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An Open Letter to Benjamin Fulford. part 1

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:31 PM
Ben Fulford, Im talking to you.

The statements I have came across in your interview on Wednesday, September 14th 2011, gave me much material to chew on. While I admit, that in a time of terror, I did feel that glimmer of hope in my heart….

I take issue with MUCH of your rhetoric, as I will line out below.

Really, Ive got to give it to you, Ben–I am quite sure you are telling many half truths, so I have reason to not disregard you and your work. However, I think its time you answered a few questions. You almost had me. You definitely get kudos for directing the herd. Well done.

Lets just look at your interview on Wednesday, September 14th 2011 with David Wilcock, shall we?

A link to the transcript here

When asked by Wilcock, “Could you just say who “We” is, for a minute?”

Your response was, ” “We” is a group of us who are involved in the fight to overthrow this cabal. It includes members of the CIA, the Pentagon, the [intelligence] agencies, and various [other groups], including Asian secret societies. We use the name White Dragon. There is another group that calls themselves the White Hats. We all have the same goal, which is to get this insane group of people out of power.”

Well, y know, thats great. Im glad there is another set of secret societies, who are as upset as me with the way things in the world is going. I am NOT glad that this group has decided to name themselves White Dragon, because thats a very specific symbol with specific principles, NONE OF WHICH have to do with sovereign rights, peer review, hell, its ANOTHER secret society with the SAME end goal of World Socialism. I guess in your interview, the listeners who understand the twilight language of the anti-freedom NWO future are few. Barnum said, there was one born every minuet.

Anyway Ben, Theres this group I know of, known as the Order of the Quest. The Order of the Quest is an ancient group of intellectual philosophers that do not want to be known for their works. This group has ALWAYS appeared in history during rebellions and revolutions as a “hidden Hand” to direct the worlds history. See, during these times of revolutions, that there is a vacuum, and in this vacuum, is when the White Brotherhood, AKA White Dragons AKA Order of The Quest makes its move. One only needs to research these names with events in history such as the signing of the Declaration for Independence, the development of the US flag, Magna Carta, Reformation, the assassinations and promotions of Caesars in Rome, the writing, publication, and distribution of the Bible, the Crucifixion of a man named Jesus, and much much farther back events than that as the Rosicrution Order and many others stretch back to even the beginning of that Old Timey Religion–Luciferianism and humanism.

So, yes, your referral of this secret Government (you call it a group) has more messianic marks than St Johns Cathedral. Im not really interested in whether you know this or not, nor do i care. Either way, if you follow the occult symbology, White is BAD, and Black is GOOD. YOU FOLLOW???? why else would adepts like the Highwaymen wear black, almost religiously? Well, because they are good guys, sending a good message, surrounded by a world of EVIL-and they know it. It is a black and white world after all, eh Ben?

When asked by Wilcocks “WHY FULFORD? Some of the criticism I have seen from people on the Internet is, “If this group is so vast and so powerful to fight this cabal, why is Benjamin Fulford the only one talking about this?”

Your response was “These people like their secrecy – and I am a spokesperson. When you go to the White House, there is only one voice they give to the public. They prefer to work behind the scenes. You’ve got to realize we’re dealing in a world where they use assassination like most of us use tissue papers.”

Yes, Ben- They do like secrecy, because secrecy is the only way you can exclude the people from knowing or having ANY involvement in decisions THAT SHAPE THE LIVES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AND THEIR CHILDREN. No, vote. No democracy, no peer review. Just more secrets from secret govt. Great idea, Ben.

The Whitehouse, being WAY out of line, as a foreign entity on American soil–has declared war on the people who live here. Im not so sure us Free People are going to be happy about that one voice THAT HASN’T REPRESENTED THE MAJORITY IN MORE THAN A CENTURY. So, yeah–thats a really worthless thing to say in support of you as a Representative of a secret Govt. The logic FAILS. Sorry.

Oh, and if you were really telling us anything of substance–That is, that there is a secret society that is ABOVE the hegalian left/right- east/west that has been controlling world politics behind the scenes for centuries-YOU WOULD BE DEAD ALREADY. The truth is punishable by death. Your claims to multiple attempts of murder against you is, well–lacking proof. The fact that you say you were offered protection by these asian groups raises many red flags.

