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A Little Theory of Almost Everything

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posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:34 AM
This discourse will touch on what we (or a large majority, however divided) understand or project to be God, and how what we know as modern science [with a few philosophic assertions] might readily explain many of these enigmatic functions of the Universe.

Our Universe is contained within a black hole.

It is here that we might take a look at the idea of 'infinity' and note the two perceptions of it: 'negative' infinity and 'positive' infinity (the negative perception when viewing a black hole from an external point and respectively the positive aspect from within.) From this vista of all views we might further understand how there is, in actuality, neither 'positive' or 'negative' aspects, there is and can only be infinity.

a consolidation of individual theories:

1)There is an observable pattern of ratios fraught throughout the observable universe, seemingly based on the ratio of Phi, which is 1:1.61803399. And as the solar system might be compared to the swarm of atomic energy, an atom and its nucleus, so might a photon be related to an electron; specifically in the photon's behaviour as either wave or particle and the electron's binary manifestations as 1 or 0

2) A star is an incredible mass of plasma (4th state of matter, in this case, partially ionised hydrogen & helium) - it is contained within its own electromagnetic field; much like ourselves, where instead our hearts project an electromagnetic field around our bodies, and plasma is found within our blood.

3) White dwarfs create black holes - our universe is contained within a black hole. God must be contained within these parameters of self-contained infinity, or is otherwise a programmer of sorts and a greater Reality than ours must be assumed to exist, something which is beyond infinity. It is then to be assumed that there is more than one God in this sense, if we are to assume the existence of other universes in even 1/10th of the total black holes within our Universe, and the blackholes contained within the Universes contained within Universes, contained within Universes. haha

4) All Matter is preceded by the energy which it is ultimately comprised of - all energy is consciousness, given form through thought within a realm where observation and intent are penultimate.

5) We exist as quantum beings/energy first, material beings second - if you were to consider that if we were to somehow gather 100 % of the physical matter within our reality and smush it into one (rather large) pile at the center[?] of our universe, we would only have accounted for 4% of the understood 'mass' of the universe - hence you can only perceive 4% of your own being.

and thankfully, I might add, that we are kept from harming the other 93% of reality while we are working out our kinks. And further we might state that we can barely understand 1/25th of the 'mind of God' .

This 4 percent is comprised of atoms and gases, which are contained within their respective electromagnetic fields - without these fields, there would nothing to prevent matter from constantly mixing with other matter. We must also accept that the 'destruction' of the 'physical'is an illusion as well. Equate the concept of Death with the Concept of Zero, another aspect of illusory mathematics. hence the "illusion" of Maya in the Hindu philosophy, the Matrix, the Holodeck, etc.

Our brains interpret light information to create an image/hologram very similar to the screen you are looking at right now - consider that our pineal glands contain a liquid crystal and is surrounded by more light sensitive apparatuses, cornea/retina respectively, a biological LCD monitor, if you will. Again, Wave/Particle & 1s and 0s.

6) Quantum entanglement states that each and every electron/point/quark is simultaneously connected to everyone other conceivable point in the universe. Through this virtue, Thought transcends the speed of light, effectively. _by thinking of the sun I am instantly connected to its quantum imprint, dusting the 8 minute trip of the photon from Sol to Gaia.

Fractal Holographs

7) Everything is consciousness, and with this 'in mind' we must also realise that this mind must precede matter - and while we may not understand the mind of The Mountain.. we may appreciate its luster and unequivocal strength and riches- surely these are signs of life? As much as the plants shudder at the thought of being torn asunder?

We will thus include our Sun, and subsequently Sirius A as magnates of consciousness - as sentient life may only arise from sentient life.

"Zombies do not give birth to angels", as it were.

So when we put this all together; imagine for a moment that Sirius is indeed a sentient lifeform, perhaps immersed in a form of meditation that we meatsacks can't quite comprehend with our little ball of grey. To wit, it was recently discovered that human consciousness operates on the Gamma frequency, a frequency which our Sun ceaselessly emanates at is.. and from what I recall.. it was Gamma radiation that turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk, wasn it not?

So when this pivotal point in the star's existence takes place, there are two reactions, the expiration of the White Dwarf's 'dark twin' within its current realm of existence, and the subsequent implosion of (typically) unprecedented violence and creation, aka Chaos
- here is where the initial [quantum] inflation of the new universe takes place - the concept and raw material of what shall be, the RAR file to be extracted, the installation of operating system on the hard drive, perhaps.

