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Thread Theory (no longer an introduction) First Thread

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posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:05 PM
Mods, I apologize for making my introduction linked to too many conspiracies.
I have moved this to General Conspiracies. Please move, or delete if I am wrong again.

First I would like to apologize in advance, it appears that my writing style is sort of a rambling stream of thought. I will work towards being more professional and clear.

I am an artist living in Brooklyn that makes mostly paintings. I work with automatic, stream of consciousness painting. During this process I am not usually fully "aware" of what my hand is doing until it is done making its mark. I come up with quick painting sketches that develop into paintings. I will post some of my recent works below.

I have been adding my comments and joining various discussions here on ATS since I registered as a member late last year.
However, I have been avidly researching information on conspiracies on the internet FULL TIME since September 11, 2001.
I was 27 when that happened and living in Los Angeles. I remember having very vivid dreams that day while I slept until 1pm Pacific time.
I woke up that afternoon with a dozen messages on my machine and things began to unfold around me in a surreal way as I'm sure was the case for most of us. I found my TV, a small little portable type, that I kept packed away on a shelf in my closet. I spent my entire adult life up until I was recently married without a TV. But I had one packed away, so I quickly plugged it in, sat down with a cup of coffee and then began chain smoking through the 9/11 recap. Wow. Just thinking about that day brings back so much excitement and anger.
Later that evening we were all meeting at our "Factory" band room (me and my friends had this huge 4000 sq ft warehouse on the LA river downtown that we had a set shop and a band room at. Anyways, I have always considered my fiends to be very forward thinking and open minded. However, I remember telling everyone that this was not a "real" terrorist attack in that there is no way the planes could have done that to those buildings and especially "that other one that didn't even get hit" (building 7). Anyways, no one liked what I was saying and my "open minded, free spirit, punk rock" friends thought I was being "wrong". I couldn't believe that they couldn't see what I could clearly see and fully believed almost immediately.
Well, this began my journey into "investigations" on every level about everything imaginable. ATS has always been a great library for me and I have been reading here for many years. There are many other sites of course and it takes serious vetting before I begin to consider some information that I find.
All of that being said, I would like to say Hello to everyone and to share a few theories that I think are worthy of further investigation.

I may start threads about some of the following topics:

I believe that "Aliens" have been on Earth off and on for billions of years. If our advanced human race evolved from pretty much nothing and has reached the level we are at today in 500 million years, then I would put the advancement of any type of civilization at about 500 million years. Since our planet is around 5.5 billion years old, that would give plenty of time for many different advanced civilizations to exist and flourish and even visit and or colonize our planet.

I believe that there is something to most government conspiracies ranging from the birth of the Federal Reserve to JFK assassination to OKC bombing to 9/11, 7/7 and beyond.
To add to the government conspiracies, I believe that it is no coincidence that our leaders all seem to be related to kings and queens and going back to emperors of Rome. I would think that if we had enough information we could show these bloodlines dating back to Babylon.

I believe that our current advanced civilization arrived from the ashes of the previous advanced civilization. I imagine a truly epic cataclysm that must have melted the surface of the earth, wiping out all lifeforms and structures on the surface. The various pyramids and other large monoliths are all that remain from the previous age. Could the ruling bloodline of our world be the same as the surviving elite from the previous age?

If so, all of the above would connect into one grand unified thread theory.

Ok. That's my introduction, or should I say: Ok, that's my introduction??

Anyways, here are a few new pieces.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to future discussions and or arguments regarding to any of the above and more.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:10 PM
Sounds like you've done alot of research, so I am very much looking forward to your threads/opinions.

Very nice artwork!

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by tinker9917

As soon as you discover one thing it seems like a door opens to another.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:12 PM
Sorry, Im not trying to be a douche, but I dont understand this thread. Its an Introduction pretty much, so maybe shouldnt be in this forum.

As for the topics you suggested could be discussed further, they have been discussed in the relevant forums, go to the forums and select most flagged, or follow some of the top members, as these subjects have been discussed exstensivly before.

Your art work is personnaly not to my taste but, I do like art in general, are you always in these "states" when being creative? or is that your usual technique? Does anyone influence you? They kinda remind me of the screaming man.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Sinny

It's Ok if you're being a douche, no worries. I tried to make this an introduction but the mods shut it down (rightfully so).
I then put it in general conspiracies and the mods moved it to the Grey Area (rightfully so).

Thanks for your help though.
Yes, my work has been compared to Munch "The Scream"

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by TimesUp

It's good to hear from you.

It's really a wonderful asset to know that someone is speaking from behind a large load of research and retrospection, instead of just stating off-the-wall opinions.

I hope to read more of your work.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by TimesUp

It's good to hear from you.

It's really a wonderful asset to know that someone is speaking from behind a large load of research and retrospection, instead of just stating off-the-wall opinions.

I hope to read more of your work.

I look forward to contributing and sharing and thinking with future discussions.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 01:14 PM
Ah man, I really like your style of writing... and those paintings are right up my alley. Nice work

Inspired me to get out the old sketchpad again.

Originally posted by TimesUp
I work with automatic, stream of consciousness painting. During this process I am not usually fully "aware" of what my hand is doing until it is done making its mark.

If you don't mind me asking, how do you get this 'automatic' process started? I'm aware of what you mean because I write music in a similar way, but I've been wanting to get back to sketching again. You have any tips or helpful info? Do you go through a certain routine or visualisation before you get started?

I completely understand if you don't want to explain too much, I know how personal it can be. In any case, welcome! Looking forward to reading your posts here on ATS

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by dyllels

If you don't mind me asking, how do you get this 'automatic' process started? I'm aware of what you mean because I write music in a similar way, but I've been wanting to get back to sketching again. You have any tips or helpful info? Do you go through a certain routine or visualisation before you get started?

First of all, thanks!
My process developed in college back in the early 90's. I would put myself into a trance, using meditation and various herbs and spices. I would approach the canvas or panel when the moment of madness struck. I start moving my hand and scribbling, turning the canvas around and around as I keep moving and trying to capture something "real". Finally I discover a "really nice shoulder bone and neck" or something along those lines. I work it off of that and I end up with a quick sketch. I should note that this initial process leading to the sketch is concluded usually within 3 or 4 minutes. It is very quick and automatic. I have learned from this a most important lesson. Do not edit what you "wrote". No matter how personal or embarrassing the image or message is, if the image "fits", I work it into a painting.
I find this method of painting to be very revealing and sometimes spiritual. I'm sure there are many other artists out there that use this similar method. In our age with all of the new questions and the quests for knowledge, I feel that this type of art helps describe underlying themes in our "End of the World", "Apocalyptic Generation" as the last 40 years will no doubt look one day in history books.
I feel my art represents the subconscious pulse of everything "now", as viewed through my automatic painting.
I have a name that I classify my type of work as, "Self Exorcism".


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