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A Message of thanks to the good guys behind the scenes!!

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posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:30 AM
To all those trying to make the world better, (both in high and low places)
i dont know you, i will probably never see you or shake your hand in gratitude, but i can only express my gratitude online that you are out there making a difference in whatever way you can, even though you have chosen consciously to put both your life and your loved ones in danger, indeed your health, emotions and sense of happiness and belonging and security at risk too, i applaude your courage and bravery and your vision and sacrifice too, you have done more for me and the general public than we will ever realise, you will more than likely never get a medal of bravery or honesty but you should, you will never get famous or perhaps even rich but you deserve to be, you have more than likely propelled freedom and integrity in the human race and developed the seeds of a free and hopeful new world, all i can say is thank you.

your continous struggle to fight the evil and greed that has manipulated the general masses may go unnoticed by most but not by all, there are still people who are honest and good in this world and they are worth fighting for, and i know that just as you believe that these good people exist and are worth fighting for, you should realise we will never lose faith in you! it has been a long and difficult road, and its not over yet, but as you struggle for us, please remember we are grateful, at least some of us. i cant wait for the day when most secrets of humanity from the past and present are merely common knowledge in the society of tommorrow, i cant wait until there will be a prosperous earth, where free energy and zero pollution is common, and i especially cant wait until all the bad guys have been thrown in prison and there will be peace and zero armies fighting. these may seem like big hopes but i know they can become realities because simply put i was able to conceive of them and you fought for them, we can make these things happen if enough people think about them.

i dont know if anyone will even read this, but if someone does i hope the message is clear, i hope it spreads, THANK YOU for not giving up and for taking on the bad guys when others would not, thanks for going about your daily lives as honestly as possible and full of integrity when most operate full of deceit. thanks to the men and women in difficult positions on either end of the spectrum who make many difficult choices but ultimately chose the rational of "for the benefit of the people" you are all an inspiration and a fine example of what it means to be human.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:58 AM
Thank you friend!

For you


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