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Are we being deceived ?

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:12 PM
Over the past year I've been going through many different thought patterns.. I have been very confused, paranoid, pessimistic but most of the time optimistic and hopeful. As each day goes by I find it harder and harder to discern what is the truth.. I don't even know what to believe any more

I could go on and on about what's been happening but I'd like to make this short so I can get a decent discussion going

I have come across certain individuals and comments across the internet that suggest the very truth movement that is flourishing across the web is in fact being used to "deceive" us into accepting a new world order and the supposed coming antichrist (Dajjal) in the near future.
They say proof of this is apparent in the ties between the new age movement and the truth movement. Also the fact that the illuminati sought out to destroy religious belief systems and the truth movement is doing the exact same thing, but only to replace it with the new age religion. Controlled opposition.

My question is, to what degree do you believe this is prevalent ? Is the entire truth movement actually a creation of the new world order? Parts of it? Or not at all?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:38 PM
I always get the feeling that something is not right something just doesn't make sense I cant put my finger on it but, we arebeing supressed of our full mind potentials.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by seenavv

In one word: ABSOLUTELY!!! We are being decieved, and insidiously.
Burn economy burn!!!

I'll at least be able to keep warm by the fireside!

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by seenavv

Perhaps. But I for one would not be complicit in any world religion or world order regardless of the consequences. If there's one thing I've learned from my time here, it's that the smaller, localized, and specific the form of government is to the people that it serves, the more effective it is. World governance regardless of the means or end is a horrible idea.

Don't let your paranoia get the best of you and don't buy into any new age bull #. Do what works for you; not what works for them.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Yes, you are being deceived, and about almost everything. Big time.

Every form of media is controlled by one group. TV, of course, is the ultimate brainwashing tool. Hollywood movies are one hundred percent propaganda, so cleverly made you don't even realize it is pure propaganda, aiming your minds in certain directions, very carefully scripted. All publishing, music, and even porn is all controlled by the same group. None of this is happening by accident.

Even what you think are "truth" groups and sites, are actually "controlled opposition". They mix truth with some crazy bs to discredit the whole thing, and lead people that are suspicious down the wrong paths and away from the real criminals. The internet is awash with this. Alex Jones is a perfect example. If he was really exposing the truth, he would be threatening the power that controls the media, and would be silenced swiftly. . So why does he get so much exposure? Kinda strange, eh?

He and his ilk serve several purposes: first of all, get all the suspicious people in one place and keep an eye on them in case they get any ideas. Secondly, lead them down the garden path into dead ends that will NOT lead to the real culprits. Thirdly, do so frothing at the mouth, lending an image of insanity to the whole group, thereby discrediting anyone who is on that "side" in any way.

So, to sum up: You are being deceived by the media. Everything is a lie. Everything.

But, everything you see pointing this out, is ALSO a lie. The deeper you dig, the more and more lies you will find. Like a Russian doll with no end. A rabbit hole with no bottom. More layers than an onion, each leading you in a different direction, yet NEVER the right direction.

edit on 28-12-2011 by CaptChaos because: sp

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by ElOmen

There's a whole massive thread on here devoted to that feeling that kinda went off on a tangent ...

But i hear ya! and definitely agree with the opp. So many lies, (that we know of!) It scares me to think what is done and talked about behind closed doors. . . . .

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 02:24 AM
Hi seenavv, good thread, I know exactly where your heads at

In my honest humble opinion, yes we are being deceived, but by who? I believe most religious/new age, political movements, like the NWO start off harmless in the beginning stages and then they progressively turn bad and get worse as time goes on and people start to add their own versions to what it actually is/was, then causing many paranoid people like myself to add their thoughts/theory's and leaving so many scary "unknowns" to the imagination.

The new age theory's have been around for as long as the ages themselves, only they became much more "noticed" with the release of some of the great thought provoking films such as 'Zeitgeist Addendum' and 'Esoteric Agenda' which have become much more widely cited in recent years, causing many more people to talk about the beginning of a new astrological age in 2150 and the end of the Mayan calender in 2012.

So what if it's the end of a calender in 2012? It doesn't really worry me much. The return of the "messiah" in 2150 sounds scarier, even though I know It's mostly just hype for advertizing.

Here's a simple example of how its done.

1. Sign up to Google ad-sense or any other pay per click advertising company.
2. Buy a domain name, call it something like
3. Make a basic web page predicting doom and gloom with some end of the world adverts at the top and a few survival down the sides.

Don't forget, if you want more search result, add some good keywords in with the meta tags, like:- Illuminati, NWO, Nibiru, 2012 SURVIVAL, NASA, Reptilians, Pleiadians, Grey, Pleiades etc.. etc...

