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The strange sounds: I have a plausible theory...

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posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:23 AM
I've gone out on a limb in my efforts to try and figure out these strange sounds. The rumblings, the horns, the screeching sounds have caused most of us to think hard about what they could be. This THEORY I've thought of is just that -- a THEORY. I have no evidence, no pictures, no scientific data, no channeled messages from the High Lofty Intergalactic Councils of Mystical Elders of the Energetic Cosmos -- nothing, except an idea. A plausible one, IMHO.

I say plausible because, if we place ourselves, for example, in the position of the indigenous tribes of North America hundreds of years ago, we might be able to see what I'm getting at. If a wayward, lunatic tribesman told the rest of the tribe that the lights they've been seeing off the coast were "visitors" from a far away land that no one had a clue even existed -- nor had any evidence that the visitors existed -- he would have been hauled away and who knows what would happen to him. How could he draw such a conclusion? What makes him think that those lights are visitors from far away? Doesn't he know that the lights are probably (_____fill in the blank HERE_____)?

That's my point: many have speculated that the sounds are originating from the earth, from fraking, from all sorts of other potential sources. No evidence exists for those theories either. Otherwise, the issue would be settled and we wouldn't still wonder...

I've posted a thread here that speculates that the sounds may be ET craft, poised and cloaked above major cities around the world. I had what I thought was at least a couple of good pieces of anecdotal evidence to support it. I still believe this is the case, however, I believe now that it may not be the ships themselves, but ET testing...a sound system.

Yes, after you've finished laughing, I think that the sounds may be their test of a sound system that is meant to broadcast, simultaneously worldwide, their arrival and the reason they are here. I'll leave that to you all to guess as to why they may be here, but the point is that the weird sounds may be a test of various tones, pitches, frequencies, etc so that when the time comes, they are assured that everyone will hear what they have to say, regardless of whether that person is watching tv or listening to radio. Most people, at any given time, are not watching tv or listening to radio, so a live broadcast would get their message and instructions out to most everyone.

As zany as it sounds, I'm serious about this. Any good reasons why this ISN'T a reasonable theory? Hopefully you can be civil and back up your reasons. If you diverge off topic I'm hopeful your post will be dealt with accordingly by the moderators. Thanks to all in advance...

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:29 AM
Good theory, kind of "out there" but a good one nonetheless.

As I browse I hear my walls and doors creek all the time lol.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Visiting ESB
I've gone out on a limb in my efforts to try and figure out these strange sounds. The rumblings, the horns, the screeching sounds have caused most of us to think hard about what they could be. This THEORY I've thought of is just that -- a THEORY. I have no evidence, no pictures, no scientific data, no channeled messages from the High Lofty Intergalactic Councils of Mystical Elders of the Energetic Cosmos -- nothing, except an idea. A plausible one, IMHO.

I say plausible because, if we place ourselves, for example, in the position of the indigenous tribes of North America hundreds of years ago, we might be able to see what I'm getting at. If a wayward, lunatic tribesman told the rest of the tribe that the lights they've been seeing off the coast were "visitors" from a far away land that no one had a clue even existed -- nor had any evidence that the visitors existed -- he would have been hauled away and who knows what would happen to him. How could he draw such a conclusion? What makes him think that those lights are visitors from far away? Doesn't he know that the lights are probably (_____fill in the blank HERE_____)?

That's my point: many have speculated that the sounds are originating from the earth, from fraking, from all sorts of other potential sources. No evidence exists for those theories either. Otherwise, the issue would be settled and we wouldn't still wonder...

I've posted a thread here that speculates that the sounds may be ET craft, poised and cloaked above major cities around the world. I had what I thought was at least a couple of good pieces of anecdotal evidence to support it. I still believe this is the case, however, I believe now that it may not be the ships themselves, but ET testing...a sound system.

Yes, after you've finished laughing, I think that the sounds may be their test of a sound system that is meant to broadcast, simultaneously worldwide, their arrival and the reason they are here. I'll leave that to you all to guess as to why they may be here, but the point is that the weird sounds may be a test of various tones, pitches, frequencies, etc so that when the time comes, they are assured that everyone will hear what they have to say, regardless of whether that person is watching tv or listening to radio. Most people, at any given time, are not watching tv or listening to radio, so a live broadcast would get their message and instructions out to most everyone.

As zany as it sounds, I'm serious about this. Any good reasons why this ISN'T a reasonable theory? Hopefully you can be civil and back up your reasons. If you diverge off topic I'm hopeful your post will be dealt with accordingly by the moderators. Thanks to all in advance...

