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Predictive Dreaming: Purpose and Origin?

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posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 10:19 PM
First and foremost, Thank you Druid, for the motivation to put this down for someone with interest to analyse this for me.

I'll give an account of two dreams. One more recent and the other that seemed to play out over a number of long years. After, I'll add my commentary so not to confuse you with my babble

- The Bumble Moth (3 years ago)

I was standing in our bedroom with my wife, looking out the back double window that leads into our sunroom. Suddenly I was in the sunroom with my wife. She was hidding behind the kitchen glass door while I swatted at what I thought was a bumble bee. The yellow and black stripped big ones. I looked up as I followed it to it's nest. On the nest there were 3 of them. It look like a wasp's nest though, but it was kinda big. When I looked more closely, the bumble bees looked more like moths, but shaped like a bumble bee.

Then suddenly, I stood outside of our sunroom into our back yard, my wife stood by my side and I watched as a cat, that I had not seen in some months, was chasing my siameese stray around the back yard and what I felt was, that it was desperatly trying to hurt my cat. They jumped from branch to branch, my cat leaped a made it across to another tree branch near by. The other cat leaped and was struck by the tip of the branch in the shoulder and the neck. It fell to the ground. I ran over to it and checked his wounds to see if it was ok. It was a white and black calico cat.

I awoke instantly.

I told my wife in the morning about it because it stuck in my head pretty hard. Even after falling asleep and waking. When I woke, it felt as though I had dreamed it twice, but I could never remember dreaming it before. Yet, when I woke the second time, It was as though I was either thinking about the dream, or dreaming it again, or just not dreaming at all...Still when I woke that morning for work, I felt as though I had dreamt it twice.

The next day passed, I came home after work and noticed that I didnt see the other little orange stray cat that hangs around under my carport with my cats. a second day passed, and I come home to see the kitten (what we thought was a baby cat... it was over a year... just really small) in the yard hanging out, not really moving. I figured she was getting some sun. Another day.. Same spot. So I walk over because I realised she didnt eat the night before and she looks in my general direction and runs under a neighbors house. My wife went after her and caught her after a while. She looked strange.. One big eye and one normal. Just swollen. When my wife looked at her closer, she had a hole in her arm, and after looking more, one in her neck. My wife took her to the vet and he found one more, but they were bot fly larva. If you know anything about these things... uuuugh!! Yuk!!!! My wife looked it up on the net, and guess what...

Bot Fly

My wife called me over to the computer and said ... Remember that dream. all I could do was smile.

Mostly because it freaked me out and I really had no expression other than weird fear. This was the first time that my dreams had all come true at once, and almost instantly.

All other dreams seem to happen in stages. I'll have the dream then It some how plays out over a period of time, sometimes years, and sometimes my life. So far, I have alot of started but unconcluded dreams. I mean to say... Ive already experianced them up to a certain point, but I either have not experianced the full of them yet, or I have and I just didnt understand the rest of it. Sometimes they are metaphorical like this one. Other times, I would HOPE they are metaphorical. Sometimes they're pretty close. Every time weird! That's what sets them apart from the rest. Normal dreams I dont remember. I do when I wake, but I dont because they seem silly and made no sense. I never remember those. Some are vivid. So vivid that you wake up wondering if you were really there. You have to make yourself remember that you're married, in your home, going to work the next morning. In the dream, you're in a time where you dont know your wife, or you're not with her anymore...

...which brings up another point.. In all those dreams with my wife, (at the time) she was never in any of them. It was though I didnt know her or she just wasnt in my life at the time. I always wondered why. Id wake up and really take a moment to realise that I was in bed with my wife. Today.. I am not married. Some of those things I've seen in the dreams I've had when I was with her she was in none of them except the ones I had towards the last years of our marriage. Those were more specific her dreams, and this one, which was more unique in a sense as it happened right away.

ok, so enough blabber
I'll put the other out for you before long. Not tonight. I'll hold you in a lil suspence for the sake of my bedtime. Work comes early!

hmmm... ok, you decide.. which do you want next.

Pharoes, Bull in water, desease, drugs....
floods with family
floods with plague falling from the sky and family
slow falling mountain of fire, blood in a tank, hiding in a weird floor vent...
God in a tornado ... something falling like little red specs of fire from the sky
Girl on a bike
Women I've loved before ive met them - keep a rose petal under your pillow

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:21 PM
These are the kond of dreams I have. Always personal for me.

