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Rush (The Band) Wants Off Rush

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posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:16 PM
I found this on a craiglist blog of all places. I guess Rush are not the only ones wanting their music off Limbaugh's show.

Progressive rockers Rush went so far to send Limbaugh a cease and desist note, stating, "The use of Rush's music in this way is an infringement of Rush's copyrights and trademarks. The public performance of Rush's music is not licensed for political purposes and any such use is in breach of public performance licenses and constitutes copyright infringement. There are civil and criminal remedies for copyright infringement, including statutory damages and fines."

"In addition, the use of Rush's music in this manner implies an endorsement of the views expressed and products advertised on the show, and is in breach of not only copyright and trademark rights, but also, of section 51 of the New York Civil Rights Law. Accordingly, we hereby demand that you immediately stop all use of Rush's music and confirm that you will do so."

Lead-Singer of Rage Against The Machine, Tom Morello, tweeted to Limbaugh: "Hey Jack, stop using our music on your racist, misogynist, right wing clown show."

Morello's comments add to a growing list of musicians who have publically stated they don't want Limbaugh to use their music on his syndicated radio show, including Rush, Peter Gabriel and the Fabulous Thunderbirds.

The response comes after Limbaugh made a personal attack on Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke for her stance defending women's reproductive rights.

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