Maybe you are right that it is a test. But do we need the aliens?
Silent-Sound-Spread-Spectrum or SSSS

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:49 AM
That reminds me of an old movie i saw. The one with that mountain that had a flat top and the gov't trying to communicate to the aliens using different sounds. CLOSE ENCOUNTER, i believe.

My theory is that it is the ground beneath us moving and making noises and booms when it cracks. Just recently, in hawaii before the earthquakes peoples reported loud BOOM noises. I think something is happening to the earth and it is caused by a force comming closer to our sun.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by pshea38

Originally posted by Visiting ESB
I've gone out on a limb in my efforts to try and figure out these strange sounds. The rumblings, the horns, the screeching sounds have caused most of us to think hard about what they could be. This THEORY I've thought of is just that -- a THEORY. I have no evidence, no pictures, no scientific data, no channeled messages from the High Lofty Intergalactic Councils of Mystical Elders of the Energetic Cosmos -- nothing, except an idea. A plausible one, IMHO.

I say plausible because, if we place ourselves, for example, in the position of the indigenous tribes of North America hundreds of years ago, we might be able to see what I'm getting at. If a wayward, lunatic tribesman told the rest of the tribe that the lights they've been seeing off the coast were "visitors" from a far away land that no one had a clue even existed -- nor had any evidence that the visitors existed -- he would have been hauled away and who knows what would happen to him. How could he draw such a conclusion? What makes him think that those lights are visitors from far away? Doesn't he know that the lights are probably (_____fill in the blank HERE_____)?

That's my point: many have speculated that the sounds are originating from the earth, from fraking, from all sorts of other potential sources. No evidence exists for those theories either. Otherwise, the issue would be settled and we wouldn't still wonder...

I've posted a thread here that speculates that the sounds may be ET craft, poised and cloaked above major cities around the world. I had what I thought was at least a couple of good pieces of anecdotal evidence to support it. I still believe this is the case, however, I believe now that it may not be the ships themselves, but ET testing...a sound system.

Yes, after you've finished laughing, I think that the sounds may be their test of a sound system that is meant to broadcast, simultaneously worldwide, their arrival and the reason they are here. I'll leave that to you all to guess as to why they may be here, but the point is that the weird sounds may be a test of various tones, pitches, frequencies, etc so that when the time comes, they are assured that everyone will hear what they have to say, regardless of whether that person is watching tv or listening to radio. Most people, at any given time, are not watching tv or listening to radio, so a live broadcast would get their message and instructions out to most everyone.

As zany as it sounds, I'm serious about this. Any good reasons why this ISN'T a reasonable theory? Hopefully you can be civil and back up your reasons. If you diverge off topic I'm hopeful your post will be dealt with accordingly by the moderators. Thanks to all in advance...

Maybe you are right that it is a test. But do we need the aliens?
Silent-Sound-Spread-Spectrum or SSSS

This could be a sound check for Project Bluebeam or "The Armageddon Show"

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by TimesUp

Project blue beam , armagedon show. Do they really think that people cain't figure out what is real and what is not real. This will not be a t.v show. People will recognize holograms in real life. It not like it was on some t.v show. People figure things out. Holograms are pictures that cannot harm. Physical things are real and can harm. DUH.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by cloaked4u
reply to post by TimesUp

Project blue beam , armagedon show. Do they really think that people cain't figure out what is real and what is not real. This will not be a t.v show. People will recognize holograms in real life. It not like it was on some t.v show. People figure things out. Holograms are pictures that cannot harm. Physical things are real and can harm. DUH.

There is no Project Blue Beam. Read it here:

Project Blue Beam Exposed

I agree though about holograms. Even if Project Blue Beam were real, I don't think many would be fooled. Most would likely laugh at the pathetic attempt to trick them. We may be advancing technologically (very slowly, I think), but we are not so advanced that a huge hologram couldn't be figured out.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:23 AM
"Check one".

"Check one two".

"Check one two three".

"Can the humanoids in the back row hear me okay?".

"So, I was travelling from Betelgeuse to Andromeda and would you believe it, I was stuck next to a Grey for the entire flight."

"Things were going well until I woke from a nap and found my genitals & lower intestine removed......"

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by cloaked4u
reply to post by TimesUp

Project blue beam , armagedon show. Do they really think that people cain't figure out what is real and what is not real. This will not be a t.v show. People will recognize holograms in real life. It not like it was on some t.v show. People figure things out. Holograms are pictures that cannot harm. Physical things are real and can harm. DUH.

It is not wise to be so certain in the face of the unknown.

This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski. This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.

The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. The numbers reported in the news were staggering: 75,000 and then another 125,000 (or more) Iraqi troops would come out of their deep desert bunkers waving white flags and falling to their knees before approaching US troops and literally kiss their captor’s boots or hands if given the opportunity.

Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-198 behave this way?
Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.

This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV (HD) that will enter your home via:
•those oh-so-easy-to-obtain “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf
•But why is the government so anxious to help American citizens experience a clearer and more highly defined television picture?
•Does that make sense to you?
•Since when is the government so concerned about the visual quality of our televised entertainment that congress would pass an undebated statutory proclamation which mandated that the HD conversion take place on Feb. 17, 2009 and and then subsidize about 90% of the associated cost?
I’m only guessing, but if there are 200 million “regular” televisions in America to be converted into HD, then that $40 in government subsidy per TV × 200,000,000 = $8 billion.
•Why is the government so anxious to spend 8 billion dollars on her citizens to improve the clarity of a TV picture?
•Or is the recently touted “additional bandwidth” cover story that supposedly is to be gained with the HD technology the only and genuine reason for spending so much taxpayer dollars on HD conversion?
The second service that this author performs is to “out” two of our more deceptive CIA/Pentagon ‘assets’ masquerading under the rubric of natural health advocates.
Their names are Rima Laibow and her husband, “former” Major General Albert Stubblebine. If your e-mail Inbox has been filling with warnings and articles in recent months about the coming Codex regulations and the “wonderful” job that Rima and her retired Army husband have been doing to try and stem the tide, then you know who I’m talking about.....cont.

Please read the rest of the article esp. sound of silence and Paul Simon.
It seems he knew something top secret 50 years ago. He also played this song
to a grieving nation, one day after 9/11/2001.

Imagine for a moment high quality coordinated holographic 4D special effects technology
combined with an intense core feeling of dread or wonder or horror or whatever other
debilitating projected emotion.

They have engineered many hoaxes (9/11, 7/7, Tucson, Norway etc.)
but this may be their most convincing yet.

Scared yet?

edit on 26-2-2012 by pshea38 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

I have to say, Visiting ESB, what you have here is a very good take, based on what I know, and have heard of late. Once ET becomes known, every eye will see, and every ear will hear. And the time is soon, friends. Ready? I sure am.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:01 PM
This is an excellent thread to add some discussion to the strange sounds mystery that so many have heard or reported on.

I have a plausible theory as well and since it is filled with the type of conspiracy that gets discussed on such sites, I felt that I would share it, so that others can begin to think differently about just how a major deception and conspiracy would look like if applied to the strange trumpet sounds.

Anyone can search and discover that these strange reports of trumpets or roaring noises have been reported on for over a year. During that time the reports were occasional, but today, recent reports have been too numerous to ignore because I view events based on timing, because if there is a conspiracy, then timing is used to sell the deception.

Anyway, since the sounds have been heard for over a year, it was only this year that many began reporting that they felt or believed that our government was trying to silence any media coverage of such events and there are even reports of the media getting caught trying to silence the story of the trumpet noises.

This is where a good conspiracy begins, because while the world begins to question why the government would attempt to silence the truth about the trumpet sounds, the more the masses begin to investigate why it would be of interest to the NWO government to silence the media reports of such sounds, the more biblical prophecy conveniently comes into play.

When enough religious prophecy discussion is generated in blogs and circles about the government trying to silence the trumpet sounds because it might prove biblical prophecy as being correct or coming true, this is where the conspiracy would then take a larger step into the realm of deception by doing what few if anyone is thinking about and or what is really going on.

You see, the deception about the trumpet sounds around the world is that they are being intentionally generated by some means by elements within the NWO government.

That same NWO element in the government that created the sounds, then attempts to discredit the sounds and allows itself to be caught lying or deceiving the media about those sounds. This is needed to help deceive the public.

After sufficient time regarding internet biblical prophecy discussion is generated, then the continuing efforts to deceive the masses by appearing as if the government is silencing the media on such trumpet sounds not because it might prove biblical prophecy, because remember that the government is causing the sounds, discrediting the sounds and in doing so appears to be hiding the truth from the public about some religious prophecy.

In such a way, the masses thinking it is biblical related, accept the sounds as a sign from God, when in fact they are being deceived by the government that created the sounds, discredited the sounds to appear as being against them and then through clever timing, moved the idea that such sounds are evidence of biblical prophecy coming true, when it is nothing but a NWO deception that so far has fooled many.

This is my theory and while it may differ from the masses, I dont accept these trumpets as being plaything but what the NWO has done to paint a picture that they need to sell the biblical prophecy aspect, so that later, the anti-Christ can be accepted as the real Christ.

The trumpets are a deception of clever design, but by using the biblical prophecy aspect, the NWO prepares the minds of the masses to accept a even bigger deception that is I feel just around the corner.