I have a dream from 3 yrs old? My mom and sis were standing with the three wise men, but I wouldnt go to their "circle".. Im almost 30! And consider myself closer to god. Go figure!

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:32 PM

- The Bumble Moth (3 years ago) I was standing in our bedroom with my wife, looking out the back double window that leads into our sun room. Suddenly I was in the sun room with my wife. She was hiding behind the kitchen glass door while I swatted at what I thought was a bumble bee. The yellow and black stripped big ones. I looked up as I followed it to it's nest. On the nest there were 3 of them. It look like a wasp's nest though, but it was kinda big. When I looked more closely, the bumble bees looked more like moths, but shaped like a bumble bee. Then suddenly, I stood outside of our sun room into our back yard, my wife stood by my side and I watched as a cat, that I had not seen in some months, was chasing my Siamese stray around the back yard and what I felt was, that it was desperately trying to hurt my cat. They jumped from branch to branch, my cat leaped a made it across to another tree branch near by. The other cat leaped and was struck by the tip of the branch in the shoulder and the neck. It fell to the ground. I ran over to it and checked his wounds to see if it was ok. It was a white and black calico cat.

I awoke instantly.

I told my wife in the morning about it because it stuck in my head pretty hard. Even after falling asleep and waking. When I woke, it felt as though I had dreamed it twice, but I could never remember dreaming it before. Yet, when I woke the second time, It was as though I was either thinking about the dream, or dreaming it again, or just not dreaming at all...Still when I woke that morning for work, I felt as though I had dreamt it twice.

I'd like to address the fact that you may have latent psychic abilities, but let me address this dream first:

The elements to pull out:

1. You were standing. Not sitting or moving.
2. Your wife was with you.
3. You saw a bumble bee.
4. It morphed into something else.
5. You stood outside with your wife.
6. You watched two cats, and felt intent to harm yours.
7. You felt a very strong sense of deja vu afterwards.

Standing in a dream, and observing, usually denotes a fixed position in your mind. Something you won't budge from. By having your wife with you denotes you were willing to share your perspective, but since you abruptly moved from position to position, without actually realizing your movement, denotes that you are very stubborn and resolved. A bumble bee is a small insect, irritating, and mostly harmless. In your dream it represents some sort of issue you had with your wife, something about her that irritated you, something you couldn't tolerate. When it changed into something else, a perspective change, you went outside, and left your "comfort zone". Being inside a "house" during a dream state deals with very PERSONAL feelings, thoughts you think inside your own mind, but when you go "outside", your subconscious is dealing with aspects of life, interactions with others, so to speak. I'd like to say that you predicted your own divorce, and I would be curious to know whether you filed, or she did.

The two cats were basically a way for your mind to perceive the different natures that you and your wife had. Cats often symbolize the free nature of a person in their dreams, but since there were two, it seems plausible that your subconscious was playing a scene of the upcoming divorce. Trees symbolize growth, and stability, but to see your own nature being attacked while your own growth was being inhibited caused you to immediately awaken.

The deja vu you had simply meant it was something you had been thinking about already.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:41 PM

hmmm... ok, you decide.. which do you want next.

I decide that you should share the next most important dream that bothers you. There is no hurry for anything, as you have your own dream related thread now.

It may take awhile to resolve the issues you have in your "dreamworld", and I'd definitely like to share a few experiences from my own.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by Druid42

But wait.. This one actually came true almost instantly after the dream. But I'll answer your question.

She filled.

I dont think this one really had anything to do with anything other than what took place the following morning and over the next few days. I mean, I guess it could be possible that dreams have more than 1 meaning, but for it to play out reality as the dream. All of the signs and occurances seemed to play out exactly.

The piercings in the stray cats neck and shoulder - 2 out of 3 of the holes my wife found.
The dissapearance of the cat that was chasing mine. - The appearance of the kitten like cat that hung out at our house not long after the other cat vanished. I always wondered if it was it's baby.
Half bumble bee half moth - you gotta look at those bot flys and read about them
I understood after seeing the picture and reading about them why it took 2 forms into one in my dream.
My cat being chased was the cat that always seemed to "big brother" the orange kitten like cat.

