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So I met a Ron Paul supporter at the bar last night..

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:11 PM
He was pretty cool. Was going inside form the outside area to get some food when I walked past him and he was wearing a rEVOLution shirt, so I said something like "Hey I think Ron Paul is fo'real!" and we got to talking. He seemed a little scared to say certain things, like NDAA or whatever, and I kept following his sentences with stuff he knew but didn't want to seem "crazy" for saying, plus I told him about stuff he didn't know about, he was maybe 15 years older than me but was impressed..not to toot my own horn, you know, but i do know my stuff

So anyway, this guy was with his cousin, a veteran of the Air Force since the "war" over Bosnia, and he knew a lot too.. he knew about the opium/Afghanistan and oil/Iraq messes..

But he (the vet) hit it home when he said if someone would pay him $10K to vote for Romney over Paul, he would do it. Partially because he knew the vote was maybe rigged, but mostly because that money would go a lot further for himself, being a widower, and his daughter. And I sympathize with that.

He said his daughter was the focus of his life, and we got to talking that I have no children because I don't want to raise them in what we mutually saw as a crazy messed up world. But that it was the focus of life for me, having really no strings attached, to get the world back on track.

Not that I think I can change the world alone, or that it is likely to be easy, but that it has to be done and we all have our part in it.

It was just a great way to put an average situation into perspective for me.

I eventually got some GMO cheese fries and ranted about my hypocrisy at anyone who would listen.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:51 PM
That ten thousand dollars won't mean much of anything if we continue federal reservin'

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:12 PM
Wait, if I understand this correctly, Americans didn't know that the majority of heroin came from Afghanistan until after the troops had been there or what?


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