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The Romney Flip-Flop Effect On Americans

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posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 03:43 PM
Well I think this just about concludes the primaries. It seems like people who are supporting Romney are flip-floppers themselves. Not that I feel bad for Newt in any way, but I think this just goes to show that either people are being bought out, or they are just plain stupid. I know this is a CNN source, but I am using it as an example as they are rubbing it in the face of the viewers that basically Romney will most likely win, because he will begin receiving more support from other State Lawmakers. So if this plays out how I think it will, Romney will win become President, and a massive Revolution afterwards. Hold on tight ladies and gentlemen, this will be a bizarre ride. The Romney era will most likely be known for flip-flopping. Sad day in America

Politcal Ticker
edit on 7-2-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 03:54 PM
When I read that Goldman Sachs donated $495,200 to Romney's campaign last month, I knew it was all over. Goldman Sachs only gave Obama $68,000 during his campaign. Who's yer daddy, Mitt? Wall Street.

Ladies and gentleman, your new bought-and-paid-for sock puppet, soon to be POTUS presiding over the end of America: Mitt Romney.

Meanwhile, I sit in the middle of nowhere, growing more angry, disturbed and disillusioned by the day. I no longer recognize my own country.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Sad indeed, but I still do plan on voting for Ron Paul. I just feel like it won't matter at this point in time when money is playing a huge factor in this election. Which tells me Obama won't even have the slightest chance of even matching the money Romney is receiving from all these Corporations.

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