So now what we have is what was once a contained mass of consciousness has been inverted, passed the singularity point of Zero and diffused to the furthest reaches of its own universe by the very virtue of its creation - a mainfraim of sorts, where the same energy which allows you to think of a long dead but cherished pet one moment and dreaming about flying through the Sea as a dolphin the next allows one with a greater understanding to both visit the same 'dead' Pet, and live as a dolphin, perhaps at the same time?

edit on 21-1-2012 by purplemonkeydishwasher because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2012 by purplemonkeydishwasher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:36 AM
Speaking of Dolphins and Sea mammals, might we take a look at evolution? A careful and honest evaluation of history reveals that our roots as a species on this planet are not at all how they are originally made out to be. The implications of a fused chromosome are a good place to start - we have 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent, however there is a 24th branch which has been grafted/fused to the 23rd - an indication that somehow our DNA either controlled and directed its own evolution, or it was interfered with from an outside sentient source.

Or perhaps one might muse over the evolution of the something such as the beluga whale's nostrils as they migrated to its middle back _over the course of 50 million years_ -and in the second half of the same breath state it so that humanity split off from the chimp tree some 200,000(+/-whatever) years ago? How long would have primary man had to wear clothes before his fur became redundant and re-calibrated itself as an aesthetic organism rather than one of survival?

How much protein/nutrition, combined with what type of physical experiences and mental challenges & obstacles must have been faced by these, our, ancestors to develop such a formidable device such as the frontal lobe? Was it at the cost of our primate strength? Would not a newfound intelligence merely increase the existing facets of an established species? Why would there have been no use our tail? And while the brain was so deeply involved developing itself, it somehow managed to spare enough resources to straighten our spine, arch our feet as we, though apparently hunters, evolved to be natural walkers - create the musculature for the new and improved opposible thumbs - perfect for holding a shovel, or swinging an axe. Notwithstanding the several major distinctive race groups which descended from apparently one common ancestor.

Indeed this is questionable (and determined!) behaviour of mutation, both advantageous and deleterious be damned.

The Dogons, The Mayans, The Sumerians, hell, even Hesiod would state unequivocally (we) were created by those whom might be considered our modern intellectual standards as 'Gods' . They hailed from Sirius (a white dwarf star, along with two companion stars B&C, the former being a red dwarf, the white dwarf's shadow twin, with its bigger brother A, it will be devoured until a cataclysmic point is reached - a baby Universe ^_^), the level of science and universal wisdom which the Sirius tribe brought with them could only be considered Godlike. One only needs to look into the sciences and calendars used by the Dogon (descendants from the land of Khem (Chemistry, Alkhemy), keepers of time..."what time is it, Mr. Wolf?")

The Out of Place Artifacts which mainstream archaeologists have ducked and dodged over the last few decades ..and beyond? Adam's Calendar in its sacred geometrical formation and evidence of gold mining supports the Sumerian's account of the Annunaki landing here 400 000 years ago, or roughly one hundred and twelve 3600 year orbits. Not that long ago for some.

I have come to believe that is why we 'creations' of Gods have 'dogs' - to remind us of the leap (or gap, depending on which perspective you take)/
edit on 21-1-2012 by purplemonkeydishwasher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 08:15 AM
I give you star and flag for effort (since I've only gotten a chance to skim your work). It looks interesting first glance Nassim Haramein comes to mind, however I still have to read it. Will do that now.

Ok read it. This is indeed interesting. I might suggest citing some sources though for some of your information (before you get mobbed). I'd like to do some follow up on some of the things you mentioned in the first post. After reading, it does remind me a lot of Nassim Haramein's work. He talks a lot about the universe having a fractal structure, infinitely big and infinitely small.

I'm also reminded of the book "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra. That book does a great job of comparing concepts of eastern Philosophy with modern physics, you might find both of these guys interesting if you're not familiar with them already.
edit on 21-1-2012 by bekisu because: Read post, responding.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by bekisu
I give you star and flag for effort (since I've only gotten a chance to skim your work). It looks interesting first glance Nassim Haramein comes to mind, however I still have to read it. Will do that now.

Ok read it. This is indeed interesting. I might suggest citing some sources though for some of your information (before you get mobbed). I'd like to do some follow up on some of the things you mentioned in the first post. After reading, it does remind me a lot of Nassim Haramein's work. He talks a lot about the universe having a fractal structure, infinitely big and infinitely small.

I'm also reminded of the book "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra. That book does a great job of comparing concepts of eastern Philosophy with modern physics, you might find both of these guys interesting if you're not familiar with them already.
edit on 21-1-2012 by bekisu because: Read post, responding.

Thanks for the reply and reading
I am marginally familiar with Nassim's work - and I have a copy of the Tao of Physics in my other room

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