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Decrypt Your Laptop Or Else!

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posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:21 AM
This just reminded of:

edit on 1/25/2012 by spacekc929 because: (no reason given)

But on a serious note... if they can search our houses with a warrant, why can they not search our computers? It's not her testimony, but her piece of property, and it would be an obstruction of justice if they have a probable cause for searching it. I am no legal scholar, though, so the issue might be different with so-called "intellectual" property. But still, I can see why it would be considered an "obstruction of justice" for someone not to give their password IF there was a warrant and probable cause.
edit on 1/25/2012 by spacekc929 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/25/2012 by spacekc929 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by spacekc929

just keep 2 hard drives, one you work on and one you play on,and remember to always pull your work drive and keep it vaulted next to a powerful electromagnet boobytrap

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd

Originally posted by alfa1
Perhaps what is needed (and maybe already exists) is a two password system.

Using the 'fake' password appears to decrypt the computer normally and all files appear to be available... but in fact there is a section still hidden.

I have an EVEN better solution...ok your going to think this a bit out there but hear me out...

How about.....wait for it.......the government....mind their own F#&*ING business.

I know crazy right??

How about... I'm sorry your Honour but my password is the 15 character serial number on the top left corner of a $100 bill that I had by my PC, but it disappeared when the police conducted their search. So if you could ask them to return it then I could comply with your request.

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