Your next statements, when asked how the Japanese came to look at you as a voice for the Group, was alarming , to say the least.

You answered ”According to the UN development report, you need 400 billion to stop environmental destruction and 200 billion to end poverty. So I’m saying, “Hey, you guys, why don’t you end poverty and stop environmental destruction?”

WOW, Ben. I may be a simple girl educated in the Public Fool System in America. But something tells me, that throwing money at the problem of “environmental destruction” and “poverty”– Is going to be a waste of time AND money unless you fix the true causes–namely–the greedy, control-hungry partnership between Corporations and Government. NO ONE has more effects on those issues than that. This Happy Hippy Horse# may fly with the Neo-New-Agers, but is such an obvious fallacy that really makes you sound like a dupe. Please stop treating the people as such.

You go on to state: “In any case, the South Koreans told the Chinese that an assassination order was out for me. This was because of my publicly calling for the Asians to stop spending their savings on this vast military machine. You have got to remember, during the Cold War they actually had this anti-Communism excuse. But, the War on Terror was so obviously fake that it was just ridiculous to anybody who does any serious research or investigation.”

Honey, the War on Terrorism and Communism both have the same enemy-Freedom. Only the profane believe otherwise. So, im not really feeling you on the War on Terror being fake. It is terrorizing a lot of people all over the world, at this very moment.

Heres where you state that the CHINESE SECRET SOCIETY OFFERS PROTECTION: ”I got invited to join a Chinese secret society that offered me protection from this assassination order – and that’s how I found myself in this secret world of financial power. The group that offered me protection was the group that was behind the non-aligned nations. It crosses borders. If you think in terms of countries, you don’t understand how these people work. They have big factions in China, in the US and in Europe – both against and for them. It crosses borders. If you think in terms of nation-states, you won’t understand how these groups work.”

OH. So, Internationalists with NO hail to any Nation, are leading the world resistance. I hope they have my best interests in mind, Ben. That would fit repetitive history just fine.

continued on pg 2

edit on 31-1-2012 by rainbowbear because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:58 PM
Obviously then you've read part 2 where he explains how they got people out of the NWO bases? Aliens vacuumed em out...I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head with this and I was on his bandwagon at first no lie and there was stuff to back up a lot of what he was saying, but you're absoluely correct to call him out on his AGENDA. For I'm sure it's similar to the republican and democrat dance we go through in the U.S.; where neither truly provide you with what you need/want and the few keep profiting instead of the many...

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by rainbowbear

Hey Rainbowbear, I think that guy has a website. You could contact him there for sure.
I will try to find it for you if you like. Personally,I think he is a sketchy character. I have been
wrong before though, so.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

yes, i think he dislikes the nayayers

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by rainbowbear

I have been thinking over the last couple of days about this and find your words interesting, almost comforting.

If one was able to see the true nature of reality and what is about to happen to what we currently know as our reality one would not concern himself at all with what Fulford has been saying and doing. When the nature of our reality shifts what has been able to occur will no longer be supported energetically. It like a demolition of a building is going to physically collapse and there is nothing that is going to be able to replace it except for self empowerment, self reliance and self accountability. The foundation upon which the power that Fulford has been talking about doing away with is about to crumble and with it the reality for anybody who is dependent upon that foundation.

There are two scenarios that I have been going back and forth about regarding his situation. One is that he has a pure heart and is doing what has been physically necessary for us to collectively make this transition. That he is part of what we can consider to be the physical hands of the people "way way way behind the scenes" if you know what I mean. There is always a physical manifestation of everything that happens "below"... so maybe he is one of them. Maybe just maybe he is not aware at all of what energetically is about to take place and is just doing his part to assist in a more physical way with our collective transition. The second scenario is that he is part of like you said just another group who is busy trying to manipulate people in order to gain power and control over the planet. YUCK. LOL

I don't think it matters at this point which scenario he falls in. When we collectively reconnect to the divine there is no force that is going to be able to stand up to its power. We either align ourselves with it or we will not be able to exist here on this planet or at the very least will not be able to function or succeed in any controlling or restrictive agendas. So any form of secrecy or control (on both an individual and group level) is not going to cut it, at all......