Thanks for the thread. I hope my food for thought is considered as being also plausible and possible in the world of the NWO where the games they play are cleverly disguised within other events.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by Visiting ESB

I have to say, Visiting ESB, what you have here is a very good take, based on what I know, and have heard of late. Once ET becomes known, every eye will see, and every ear will hear. And the time is soon, friends. Ready? I sure am.

Thanks, shortly after posting this thread, I heard Linda Moulton Howe report on these sounds. One person heard what sounded like a TV program, but with a lot of static and unclear what was being said. If I'm hearing her right, LMH seems to think that the government is doing this but I'd differ. I think there are too many strategic reasons for them NOT to play that sort of game but that's for another day...
edit on 26-2-2012 by Visiting ESB because: Ad to sentence

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
This is an excellent thread to add some discussion to the strange sounds mystery that so many have heard or reported on.

I have a plausible theory as well and since it is filled with the type of conspiracy that gets discussed on such sites, I felt that I would share it, so that others can begin to think differently about just how a major deception and conspiracy would look like if applied to the strange trumpet sounds.

Anyone can search and discover that these strange reports of trumpets or roaring noises have been reported on for over a year. During that time the reports were occasional, but today, recent reports have been too numerous to ignore because I view events based on timing, because if there is a conspiracy, then timing is used to sell the deception.

Anyway, since the sounds have been heard for over a year, it was only this year that many began reporting that they felt or believed that our government was trying to silence any media coverage of such events and there are even reports of the media getting caught trying to silence the story of the trumpet noises.

This is where a good conspiracy begins, because while the world begins to question why the government would attempt to silence the truth about the trumpet sounds, the more the masses begin to investigate why it would be of interest to the NWO government to silence the media reports of such sounds, the more biblical prophecy conveniently comes into play.

When enough religious prophecy discussion is generated in blogs and circles about the government trying to silence the trumpet sounds because it might prove biblical prophecy as being correct or coming true, this is where the conspiracy would then take a larger step into the realm of deception by doing what few if anyone is thinking about and or what is really going on.

You see, the deception about the trumpet sounds around the world is that they are being intentionally generated by some means by elements within the NWO government.

That same NWO element in the government that created the sounds, then attempts to discredit the sounds and allows itself to be caught lying or deceiving the media about those sounds. This is needed to help deceive the public.

After sufficient time regarding internet biblical prophecy discussion is generated, then the continuing efforts to deceive the masses by appearing as if the government is silencing the media on such trumpet sounds not because it might prove biblical prophecy, because remember that the government is causing the sounds, discrediting the sounds and in doing so appears to be hiding the truth from the public about some religious prophecy.

In such a way, the masses thinking it is biblical related, accept the sounds as a sign from God, when in fact they are being deceived by the government that created the sounds, discredited the sounds to appear as being against them and then through clever timing, moved the idea that such sounds are evidence of biblical prophecy coming true, when it is nothing but a NWO deception that so far has fooled many.

This is my theory and while it may differ from the masses, I dont accept these trumpets as being plaything but what the NWO has done to paint a picture that they need to sell the biblical prophecy aspect, so that later, the anti-Christ can be accepted as the real Christ.

The trumpets are a deception of clever design, but by using the biblical prophecy aspect, the NWO prepares the minds of the masses to accept a even bigger deception that is I feel just around the corner.

Thanks for the thread. I hope my food for thought is considered as being also plausible and possible in the world of the NWO where the games they play are cleverly disguised within other events.

Thanks for your contribution here, MaxBlack. I think I agree in at least one respect, that being that the goverments/institutions want the masses to think that bible prophecy is being played out. But I think they are doing so knowing that their days are numbered and this will help them maintain control as long as possible. Give the religious masses comfort until they're entire belief system is trashed in one day.

However, I don't believe that the government themselves are orchestrating this. I think that governments cannot skillfully play out any type of conspiracy of that nature because it takes a long time to complete and they are basically too bumbling to pull it off. The longer the conspiracy takes to accomplish the more chances exist that is will break down and possibly backfire. I think they themselves know this and wouldn't even try. Short run events, yes, they can make look good and convincing. Anything like this that would require a long-term strategy that would not fall apart and expose them doesn't seem likely.

Still, you're right, this is food for thought. Thanks again for considering this...

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:59 PM
Safe place to hide from ET!

I suspect the foothills East of Sacramento may be the safest place in the world to be when ET says hello and eats our puppies. Even if it is the Earth shaking apart from fraking or a super secret malevolent government agency bent on mind control This area is the area to hide.

I know this because despite spending hours outside at night in an area so quiet I can hear rabbits taking a piss I have yet to hear any of these "Worldwide" sounds.

Maybe it is just me jumping to conclusions but either people are whacked or I am simply in the safest area in the world........

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