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Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

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posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 09:36 AM
Based on this extremely scientific study, I'm sure the kind folks over at MENSA are trying to figure out how I managed to qualify for their membership!

Oh well... time for me to get back to my drooling and knuckle-dragging... if only I could get rid of this ridiculous hatred for everyone not white. Oh well...

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by NavyDoc
Meh. I've seen sheeple and idiots on both sides of the spectrum from "those durn feriners took our jerbs" to "I gots me an Obama phone paied from Obama's stash."

I've seen conservative bigots and liberal bigots. Neither side has a monopoly on idiotic people

One thing either ignored or overlooked.
The typical uneducated white idiot will default vote republican, the typical uneducated black idiot will default vote democrat.
There are more white people than black people in the US
Therefore, it makes sense that low IQ backwoods idiots would seem to favor conservatism..simple numbers and culture.

well, in 100 years, it will be irrelevant and we will be talking about the martians or some such.

I still say social conservatism (we need government to legislate morality) are the slope headed neandertals though.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
One thing either ignored or overlooked.
The typical uneducated white idiot will default vote republican, the typical uneducated black idiot will default vote democrat.
There are more white people than black people in the US
Therefore, it makes sense that low IQ backwoods idiots would seem to favor conservatism..simple numbers and culture.

well, in 100 years, it will be irrelevant and we will be talking about the martians or some such.

I still say social conservatism (we need government to legislate morality) are the slope headed neandertals though.

However, social liberals also want government to legislate morality, albeit a different kind of morality.

Now..if one mentions "liberal" as in the classical liberal sense, which was about less governmental intrusion all around, we would have agreement.

However, in our current "liberal" vs "conservative" paradigm you really have two side of the same coin. A social conservative wants to ban gay marraige, a social liberal wants to ban trans-fats or sodas over 16 Oz. A social conservative wants to ban drugs a social liberal wants to ban guns. Both sides of the spectrum want to use the coercive power of the government to force their view of morality on their fellow citizens.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by SaturnFX
One thing either ignored or overlooked.
The typical uneducated white idiot will default vote republican, the typical uneducated black idiot will default vote democrat.
There are more white people than black people in the US
Therefore, it makes sense that low IQ backwoods idiots would seem to favor conservatism..simple numbers and culture.

well, in 100 years, it will be irrelevant and we will be talking about the martians or some such.

I still say social conservatism (we need government to legislate morality) are the slope headed neandertals though.

However, social liberals also want government to legislate morality, albeit a different kind of morality.

Now..if one mentions "liberal" as in the classical liberal sense, which was about less governmental intrusion all around, we would have agreement.

However, in our current "liberal" vs "conservative" paradigm you really have two side of the same coin. A social conservative wants to ban gay marraige, a social liberal wants to ban trans-fats or sodas over 16 Oz. A social conservative wants to ban drugs a social liberal wants to ban guns. Both sides of the spectrum want to use the coercive power of the government to force their view of morality on their fellow citizens.

Although I do not see either of your examples as mainstream liberal. I will say this. Neither of those are moral dilemmas. Soda and Fat are leading causes of health issues..and often translated into the poor whom do not pay for medical bills (thereby putting it on the state). Banning such stuff, or taxing the hell out of it at least would compensate the mathmatical issue going on here.
I am a smoker, and am always in favor of tobacco tax. Why? because tobacco is murderously unhealthy, and the common vice of the poor and lower middle class.

As far as guns. My view..I don't want to ban guns, I want to ban crazy people having guns though. That isn't a moral issue..thats a safety issue.
Gay marriage? Why the hell is the government even in the business of supporting a religious institution. I say unions for purpose power of attorney unions between a single other person, be it man, woman, herm, alien, person..thats it. Let churches decide, but recognise no religious institution. This empowers churches.

I am a mix of classic and modern liberal overall. I do want my liberties over all..freedom is a nonsense word. If there is no collar on your neck or whip on your back, your free..after that, its what liberties do you have, what choices.
I do believe in sociological progressive guiding. I personally am a bit grumpy that I won't be alive during a true one world government..but at least it seems to be gaining momentum..maybe 100 years..maybe less. depends on when the middle east sorts itself out really. But we need a guided goal towards unification..tired of wars and such..we need to start expanding into, long term, big picture, conservativism, which would keep us seperate forever, is out of the question.

I prefer a star trek style world verses star wars when contemplating our future.

But yes, there are idiots...and they always seem to have the loudest voice. I think lack of gray matter increases the size of their mouth.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 11:15 AM
I read this before and started laughing.

Neither political party are conservatives at this point in time.

Neither party tries to reduce the size of government (despite what they say during campaigns)

Neither party tries to balance the budget.(despite what they say during campaigns)

Neither party tries to enforce our current borders and/or true immigration reform . (despite what they say during campaigns)

Linking conservative values to low iq flies in the face of so many people who are successful yet conservative. There have been links shown between high iq and success in life.

This is just one more attempt to show that Republicans and / or right wingers are stupid and the research now proves it.

BTW I'm a democrat but a fiscal conservative.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by rubbertramp

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Pure pseudo intellectual propaganda!

