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Check Mate: The Military's Plan and You

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posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by RUNSILENT

They are counting on this, they have universities that have been payed well to counter every scenario we could ever fathom, they have recon-ed every square inch, every nook and cranny and literally have mountains of personal details on everyone in the communities and their affiliations, and since most places everywhere now has cameras at every turn, they can see you coming and going, Especially Walmart, now that they have face recognition software and on ground TSA employees, so for anyone to say that these people don't have their junk together is just insanity and shouldn't be re-iterated in the wrong circles.

what i know i know, not from hearsay, but from personal experience over the course of a long lifetime and group association, wisdom and common sense dictates we watch for the winds of change and migrate to the safest sanctuary to live to fight another day.

No one truly wants to fight, it uses up their resources that they can barely afford now, if they did? this would all be a thing of the past

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by sweetnlow
reply to post by Subjective Truth

this had nothing to do with hunting, it had everything to do specifically with me, and for your information i can shoot deer off my front porch or out the window legally if i choose. its a farm in the COUNTY.........BYE

Are you aware of anything you have done for them to mark you? Do you have any idea why there was a problem when you went to get your tag?

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE

Originally posted by EspyderMan

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
reply to post by sweetnlow

Oh by the way you said you could see the soldiers and the choppers flew for over a hour within 2 miles you must have some great pics to share.

Let me guess no one had a phone.

edit on 27-12-2011 by Subjective Truth because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-12-2011 by Subjective Truth because: (no reason given)

For a guy who has been around awhile replying to a "newbie" you should be ashamed. Nice welcome mat buddy. Guys like you make me sick and make this place a joke. You don't agree with the posting move along lil ones. Stop behaving like children and grow up.

Ah- kay: theres 20 minutes of my life I'd like returned:
Some times people need an outside perspective: Especially when they base alot of their internal dialogue on:

well "we KNOW the extraterrestrials are doing X;
"The govt is nothing but "black ops": spooks troopers and spies!;
and I'm starring in my own Jason Bourne mental movie!!!"

And encouragement from here doesn't help.

Look: I don't much like the direction we've been headed in for the last 15 years or so....

Will there come a time Blackhawk troop carriers will be sent to hunt down individuals by name?

"possibly". (After you become a big enough thorn in their paw by actually inflicting casualties).

Merely ranting on the net or buying a hunting license...uh, I'd have to say "you" ( Who ever you are are not that important or dangerous), it's unrealistic.

Y'all have fun; scaring each other though .."boo".

Actually the OP did not tell us if there may be a reason for the stuff he is seeing...that he may in fact have a huge weapons stash or be a terrorist or a leader of a fanatic cult. So there are many questions that have not been asked and many details that could be missing!

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

I did but apparently you didn't read the entire thread, but over the years i have maintained surplus military apparatus and memorabilia and on several occasions have been approached by the feds over several pieces, but nothing ever came from it due to the fact it was legal, i'm sure due to where i'm from and my group association with the local rednecks, i've been put on a watch list, as half the county, you know the good ole boy network in Arky don't take no BS which opens a whole other can of worms due to the change in the winds

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by SGTSECRET

Interesting point, it is often made. How do you account for New Orleans during and after Katrina? Police shot and killed "friends" and military incarcerated people without food, water, or toilets - against their will, without any issue during or after. How do you account for that? We regularly see police tasering their "neighbors" to death, beating their "friends" to death, and behaving in a manner fitting animals because they are ordered to. To suggest that if SHTF, THEN, they will stop it and turn supportive, loving people makes no sense. Why do they act badly now with impunity?

Military follow orders - don't question them, just follow them - or they are discharged or jailed. And while the OP seems way out of it to me, your post is a common reply to such matters that seems to fly in the face of history - I haven't begun to mention: German Troops, Stalin's Troops, Mao's supporters and so on. I'm sorry to say, history - 2000 years of it, are not on your side at all. Those in uniform will obey orders no matter what, they will do what they predecessors have done which is to follow the orders given them - never questioning, never acting out of love or compassion, only following the orders to the letter.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 04:13 AM
From what I can observe, over the last twenty years, there has been an increace in "tension" - from a point of view of the very fine frequencies that govern our perception and our emotions - this has resulted in diminishing emotional density, and a reduction of perceptual distortion. The newer frequencies push to the mental level, creating a stronger "consciousness" in the brain, as opposed to awareness focused on the heart or the abdomen.

