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Current Hong Kong reports of bird flu PLUS Clinton's veganism and Michelle Obama's Garden

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posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 02:52 AM
I have just watched the movie Contagion; which of course led me to various thoughts. My final thought upon the movie ending was interesting how the cross contamination of a bat's feces landing into the corral of the pigs stye where the pigs ingested and became a carrier of the strain which we know now to be H5N1.

The conclusion of the movie shows the chef butchering a pig from the farm of the "indexed" pigs coming out to meet the index carrier of the virus; without washing his hands. I immediately thought what a great time to become vegan since there are now reports of the bird flu in Hong Kong(who really knows if it is H1n1 or H5n1after watching the movie). My thoughts immediately recalled an interview regarding Bill Clinton and his new found diet regimine, total vegan. On the same premises I thought about Michelle Obama growing her own garden with the message of healthy eating, when in reality could this be a message that maybe we should shy away from meat/diary all together?

As my mind was indexing these thoughts then I thought of Fukushima and the current NON-fallout that is happening. They could either actually offer direction through PBS and cholesterol free natural dieting or serving up propaganda. I have been wondering about the food supply, especially with the prominent talks about Iran and Syria; or experiencing the fallout of the global financial meltdown.

Lastly - what is the White House currently building what seems to be quite deep and wide enough bunker for a survival shelter possibly needed at a moment's notice just incase a vastly sweeping pandemic were to errupt? Mrs. Obama could be teaching her daughters the wonderful art of canning and storing of food for future use. I am sure that would beat the heck out of MRE's 24/7 - while knowing exactly how and where the food was grown.

Hopefully I haven't repeated another post. I am a novice and this is my first. I know the thought processes are a bit broad stroke; but it is the exact conclusion I formulated within the latter 2 minutes of the movie and basically this is the only place I could share.

While I have your attention could someone tell me if I have posted in the correct area? I have just found following the lead of some ol' timers could put you into the penalty box.....punishment -1000 points. What does that mean exactly? I am too busy absorbing info I find quite interesting throughout ATS to have to read on gaining my girl scout points. I would LOVE an abbreviated version if someone has time to offer them nicely without venomous or belittling tones please.

I still have LOVE AND LIGHT!!

edit on 22-12-2011 by mcsandy because: typo

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by mcsandy

...maybe I am not understanding this, but I don't see the conspiracy here. Is it a bad thing for famous people to set examples of healthy eating? Are you implying that they "know" about viruses in meat that we don't know about which is why they are vegan/organic eaters, and that they are not telling us about these things? And what does the canning food part with Michelle Obama have to do with this, and the radiation from Fukushima? Thanks in advance for clarification!

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:58 AM
clinton is a vegan because he had quadruple by pass surgery and it's not michelle obama's garden, it's one of her 40 servants that tends it.

i doubt michelle obama was tilling soil, waking up at 6 am to water and tend vegetables. or spent 3 hours in the scorching sun pulling weeds.

the obama's eat world class cuisine prepared everynight by a hand picked professional chef and his team.

that garden is there only for political reasons. not because she likes turnips.

edit on 22-12-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 04:14 AM
y did you just ruin the movie for everyone?

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by spacekc929
reply to post by mcsandy

This is classic example of chronic insomnia and actually trying to converge my some what "random" thoughts into a OP! Apologies for the foggy construct of the thread.

...maybe I am not understanding this, but I don't see the conspiracy here. Is it a bad thing for famous people to set examples of healthy eating?

No I don't think it is bad at all for anyone to promote a healthy lifestyle and present ways "to eat yourself to great health."

Are you implying that they "know" about viruses in meat that we don't know about which is why they are vegan/organic eaters, and that they are not telling us about these things?

Yes this is one aspect that I was attempting to present.

And what does the canning food part with Michelle Obama have to do with this, and the radiation from Fukushima? Thanks in advance for clarification!

Off collar bad humor in regards to the MO canning; but something I would do if I had a personal garden. Especially if one would like to stay prepared for those uncertain times.

The fallout from Fukushima I believe is grossly under reported by MSM, EPA and even IAEA in my view. I have found it hard to find actual data about the current conditions of the US' facilities and the highly probable leakage into the ground and air surrounding the actual location of the plants. One would have to assume that Fukushima is affecting the oceanic waters where a lot of seafood are caught and shipped internationally. Lastly, from glancing around the net and on a few posts here I noticed that there is definite radition in over the US; unfortunately I found it difficult to get a truthful reading on acid rain levels and the affects to our own drinking water.

Hopefully that helps in explaining my thought processes, which seemed to read as if my writing skills were highly incompetent. Lesson learned not to post in the wee hours of the morning.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by thegoods724
y did you just ruin the movie for everyone?


I did not realize that it had not been widely viewed/reviewed already. I am disabled and rarely leave my home; I am previed to access and view all of my movies on my computer.

By the way....careful on utilizing "texting" scrip; could cost you brownie points.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by mcsandyI immediately thought what a great time to become vegan since there are now reports of the bird flu in Hong Kong(who really knows if it is H1n1 or H5n1after watching the movie). My thoughts immediately recalled an interview regarding Bill Clinton and his new found diet regimine, total vegan. On the same premises I thought about Michelle Obama growing her own garden with the message of healthy eating, when in reality could this be a message that maybe we should shy away from meat/diary all together?

If you "shy away from meat/diary", don't do it because of fear of HxN1 being transmitted. The likelihood of you personally being infected by eating ham is very thin under "normal" circumstances. Do it because animal proteins allegedly "trigger" nasty items like heart disease and some cancers on and off like a light switch. That alone should be more than reason enough to stop animal proteins. That is why Clinton no longer eats animal proteins, because by quitting them altogether, allegedly heart disease can actually not only be stopped, but reversed.

As far as MO being a gardener when she has world class chefs, so what, people have hobbies, and it is good for PR too for her to get "dirty" in the gardener like the common folk do... Shows she is "one of us", so to speak...

edit on 12-22-2011 by IronDogg because: threw in a couple allegedly's to attempt to keep the nitpickers at bay...

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