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:56 PM
I have forwarded the link to bens private email address...

i cant say if he will come and respond, but he will be made aware of it

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:02 PM
Benjamin Fulford is a funny guy, something in between scam and crazy.
I even registered on his site, paid $8 for reading his stuff. Soon I realized the guy has a great imagination and I lost interest in him. The amount of BS was above any limits.Then I forgot to cancel my subscription and lost another $8...
I wonder how comes a guy like him attracts so much attention?

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by nicolet
reply to post by rainbowbear

I have been thinking over the last couple of days about this and find your words interesting, almost comforting.

If one was able to see the true nature of reality and what is about to happen to what we currently know as our reality one would not concern himself at all with what Fulford has been saying and doing. When the nature of our reality shifts what has been able to occur will no longer be supported energetically. It like a demolition of a building is going to physically collapse and there is nothing that is going to be able to replace it except for self empowerment, self reliance and self accountability. The foundation upon which the power that Fulford has been talking about doing away with is about to crumble and with it the reality for anybody who is dependent upon that foundation.

There are two scenarios that I have been going back and forth about regarding his situation. One is that he has a pure heart and is doing what has been physically necessary for us to collectively make this transition. That he is part of what we can consider to be the physical hands of the people "way way way behind the scenes" if you know what I mean. There is always a physical manifestation of everything that happens "below"... so maybe he is one of them. Maybe just maybe he is not aware at all of what energetically is about to take place and is just doing his part to assist in a more physical way with our collective transition. The second scenario is that he is part of like you said just another group who is busy trying to manipulate people in order to gain power and control over the planet. YUCK. LOL

I don't think it matters at this point which scenario he falls in. When we collectively reconnect to the divine there is no force that is going to be able to stand up to its power. We either align ourselves with it or we will not be able to exist here on this planet or at the very least will not be able to function or succeed in any controlling or restrictive agendas. So any form of secrecy or control (on both an individual and group level) is not going to cut it, at all......

I think if you are waiting for some giant perception shift to come in from outside and impose itself upon people, you will wait forever.

People will not change overnight due to a cosmic energy wave or light beings or any of that new age nonsense. Any enlightenment you will achieve will have to come totally from within.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by okamitengu

oh thanks...

yeah, im a little rusty on my japanese...thanks

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by rainbowbear

i had hoped he would trot along and reply himself, but all he sent was this...

"The only thing I can say is that if you are dealing with satanic gangsters who use murder the same way the rest of us use tissues, then you need secrecy in order to save lives."

that's not going to satisfy you guys! but its all i have for you.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by okamitengu

thanks, Ok! much appreciated...

only time will tell.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by okamitengu

i had hoped he would trot along and reply himself, but all he sent was this...

"The only thing I can say is that if you are dealing with satanic gangsters who use murder the same way the rest of us use tissues, then you need secrecy in order to save lives."

that's not going to satisfy you guys! but its all i have for you.

Hi okamitengu,

It is useful that Fulford was made aware of the reactions to his spiel out there in the public. I remember well that Intelligence analyst Christopher Story - an alias for British subject Edward Harle - who was murdered in July 2010 for opposing those Satanic Gangsters to whom Fulford refers, considered Fulford to be a CIA stooge. Was Christopher Story in error? He published many reviews and books on Intelligence Issues for about half a century and knew his stuff, including how the KGB faked the end of the Soviet Union. Was he unable to spot a CIA Agent when he saw one?

Link to Edward Harle / Christopher Story's Website

However I find it interesting that it was Fulford who published on his website the very last report of Christopher Story before he died, in which he named his assassins. Like usual with Story's news reports, you will have to scroll down until you reach "NEW REPORT STARTS HERE".

Fulford posting of Christopher Story's designation of his murderers

One thing which is interesting is that Christopher Story traced much of the Illuminati Banksters to a Nazi Continuum group based in Dachau Germany called the DVD, piloted by Heinz Kissinger and Nazi 5th Columnist George Scherff aka George Herbert Walker Bush or "The Godfather".


Prominent veteran financial journalist Edward Harle (working under the pen name Christopher Story) wrote before his recent death that George Bush Senior, Barak Obama and other members of the criminal Washington D.C. establishment had ordered him killed. Story was poisoned during a March, 2010 visit to the US with a virus created by the Fort Meade biological warfare facility.

For those not knowing him well here is a video which is the first of a three part speech about Corruption in the European Union. He was killed not that long after his heightened militant action against the Banksters who plunged the world into today's Economic Crisis.


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