Thus, like a twisting rubber band, when half-way, the tension is at its greatest, and when the threshold is reached, it springs back. If you imagine this as a polarity, the polarity magnetically is approaching the centre, and when the time occurs, the magnets will flip away, the rubber band will spring out, and the distance between polarities will lengthen quite suddenly.

I believe, that when this occurs, phenomenon can occur that will cause hallucinations and irrationality, and if fear grips the population it may spiral downwards.

edit on 28-12-2011 by SystemResistor because: uite

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by crankyoldman
reply to post by SGTSECRET

Interesting point, it is often made. How do you account for New Orleans during and after Katrina? Police shot and killed "friends" and military incarcerated people without food, water, or toilets - against their will, without any issue during or after. How do you account for that? We regularly see police tasering their "neighbors" to death, beating their "friends" to death, and behaving in a manner fitting animals because they are ordered to. To suggest that if SHTF, THEN, they will stop it and turn supportive, loving people makes no sense. Why do they act badly now with impunity?

Military follow orders - don't question them, just follow them - or they are discharged or jailed. And while the OP seems way out of it to me, your post is a common reply to such matters that seems to fly in the face of history - I haven't begun to mention: German Troops, Stalin's Troops, Mao's supporters and so on. I'm sorry to say, history - 2000 years of it, are not on your side at all. Those in uniform will obey orders no matter what, they will do what they predecessors have done which is to follow the orders given them - never questioning, never acting out of love or compassion, only following the orders to the letter.

civilians can be quite evil too, my point is you can't say im going to do horrible things to people just because i am told too. you have to understand that just because we are military doesnt mean we are all brainless, we do think and we do know right from wrong. there are bad apples everywhere in society, and you cant place all servicemembers in the same negative category.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by SGTSECRET

That's true but when the PTTB has a gun to you or your families head telling you that you will become the victim "which you are" if you don't carry out your orders, whats your choice???
I was in the military, i know how they operate, its simple for them to change your orders and fold you into another company of strangers and bunch you all in a cattle car, hype up a situation then turn you loose, like you were on the beaches at the opening morning of Omaha at Normandy. its just that simple

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 02:21 AM
It could be something else and you just happened to be in the area. A neighbor could have bought "too much" sugar all at once, or perhaps somebody is suspicious that somebody might be growing certain non-gov't approved crops in the area. Unusual amount of electricity use or some such. Things like this will occasionally get attention from the Feds. Usually those would fall under the not getting a certain cut of taxes or the war on drugs thing.

In rural areas such law enforcement isn't completely unheard of, yet it doesn't always make the news. Helicopters would make sense from a logistical and tactical aspect of any sting operation out in the boonies. Locals would notice a lot of cars showing up with outsiders, and getting ATVs and horses and camping gear to strike out in the woods isn't convenient either. If they're actually after somebody, either one of those would provide a lot more time for the suspect(s) to bug out.

If it was you in particular they were looking for, don't you think we wouldn't be hearing your story? Unless there's some backstory where a game warden has a particular beef with you and also happens to have a lot of pull with law enforcement, I don't think they'd go through that much trouble to monitor somebody applying for hunting tags. Just seems like a waste of resources.

It's not that I don't believe the rest. I've on occasion have seen weird stuff too. (Unmarked aircraft - helicopters in particular. To my thinking though, this practice only serves to attract more attention as people like myself will blog or talk to others about it. Which seems counterproductive if you're really trying to catch someone.) I approach it not from the aspect that they're out to get me, but rather what the heck is going on where we're kept in the dark and what the reason behind it is. I have a feeling law enforcement does this a lot more than we the public realize, so they don't blow a lead on some hideout or such. My real worry is that somebody could be doing something dangerous putting a whole neighborhood at risk (where I live is 'burbs/semi-urban), and we simply never get told about it.

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