didnt catch it, the author is a former cop and bigfoot researcher who began investigating disappearances in national parks for some reason. As he went down this road he found thousands of unexplained ones, that had no rational explanation. Things like toddlers disappearing for like 12 hours and being found in the woods 15 miles away with no idea what happened to them, or people going missing and being found under massive logs. There also seemed to be a ton of cases of children being snatched in an open area with no sounds less than 50 feet from their parents. The kicker to all of this, is when they find alot of the bodies the clothes and other evidence dont show signs that would lead one to believe an animal attack occured. Things like the person's jeans folded up neatly next to them, and just other oddities. All the stories seem to have a lot in common except for there is no unifying theory to explain what could have happened to these people. As he continued to investigate, the govt began blocking his FOIA requests and generally badgering him for looking into it. I dont know if I believe this all but it was a fascinating story if nothing else. Here's a link to the book: Missing 411

For those that are familiar with the story or book....what do you think this could possibly be? Or is there no "it" and these are all just seemingly related when there are various causes. My first thought was maybe some cult or gangs growing drugs in the woods. But as time went on neither of those mad as much sense to me. Most of the victims seem to be children, even when there are other adults right there so I think thats gotta eliminated the gangs, and murders that arent just praying on children. Could be wild animals but the author says there generally isnt a sign of attack like that. So I am at a loss on this one. What does ATS think

edit on 26-3-2012 by onfire49 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:15 PM
Very interesting will look further into this before I post any kind of conclusion S&F

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:08 AM
Perhaps it is forest spirits or something. If such things do in fact exist I would imagine that children would be more able to perceive them, and more able to be tricked by them into very bad positions

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Mkoll

Haha that was something that kinda popped into my head....I mean not that I would propose that as the answer because I dont know anything about that kinda stuff. But the author told one story of a girl who sort of wandered off looking for berries and when they found her after they saw some sort of bear/wolf looking animal run off. the dad was like "why didnt you come when we called" and she said something like it wouldnt let me. I guess her hat was gone and she said the animal (which she called Mr.Wolf ) took it or ate I cant remember. He asked her if she had found anything to eat and she claimed that Mr.Wolf fed her berries from his paw. That was by far the most odd/paranormal report. But I did sort of remind of places I've been where locals in some places still believe in these devilish creatures in the woods. Sort of like the old stories of trolls and faires, etc. But as I said I dont really know a ton on that type of stuff

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:38 AM
I listened to that show. The guest also said many of the disappearances occurred in spots that had the word Devil in the name. Like Devil's Hollow, Devil's Lane, Devil's Ridge, etc. That scared me because I used to dig topaz and smokey quartz gemstones all the time at DEVIL'S HEAD outside of Sedalia Colorado.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

Yea there were a bunch of Devil mentions. I thought the most interesting on was that older lady, and the chief said she just vanished but the native chief said he saw two eagle flying and that he took it as a sign of her death. Its super crazy but the fact that all these cases seem to just be taken out of no where with no signs, right behind peoples back made me think of the Predator movies. Some alien running around snatching people haha

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:14 PM
anyone else have any info or theories on this..... I figured this was way to interesting for ATS'ers to pass up

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by onfire49

Very compelling show. I actually ordered the book. Just incredible how so many people go missing in our National Parks.

Heres a few videos. Enjoy.

edit on 27-3-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:59 PM

Heres the ENTIRE show.

Enjoy this also.

Have fun camping folks...........

edit on 27-3-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 11:09 PM
I actually believe the FBI and The Park Services are hiding facts from the general public. If they decided to open up all the files,the evidence,NO ONE would visit a National Park.MHO You have to think this has been going on for a very long time. Hundreds of years,even before the Park services was formed.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Thanks for posting all those videos. I think it was the best coast to coast I have ever heard. I was gunna order the book to but it looks like a lot of people enjoyed the show, as they are on back order. You seem to be fairly well informed on this....why do you think people wouldnt visit if they knew the truth? Sorry if the answer is in your video posts, internet is acting odd here loading everything super slow.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by onfire49
reply to post by sonnny1

Thanks for posting all those videos. I think it was the best coast to coast I have ever heard. I was gunna order the book to but it looks like a lot of people enjoyed the show, as they are on back order. You seem to be fairly well informed on this....why do you think people wouldnt visit if they knew the truth? Sorry if the answer is in your video posts, internet is acting odd here loading everything super slow.

Well,would you take the chance,even remotely,if "something" lurked in the Park you visited? I wouldn't take my children to one. Having even a firearm,wouldn't protect you. Again,the Park services aren't even giving a number,on how many children have gone missing. To top it off they don't know whats doing this,or they aren't letting folks know. I just wouldn't take the chance,unless I was armed. Period. They have changed the laws in Yellowstone,so I believe you can carry loaded weapons in them.

