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If Bush gets re-elected...?

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posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 10:12 PM
link you really believe the terrorists are the governments? Yeah..ok...

I believe the terror threat is real. I believe Bush is a better choice than Kerry when it comes to feeling protected. Kerry would take too many U.N. measures. I'm sick of the U.N.

Therefore, I will be voting for Bush this November.


posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 10:33 PM
Enough already...
So Bush is DUMB...He ran for governor of TEXAS...won, Ran for President against a sitting vice president (who should be given some credit for the GREAT CLINTON ECONOMY joke) ...won
And before we start the stolen election bull...even if its true, he masterminded the greatest fix in the history of elections. He managed to outsmart liberal judges, liberal bias media, left wing nut cases, a screaming GORE and still...WON.
So a drunken, coc aine snorting, AWOL fighter pilot, Texan probably going to win yet again despite a supposedly intellectually superior opponent, liberal bias media, left wing nut cases, and a screaming GORE.
You nut cases need to come up with something a little better than that.
I suppose you think CLINTON was smart...lets see...
Couldnt keep his ding dong in his pants, but worse couldnt hide it a little better...genius.
Poked an intern in the oval office...GOT CAUGHT...genius.
Lied to a grand jury...genius.
What about the health care fiasco...genius.
Losing control of the senate, during what many of you knuckleheads claim were the best economic years in the history of the United States...genius.
Being IMPEACHED!...genius.
Trying to explain the meaning of the word "IS"...genius.
Sounding like GOMER PYLE...genius.
I think you get the picture. So why dont you just get used to the idea that the days of free love, long hair, peace signs, smoke in's and flourescent paintings of Jimi Hendrix on velvet are OVER.
While I dont agree with everything the BUSH administration has done...At least he's not in the oval office poking a pig and smoking a fatty...wait...didnt he do all of once?
Nothing wrong having fun with your intern...just dont get caught...genius

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Kaiser617
I cant believe you just said that about Clinton giving Bush a meltdown economyfor your information Clinton has been one of the only presidents to actually have a surplus which means the country was actually making money wow i dont think thats happen very much in history!

Again if you read all the posts, Clinton rode in on the biggest economic booms we have ever saw. The bubble burst right as he was leaving. He was able to stash money into the surplus because he had all that extra tax money to do it. Bush Sr had made changes, but not in time to effect the election. Clinton was able to ride on the economic coattails of the previous 12 Republican years. Sherman set the Wayback Machine: What kind of economy did Reagan inherit from Carter? Hmmmmmmm.

If your so convinced that Bush is responsable for the GLOBAL economic slump, How would Al "I invented the Internet" Gore done in his place? Or better yet how is Kerry raising my taxes going to make the economy better?

The Flame stuff is really overdone IMHO. you guys need to loosen up before you pop a rhoid

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:23 PM
While I'm not by any means a Bush fan, I will be voting for him simply because to me he represents the lesser of 2 evils.

I can sympathize with the poster who said she was unemployed -
But at the same time raising taxes an employing folks in social programs will not build the economy but weaken it.
It pisses me off that GW is outsourcing so many potential jobs to neighboring countries, however I do understand the concept of economic growth by enabling the rich industrial corporate leaders to profit - this will indeed bring more jobs although it also lines the pockets of an already disgustingly wealthy group of people.

Although I dont recall it being mentioned in this thread concerning Health care, I have not heard anything good about socialized medicine, it generally is a lesser quality care compared to medical care where superior services reaps superior gains for the medical service provider.

Regarding defense I think it's a given by those who are not blinded by hatred for GW Bush that where the war on terror is concerned, GW is the clear choice to keep us safe. A strong military is definitely needed regardless of who the president is - we just need someone with balls enough to take the war to our enemies before they can bring any more of it to us.

So I will be voting for GW Bush, even though I will be doing it wishing there was a better alternative.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by KayEm
I'm glad your 401k is doing so well under Bushes loving guidance, but you need to come out of your guilded cage and remember that most working class people wouldn't recognize a 401k program if it jumped up and bit them in the ass.

401Ks are important to the economy of this country. People who are
paid hourly (that's what you ar referring to?) still have a vested interest
in 401ks. They may not own them, but they could very well work for
a company that is in exhistance because of 401K investments. 401ks
are people investing in companies and in America. They make it possible
for new companies to start and they make America stronger.

