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US Altering GPS Signals around Nuclear Plants

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posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 12:02 AM
In an effort to prevent GPS quided cruise missiles and other weapons from hitting nuclear plants the US has quietly altered the signals over these areas. It makes sence, but what terrorist group has access to a GPS guided munition, not to mention the plane to deploy it from? You have to wonder if other areas, like the White House, Camp David, the Pentagon are also altered?

U.S. homeland defense strategists have quietly implemented a novel way to protect sensitive facilities from GPS-guided weapons, such as cruise missiles.

Electronics experts have noted large errors in GPS navigation units used within about 0.25 mi. of a nuclear facility. Monitoring different models of commercial GPS receivers, while repeatedly driving past the plant, they found GPS-indicated speeds were consistently about twice that of their car. And GPS readouts of the terrain elevation near the plant were zero--several thousand feet low.

Such gross errors could be induced by transmitting low-power signal "corrections" in close proximity to a sensitive facility. These could effectively "spoof" the navigation of a cruise missile or other guided weapon that relied on GPS signals for targeting.

Airline pilots landing at an airport near one of these facilities have reported seeing "GPS anomalies" during their final approaches, but were not given an explanation.

When asked whether GPS spoofing was in widespread use to protect weapons-related facilities and other sensitive infrastructure, a National Nuclear Security Administration official said: "Those are areas we just don't talk about." A similar query of the Homeland Security Dept. was unanswered.

Altering Signals

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 01:39 AM
Back in June when the Navy was have their large miltary exercise off the East coast and testing their GPS Jamming device, the Dept. of Homeland Security issued a alert warning that GPS signals would be unreliable in certain areas during testing times. Even though the areas that you are referring to are most likely in restricted airspace, in light of pilots reporting problems there should be a warning issued like they did before! This is a total disregard for safety of human lfe.

Here is a link to the June thread:


posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 10:16 AM
Great idea of them, as a way to protect us.
The only thing is that the nuclear plants are on the ground, and now that this out and has gone public you know it, I know it, and I bet the terrorist now know this as well.
GPS alteration will stop a missile yes, but they always seem to find some real inexpensive way to attack and destroy.
This will only mean they will find another way to get to the nuclear plants.

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