Yes,one of the best C2C I have heard in a long time.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Yea I am not sure given the whole set of stories that even a weapon would help. Providing there is something doing this (or the majority of this) it seems like its stealthy enough, that you would have no time to draw and shoot. I really wanna believe this is drug growers for a number of reasons. It would make sense given that we know the cartels are ultra violent, but it doesnt jive with the fact that these dead people arent mutilated. Also it made sense that the govt wouldnt wanna admit that they are losing control of the interior of these parks because we know that the cartels have began taking over areas of the national parks. If they admitted that people would freak, or they would have to admit they are letting the cartels operate. But then again doesnt explain the number of children, and the fact the adults arent touched. Would seem to me if these people stumbled on grow areas, then the growers would take out the adults atleast simply because they would have a better idea of what was goin on. Either way I just cant think of any explanation for this.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by onfire49
reply to post by sonnny1

Yea I am not sure given the whole set of stories that even a weapon would help. Providing there is something doing this (or the majority of this) it seems like its stealthy enough, that you would have no time to draw and shoot. I really wanna believe this is drug growers for a number of reasons. It would make sense given that we know the cartels are ultra violent, but it doesnt jive with the fact that these dead people arent mutilated. Also it made sense that the govt wouldnt wanna admit that they are losing control of the interior of these parks because we know that the cartels have began taking over areas of the national parks. If they admitted that people would freak, or they would have to admit they are letting the cartels operate. But then again doesnt explain the number of children, and the fact the adults arent touched. Would seem to me if these people stumbled on grow areas, then the growers would take out the adults atleast simply because they would have a better idea of what was goin on. Either way I just cant think of any explanation for this.

Dont know about drug growers. How about that guy who was 30 ft in a tree,and investigators thought he was attacked from behind. In a tree?

I would also think that dealers would go through all the belongings also. I just cant think "human". Also,these disappearances have been happening for 100 year or more. Dont think "dealers" were doing it back then.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:18 PM
I too thought this was one of the best C2C shows ever. Then it dawned on me. Here is a crazy theory.

What if the highest levels of govt had absolute proof that some evil force threatened earth. Whether it was aliens, or dimensional creatures or the dog-headed creatures portrayed in Egyptian glyphs, if this thing could not be stopped by any normal means?

What if further that this thing contacted the highest levels of govt and made some kind of deal? They agree to "overlook" the national park incidents in return for some kind of power/technology/gold etc?

It would explain how little respect our govt has for us. It would explain so much to me if, in fact our leaders made a pact with the Devil. I know this is out there but those stories struck me as the most evil force. Only a "devil" would prey on helpless children, perform sexual acts then shred them into small bone fragments.

It's obvious from the wall the writer is running into that the govt knows something. It's obvious they have records going way back. If word got out that they made some pact to sell us out, there would be a revolution over night.
edit on 28-3-2012 by zarp3333 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 07:49 PM
enjoyed the radio show at least 2 of the cases , the bow hunter and the other mentioned at same time in the school bus have been on ray mears show i think star and flag
..ended up reading loads on dennis martin case
edit on 28-3-2012 by gambon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by zarp3333
I too thought this was one of the best C2C shows ever. Then it dawned on me. Here is a crazy theory.

What if the highest levels of govt had absolute proof that some evil force threatened earth. Whether it was aliens, or dimensional creatures or the dog-headed creatures portrayed in Egyptian glyphs, if this thing could not be stopped by any normal means?

What if further that this thing contacted the highest levels of govt and made some kind of deal? They agree to "overlook" the national park incidents in return for some kind of power/technology/gold etc?

It would explain how little respect our govt has for us. It would explain so much to me if, in fact our leaders made a pact with the Devil. I know this is out there but those stories struck me as the most evil force. Only a "devil" would prey on helpless children, perform sexual acts then shred them into small bone fragments.

It's obvious from the wall the writer is running into that the govt knows something. It's obvious they have records going way back. If word got out that they made some pact to sell us out, there would be a revolution over night.
edit on 28-3-2012 by zarp3333 because: (no reason given)

I was thinking the same way Paulides is thinking. Some type of "bigfoot" or subhuman. Who knows though. Very compelling though.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:35 PM
Yea assuming there is something like a bigfoot, it would make sense. If I am not mistaken there are a lot of of stories from the tribes of the North West, warning children about being taken by the hairy man (or some similar name). By no means are all the victims children but it seems like the make up a huge part of the list. If it where some sort of predator, known or unknown, that certainly makes sense. Still trying to figure out the lack of signs of attack though.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by onfire49

lol i got that he was distancing himself from the bigfoot idea tbh,
I know he has written a lot about them but he didnt really push that agenda too much imo

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by zarp3333

I have always wondered how the ancient societys like the sumerians aztecs greeks and so on came up with all these mythological beasts. I mean the government is obviously hiding whats going on in these cases so why wouldn't they hide some very important history. Im wondering just how strange the ancient world was back then?

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