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'Saturday Super Special' Japanese show from 1990 - where is it?

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posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:32 PM
Does anyone have a clue where can I find that Japanese show that talked about Dulce and Area51 where this youtube clip is from?

"The February 21, 1990 expedition was instrumental in the subsequent production of a two-hour documentary program entitled 'Saturday Super Special' televised throughout Japan on March 24, 1990 which was seen by more than 28 million viewers on prime time. The entire program dealt with AREA 51 and also the crew's pursuit of an alleged biogenetics laboratory thought to be located just outside of DULCE, a tiny town in northwestern New Mexico, about 95 miles northwest of Los Alamos.

It cannot be found anywhere on the internet legally or illegally..

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:05 PM
But if it talks about Dulce, then certainly any Groom Lake information on the show would be BS. So why bother finding it?

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:58 AM
I'm putting this on, just in case a flame-war starts

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by gariac
But if it talks about Dulce, then certainly any Groom Lake information on the show would be BS. So why bother finding it?

Some people don't have the necessity to lie, how do you trust yourself when absolutely everything and everyone on this planet is a lie? Do you not trust your mommy and daddy too?

I want to see who is talking and what they're saying to evaluate what I should trust and what not. Maybe they have more to say than you, like who should I read more, some fanboy who takes pictures of airplanes, fighters, choppers and doesn't even know what he's doing in Area 51 - obviously a TOURIST, or someone who really has been into these facilities? Who should I. I should take a wild guess..

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:56 AM
Gotta love the coverups. Dulce is by far one of the most interesting undercover bases of all time.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 04:32 PM
Personally I think the Raccoon City Underground Laboratory is way more interesting.

OP have you tried U2U'ing Norio Hayakawa? He might have a copy.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 04:45 PM
I didn't know he's been on ATS. Yesterday I found his blog with interesting sightings on satellite view of anomalous.not much natural places located in CO close to NM. I should make my first closer contact with someone who knows more about the place so I can look into his threads and posts, thank you

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Imtor

I'm sure Norio will love all the trash talk you spew at me. I was there for Norio's last Tikaboo. Unfortunetely, no test was done that night. Norio would bring is keyboards and amp to the desert for karaoke. He is big into country and western. He brought some of the Armenian marinated beef from Glendale that is better than viewing a saucer test.

There are parts of the internet that are hard to search. Japanese video is one of them. I couldn't find the Dulce garbage, but I did find this Japanese video where they fly over the Tejon RCS. Norio shows up later in the video. Start at about the 5 minute point.

Sadly, the video is messed up with irrelevant CG.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 10:17 AM
What you show is a garbage much more, and the airport is some kind of military base, nothing to do with the thread. Just go away.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Imtor

So you proclaim the video with Norio Hayakawa to be garbage, and you expect him to help you? Pomtor, you jumped the shark.

The "airport" in the video is not an airport at all. Since you no nothing of real bases, that is the Northrop Tejon Ranch radar cross section (RCS) facility.

Here is the location on Google Earth:
34°55'39.44"N 118°31'56.87"W

Needless to say, given how you insulted both myself and Norio, I won't be giving you the link that you want.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by gariac

It's not like you have it, secondly how you even started trusting anyone who deals with UFO/alien research? Isn't he a joke to you too, aren't you a complete disbeliever in anything about the theme, because 'curren evidence is not enough even to accept it as possiblity' and therefore what are you doing on such forum?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by gariac
So you proclaim the video with Norio Hayakawa to be garbage, and you expect him to help you? Pomtor, you jumped the shark.

So you say you respect Norio and you call Dulce garbage. Then you say that his talking to Los Alamost employees who talk where the base may be and this video that he shows:

Originally posted by Imtor
I will use this for Google Maps as well but you tell what it looks like in Google Earth:

Norio Hayakawa who's held some of the Dulce conferences has this youtube video where he shows something that looks like a door or gate, the coordinates he gives (also on his youtube video description):

Is a bunk yet, you like him and respect him. Lol, what a two-facer you are

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