Now I do believe in a weird sorta way, that my wife not being in many of my vivid dreams is because we are no longer married and the events that took place in the dreams are supposed to take place between now and some later date. I figure she wasnt there in the dream because she isnt there when it takes place. Of course, refering to the dreams I have not laid out yet.

Anyways.. that's my take. I wanted to make sure you understood which part of that was a dream and when reality started taking place

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 11:07 AM
Yes, reality was kind of blurred during your description. When describing another dream, try...

Start of dream:

text of dream

End of Dream:


That'll clear up any confusion I may have.

I said earlier that you may have latent psychic abilities, and especially if you say your dream came true. That's called having a premonition, being able to see a few days ahead. I'm not anything thing out as a possibility quite yet.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Druid42

hmmm... ok, you decide.. which do you want next.

I decide that you should share the next most important dream that bothers you. There is no hurry for anything, as you have your own dream related thread now.

It may take awhile to resolve the issues you have in your "dreamworld", and I'd definitely like to share a few experiences from my own.

Absolutly. Dreams are very cool topics to discuss. Especially the ones you can remember, because I feel it is those that are important for some reason or another.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Druid42
Yes, reality was kind of blurred during your description. When describing another dream, try...

Start of dream:

text of dream

End of Dream:


That'll clear up any confusion I may have.

I said earlier that you may have latent psychic abilities, and especially if you say your dream came true. That's called having a premonition, being able to see a few days ahead. I'm not anything thing out as a possibility quite yet.

Lol sorry. I assume a lil too much sometimes. I thought the "I awoke instantly" part might have gave an indication, but when I put that there, I even though... "Hmm wonder if this is a good way to make Druid figure out that this is where the dream stopped". lol

Funny, it's not just dreams, as you see... It's also just simple thought. Kinda like songs hitting the radio 10 seconds after it pops in your head. Me and the X used to go round and round with that cause it would happen to us alot, together. After a while, it seemed like she started picking up on the ability, but since we've been done for a lil over a year now, I sometimes wonder if she has that gift or if it was just simply my gift bleeding over into "us".

Yeah, it causes me to think a lil arrogantly sometimes. Oddly enough, it's those times that everything fades back or they dont come out the way I think they will. Kinda like... If I say so, it will not be so... If I say it may.. it may. If I say it will not be, It all depends on if I believe it or not, but if I do, it will be. More or less, If I'm humbled, things come as they show... If I'm big headed or even if I just simply say something that I really dont have the answer to, the opposite happens from what I expect. Guess that's hard to explain. Make any sense to you?

And I certainly will have another one for you very soon. Im tryin to put the most vivid down first. Though I really dont like the doom and gloom ones, cause when Itell them, I feel very self concious. I dont like the idea that I might come off looking like a deranged wako! lol

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

I understand where you are coming from.

I can relate to the radio thing, as I practiced it with my kids. The "game" was to guess the next song on the radio. We had a 20% accuracy rate.

But the deja vu thing, when I'm alone driving, the radio is off, then I think of a song I'd like to hear, and when I turn the radio on, it is playing. Not freaky, it just makes me smile.

There's so much more to discuss on this topic.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

Ok, to me that dream is a super good example of how a predictive dream works. You remembered it vividly when you woke up and felt it was important. You got the image of the bot fly with the bumble bee morphing into a mothy insect. You got harm intended to a cat you know, and the specific area of injury, plus a level of seriousness for the injury. And it happened within a couple of days. Nice one! I don't get them often, but I have had enough to recognize them, and they are very similar to yours. It's too bad we don't usually make the connections to what will happen until after the fact, and then we think, "Oh, so THAT's what that was about!" i've only understood what the dream meant immediately once that I can think of offhand, and that is the one I had right before a friend's father passed away. Usually I figure it out a few days later, after the situation it was about actually occurs.

So, with your other dreams, have you already made the connections to what they were about? I'd like to hear them all, simply because I like hearing how dreams work for other people.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

I had a dream last night. I don’t quite remember how I got to that point but we were gathered in like an outdoor concert. My cousins were there, siblings and some friends.

The band played some songs and the last one was True by Ryan Cabrera as the song was playing I turned around and told my cousin Daisy, “I haven’t heard this song in 5 years.”

Then I looked up at the sky and the sun was going down so there was a bright orangy-yellow glow which the sunrise has as the sun sets but I also noticed 3 moons all in one line see pic below. And they were moving down.