Just because some folks don't own 401ks, doesn't mean that it is
a non issue. The 401k investments probably touch their lives significantly.

Also, it has been suggested by market analysts that if Kerry got in, the
DOW would drop below 7,000 instantly. The stocks of aerospace and
defense companies would bottom out. He has already promised to cut
many of the defense contracts (the one my husband works on as well).
We are looking at hundreds of thousands of jobs at stake. If Kerry
got in, they'd loose their jobs and they would no longer contribute to
401Ks. Thus, less $$$ would be investing in business and that means
more job loss.

Not to mention the retired people who count on their 401ks to keep
them going.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 03:17 AM

It pisses me off that GW is outsourcing so many potential jobs to neighboring countries, however I do understand the concept of economic growth by enabling the rich industrial corporate leaders to profit - this will indeed bring more jobs although it also lines the pockets of an already disgustingly wealthy group of people

Well this is just sad. The new jobs they create will be overseas not here. If they are here they will be able to hire very qualified workers for a lot less than they are worth because the competition for jobs will be fierce. They will continue to get richer and we will continue to get poorer. Goodbye middle class. I don't understand how you don't see that.

Although I dont recall it being mentioned in this thread concerning Health care, I have not heard anything good about socialized medicine, it generally is a lesser quality care compared to medical care where superior services reaps superior gains for the medical service provider.

Well we have superior medical services in this country but hardly anyone can afford them. Have you talked to anyone from countries where medical care is socialised? We already have socialised medicine in this country. It's run by insurance companies instead of the government HMOs. I really feel well taken care of when a profiteering bean counter decides whether I live or die. Yeah that's great medical care. And by the way, any country that has 'socialised' health care also has doctors in private practice. If you can afford the top guns you can still get them. Your care will be the best. But any care is better than no care and a LOT of Americans don't have any care at all.

I dont agree with his policies, but I support him because I'm an AMERICAN. This isnt the time to follow the "en vogue" ideology of the FAR LEFT.

I'm an AMERICAN too, you ditz, and I am really tired being called UnAmerican. In my opinion you come closer to being a Fascist than an American. Liberal means just that. Liberal...tolerant and accepting. Not judgemental to the point of curtailing other people's freedoms and rights. That is what AMERICA is about. FREEDOM, get it? Not just your idea of it.

And it had nothing to do with right or had everything to do with GREED. These countries were benefitting from the OIL FOR FOOD monies and we put a stop to it. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye. There's a reason we didnt get the support and you better believe that theres going to be hell to pay. The latest terrorist action in Russia proves that these animals will turn on you even when you cover for them and give them weapons

You have a point here. Greed is indeed involved. And fundamentalist Muslims are the enemy of freedom. I have no problem with going after them and stopping them. Don't mistake liberalism for inactivity. I just think we should have gone after the correct target! Why not send all our forces after Bin Laden? Why not invade Saudi Arabia, a breeding ground for terrorists? Syria? No, we commit troops and billions of dollars to a war in Iraq (who had no ties to terrorists) that is being faught in the haphazard way we fought in Viet Nam. I was a teenager during Viet Nam. I watched the whole thing on TV every night. I didn't hate our soldiers. Some of my friends were in that war. I hated the government for not winning it or getting us the f*** out. Wasted lives for what? That war lasted through 2 Democratic administrations and a Republican one. No one could figure out how to win it and a lot of people died before they could admit that. Kids died because of the Pride of governments. We are engaged in the wrong war. Because of it terrorist activity has increased around the world. We aren't safer. We aren't better off. Eventually we (he world) wil all have to band together against a common enemy, lets just hope we have the manpower and resources and dedication to go after the real enemy after this fiasco in Iraq.

Its your LEFT WING views that are a cancer in the U.S.

Really? You don't think the cancer might be the RIGHT WING's desire to bomb the easiest target instead of the correct one. The RIGHT WING's willingness to suspend the Bill of Rghts and the Constitution? The RIGHT WING's willingness to support a President who is doing just that? I think the Right Wing is becoming a cancer in this country. I think they're becoming very UnAmerican and a little too close to fascism.

[edit on 9/15/2004 by dashcat]

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