Finally make your content sound as real and scary as possible, you need to really scare the crap out of your targets/visits, so that it gets sourced and re-posted all over the web. You can create your own doom and gloom, or save time by copying/using/adding extra onto someone Else's.

And that's it done!

Now just sit back and watch the cash roll on in!

P.s The only thing I really take seriously about it all, is how seriously people take it. It's worrying, but good for the advertisers.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by seenavv
Over the past year I've been going through many different thought patterns.. I have been very confused, paranoid, pessimistic but most of the time optimistic and hopeful. As each day goes by I find it harder and harder to discern what is the truth.. I don't even know what to believe any more

I could go on and on about what's been happening but I'd like to make this short so I can get a decent discussion going

I have come across certain individuals and comments across the internet that suggest the very truth movement that is flourishing across the web is in fact being used to "deceive" us into accepting a new world order and the supposed coming antichrist (Dajjal) in the near future.
They say proof of this is apparent in the ties between the new age movement and the truth movement. Also the fact that the illuminati sought out to destroy religious belief systems and the truth movement is doing the exact same thing, but only to replace it with the new age religion. Controlled opposition.

My question is, to what degree do you believe this is prevalent ? Is the entire truth movement actually a creation of the new world order? Parts of it? Or not at all?

Yes, the truth movement is a creation of the NWO. Thesis (the status quo, govt approved "reality") versus the antithesis (the "truth" movement) equals the synthesis (NWO). Both sides are controlled by the elites.

Since you mention dajjal, I'll put it in religious/ prophecy terms. 2012 hype was created by the elites, they are replicating prophecy to create the end of the world. IMO, Iran is a US puppet state and has been since the CIA went in 1953, and was taken over to ensure that prophecy would be fulfilled (also why the US went into Iraq).

Dajjal (Islamic antichrist, which may or may not be the Christian antichrist)
Mahdi (12th Imam, God ordained to rule the world which may or may not be the Christian AC or False Prophet. It doesn't appear to be, but that is my speculative take on it. I could be wrong.)
Isa (Islamic Jesus that will work "miracles" and tell the world to worship Mahdi.)
Gog (probably "Nephilim"/ reptilians/ bigifoots/ monkeymen)
Dabbatul Ard ("Earth beast") The description of it is a dragon but not said to be a dragon.

Reading Epoch of Appearance by Korani, a collection of various Islamic prophecies
I came across this paragraph
not the best translation...)

Sfyany [Sufyani- a Syrian army commander, possibly Assad] forces in the prosecution of those two men come our city and Imam Mahdi (A.S) like Prophet Moses, fear and worry leave the place toward Mecca.

Then Imam in Mecca communicate with some of is companions and supporters and start his holy uprising and movement in the night of Muharram, tenth, after Esha prayers from the holy Harram Makki, then give his first speech for people of Mecca stated that his enemies tried to assassinate him and try to kill him, but the companions of Imam surround him and disperse his enemies and then control holy mosque of Mecca (masjed al-harram) and them whole city of Mecca.

And on the morning of the tenth of Muharram, imam Mahdi (A.S) send his first message to the world in different languages and invite all nations in the world to help him. He announce that he remain in Mecca until a miracle that his great ground father Dear Prophet Mustafa (PBUH) promised become truth and Safyany's forces which already move toward Mecca to break his movement will destroyed."

So on the 10th of Muharram, if 2012 is the Satanic ritual fulfillment of various prophecies to manipulate people into accepting the antichrist, then this date is November 24, 2012. The situation they describe in this prophecy, Mahdi inviting the world to help him start his holy uprising is exactly this scene from the V for Vendetta movie:

"V" inviting the world to help him overthrow the govt. "V" is Mahdi. Occupy protesters wear "V" masks/ Guy Fawkes masks. (The V for Vendetta author, Alan Moore, I take very seriously as a predictive programmer in the know, as well as most popular authors and comic book creators, etc.)

The NWO is totalitarian and needs a real threat to its existence in order to maintain martial law. I imagine it will boil down to the "choice" between 2 false christs: the Islamic Mahdi or the Zionist antichrist, Prince William (who may or may not be the character of "dajjal"). Looking at the eschatologies, dabbatul ard is a decoy "Satan"/ dragon that arrives on 11-16-12 ish (by my reckoning) as part of Project Blue Beam/ the "R-6 Implant" of Scientology.

This dabbutal ard (maybe it's a faked dinosaur) gives "authority" to Mahdi (as per Christian eschatology) after it arrives and forms a decoy to dupe people to the Zionist side.

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