Then all of a sudden a bunch of shooting stars began to go across the sky coming from the opposite direction of where the moons were coming from.They looked like a bunch of small missiles going across. I pointed it out to friends and family that were there and everyone was amazed. It was awesome! A bunch of shooting stars were in the heavens almost like small missiles. Jokingly I said those are missiles and all of the sudden the stars began to break up and papers/ documents began falling from the sky. I ran towards a big piece of paper that had fallen.

It was like an accounting document, something with numbers but me trying to be all covert and spy like I quickly hid it under my shirt and started walking fast. I told everyone who picked up a paper to take it and and hide it and not to tell anyone. My cousin showed me a piece of paper she recovered and in it there was a map pointing towards downtown LA.

I remember it was something on Flower St but cant remember the cross street. It pointed to somewhere on flower street and it also had a phone number. I folded the piece of paper and put it in my jeans pocket. I was walking up the street and told my cousin we should call the # using a payphone so we wont be traced. As we were walking towards one we saw someone walking down the street in a Frog costume. Jokingly I went up to it and pretended I was going to hit him and when I pretended I was going to punch it, the person inside opened the costume and there was a small boy not an adult (I don't know what the boy in a costume means)

After we left the boy and walked to a store, it was like a liquor store but a lot of candies and goodies. I wanted to buy something and only had $10 but I didn't. I looked at the map that my cousin got from that star/missile and I was going up to a phone and was going to call the number, then my mom woke me up.

I have the number, still have not called it. Can you help me interpret the dream?

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Druid42

I'm sorry for the lack of time Ive put into this. In the process of moving "In" over the next weeks.

Instead of going through all of the dreams I have had, that I "think" have already played out for the most part, I'll stick with the ones that I can't quite place. Though, I dont know if I can put a date very well to some of them, as they've taken place long ago.

I'll start with one I had a few nights ago. I normaly dont remember my dreams 2 seconds after I wake. Though I know I have them. The only ones I do remember are the "nightmareish" dreams. Some not nightmareish at all. Most that I've had, I believe have already taken place. Even today I realise some of them are taking place in my life as we speak. Almost exactly. Exactly in a sense that the people are there, the object of interest is there (it was important to me in the dream), the unfamiliar people seemingly comming to be, at least they fit well..

I could say I'm not crazy, but then again... I get the crazy notion that I'm being warned of my future in every one of those dreams.

I cant really say that my dreams affect anyone around me... say, knowing someone is going to die.. They are always from my point of view. I'm always there, the observer. I cant say that the dreams dont affect others, because they do seem to predict things of those around me at the time. Sometimes the dreams are not time specific. I never really notice time in my dreams as I never have control over "these" dreams. I cant just blink out of them. I see them in full, then I wake. I cant sway them, I can only watch and speak, though I dont know what I'm saying. I can read, it makes sense, but I cant see the words.

This one a few nights ago. Friday the 13th if you will. Only realizing that now cause I knew it was friday that it took place. (more likely in the am on the 14th though)

The most vivid things I remember about this one, and most of the times they are scenes... Was standing with someone looking out of a bay door of sorts. But the place around us wasnt a plane or anything of the sort. It was as though we were in a space command center, not the lit ones, but the dark ones you see on TV, but it was much much smaller. Me and someone (there is always a someone in most of these) were speaking about something. He/she kept pointing out towards the bay doors. I noticed a white missle. Not the kind you usually see on TV, but it seemed to bevel in at 3 stages. Each stage seemed to have golden sticker or laden type (gilded even?) outlines with a symbol on the nosecone. the symbol was gold also. I dont know if I recognise it, but if I seen It I could compare, Im sure.

The strange thing about it is, the person started, not really shouting, but speaking really loudly,...

They didnt mean it to happen! It wasnt supposed to happen! It was an accident!

He said this multiple times. 3 times I think. Maybe more. But I think 3.

The person who was saying this to me was saying it like they were worried, horribly sorry, and very worried.

I say the missle take a neste plunge out of the bay door, slowly and fall to what it really looked like was the earth. I could see clouds, but no land, so maybe I was really high up.. But not in space. I could see white and blue swirls and the missle falling slowly into it. Then I woke.

Maybe it was too much chicken
But.. I hold onto all of the dreams I remember this well, and so far.... Maybe it just relates to me in a weird sorta way. They always do.. I think.

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