The fact is that 95% of the population falls within two standard deviations of the mean on IQ tests, so unless you are a savant or suffering from a learning disability, your level of intelligence isn’t strikingly different than your neighbor. Racists are racists.....IQ isn't a factor.

edit on 5-10-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by rubbertramp
Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can c

Then lets turn to the great no-hierarchy/no-merits vanguards of the 20th century...Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Mugabe and other genocidal maniacs of superior intelligence.
edit on 5-10-2012 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

On the face of it, conservative things have more tradition and structure and familiarity. Whereas, liberal things tend to include more new things and hence less familiar things..

Btw, republicans/conservatives I think only make up less than 10% of US scientists. My reference for this has been a couple polls and/or studies that I've read over the years.

A quick google yields this: - Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll...

There's this too: - Brain structure differs in liberals, conservatives: study...

Everyone knows that liberals and conservatives butt heads when it comes to world views, but scientists have now shown that their brains are actually built differently.

Liberals have more gray matter in a part of the brain associated with understanding complexity, while the conservative brain is bigger in the section related to processing fear, said the study on Thursday in Current Biology.

“We found that greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala,” the study said.

It would seem to make sense that one of the prerequisites of tolerating change is intelligence. I'm just guessing here and I know how dangerous it can be to speculate like this.

My political compass is: -3.3 liberal/libertarian (authoritarian/libertarian, conservative/liberal, -10/+10). So this puts me into Ron Paul territory. Explains my voting record. I voted for Al Gore in 2000. I've voted for a lot of independents. But, strangely, I've voted for a couple republicans too.

The linked article states that their study results are averages, so there're always going to be exceptions to this. I may very well be dumber than most conservatives, for example.

Btw, my SAT was average so I'm guessing my IQ is average too. I know I'm dumb because of the few IQ questions I've seen, I felt humiliated at how tricky they're and how inept I am.

So anyway Bush's IQ is said to be in the 120's. Smarter than me by a good margin. If I am to believe what I read on the internet, most professional people (inc. government) are smarter than me.
edit on 5-10-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:57 PM
reply to

All I know is that my own EQ (emotional) is much lower than average.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Although I do not see either of your examples as mainstream liberal. I will say this. Neither of those are moral dilemmas. Soda and Fat are leading causes of health issues..and often translated into the poor whom do not pay for medical bills (thereby putting it on the state). Banning such stuff, or taxing the hell out of it at least would compensate the mathmatical issue going on here.
I am a smoker, and am always in favor of tobacco tax. Why? because tobacco is murderously unhealthy, and the common vice of the poor and lower middle class.

As far as guns. My view..I don't want to ban guns, I want to ban crazy people having guns though. That isn't a moral issue..thats a safety issue.
Gay marriage? Why the hell is the government even in the business of supporting a religious institution. I say unions for purpose power of attorney unions between a single other person, be it man, woman, herm, alien, person..thats it. Let churches decide, but recognise no religious institution. This empowers churches.

I am a mix of classic and modern liberal overall. I do want my liberties over all..freedom is a nonsense word. If there is no collar on your neck or whip on your back, your free..after that, its what liberties do you have, what choices.
I do believe in sociological progressive guiding. I personally am a bit grumpy that I won't be alive during a true one world government..but at least it seems to be gaining momentum..maybe 100 years..maybe less. depends on when the middle east sorts itself out really. But we need a guided goal towards unification..tired of wars and such..we need to start expanding into, long term, big picture, conservativism, which would keep us seperate forever, is out of the question.

I prefer a star trek style world verses star wars when contemplating our future.

But yes, there are idiots...and they always seem to have the loudest voice. I think lack of gray matter increases the size of their mouth.

Actually all of those points are mainstream left (trying to avoid the false "liberal" of today's paradigm.) We see them constantly.

You justify those positions, from gun control to trans fats, just like the right does...they don't say 'cause baby Jesus hates rock and roll, they say because music negatively influences behavior. The justifications are the same and the principle ( using the coercive power of government to push one's belief system on another) is exactly the same.

I agree with you on the marriage bit. There should be no state recognized marriages at all. If a couple (hetero or homo) wants to pool thier rescources and join together, they should all get a lawyer and make a contract. I think there would be less divorces is people actually had to sit down with a lawyer and actually spell out their obligations and responsabilities.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by rubbertramp
Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can c

Then lets turn to the great no-hierarchy/no-merits vanguards of the 20th century...Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Mugabe and other genocidal maniacs of superior intelligence.
edit on 5-10-2012 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

High IQ doesn't mean they are automatically good. Plenty of sociopathic geniuses.
An opportunist with no principles can turn a good idea into something made from the depths of hell in order to gain power.
Plenty of very intelligent people on wall street.

Lets just say having a high IQ allows you to fulfill your agenda more effectively. What that agenda is though could be from angellic to demonic in nature.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by rubbertramp

Probably the dumbest article I've ever read. Nearly all people are racist to a degree, and the intelligence level of those on both fringes of society are equal.

Fact: The Republican Party has twice as many degree holders as the Democratic Party.

Cite your source please as I see that statement as blatantly false.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by rubbertramp

seems to me, the important part of this study is quite simple.
those leaning towards conservative views are more 'sheeple' than others.

'"Socially conservative ideologies tend to offer structure and order," Hodson said, explaining why these beliefs might draw those with low intelligence. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice."

in a way, i've always known this. i wish more would take it issue by issue and stop toting the party line, no matter which party.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Both sides have low IQ's, but both sides are too stupid to realize they are not as smart as they think they are.

It's a cycle of dumbness.
edit on 5-10-2012 by LucidDreamer85 because: (no reason given)

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