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Ron Paul : "Michelle Bachmann hates Muslims" * Jay Leno Show 12/16 FULL INTERVIEW LINK*

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posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Why not? they are my hopes to get up and let down.

You can say this and that about Ron Paul but you're not changing my mind.

But it appears you're just making any excuse not to vote for him. I mean do you really expect me to agree with you and say:

"well, you're right, they'll kill him anyways so we might as well give them what they want so they're happy and we're still slaves. Everybody wins!"

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Dance4Life

Hi Dance

Thank you for posting this. It really provided some insight to the personality of the gent from Texas. You may know of my stance on voting and the shadow govt. However, something very gentle and almost sweet seems to eminate from this guy and I think that affects any decisions I try to make about him. I really cant decide.

Believe it or not that best descibes my confusion.

edit on 17-12-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Clinton655321

4: Bahhhhh BaaaaaHHa aHaha

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 04:45 PM
Ron was genius in pointing out that Bachmann hates Muslims. It really was obvious as could be at the debates, but that comment gets people thinking that her attitude won't be promoting peace anywhere. She is alienating 21 percent of the world population with her fear mongering rhetoric.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 05:30 PM
Hey guys...I found the dirt on

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

You can say this and that about Ron Paul but you're not changing my mind.

I'm just giving you my opinion. You can set your hopes as high as you like, just bear in mind there is a very good chance that they will be dashed.

Psychologically speaking, the emotional let down after having your hopes dashed can be pretty dejecting... So my consideration "not to get your hopes up" was just a practical heads up. Don't allow yourself to get too emotionally involved with any political movement.

If something happened to Ron Paul, and the anti-government movement became militant, would you join in? Or would you watch from the sidelines?

Me, personally, not a chance in hell that I would join in. This thing IMHO, is being staged, and only those with the type of education that I have, in sociology-political science, know what is happening. Many might even be involved in its deployment. I'm not going to play the opposition like the social-architects expect. I'm just gonna sit by and watch. And live.

To you, I'm sure, this would be irresponsible of me to not participate. And from your perspective, that's entirely justified. But why fight for an opposition that is controlled anyway? Because it gives meaning to your life????????

"well, you're right, they'll kill him anyways so we might as well give them what they want so they're happy and we're still slaves. Everybody wins!"

Didn't I just say I would vote for him?? No, of course. It would be splendid if this were neverland and things weren't as convoluted as I know them to be. But because things are quite controlled, engineered, and directed, by a metaphysically minded elite class, I'm not gonna waste my tears hoping for change.

Sometimes, people delude themselves because they can't bear the alternative. I can totally understand that.

I get that it's important to hope for change. Paul's platform, both foreign and domestic, would be something I would eagerly look forward to. It is ideal. The state staying out of personal affairs.... But consider for a second the direction every country the world over is going in: The EU, Middle East (I.E. Arab League), China, Russia? Increased surveillance and increased centralization of power. The coming social disorder is designed to break down the current system, to be replaced by a more centralized, and hermetic, sociopolitical order. It's the typical Hegelian dialect. Cause a problem, and force a solution. One half leads to another half.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Dance4Life

That was a Great Interview by Leno . He Asked the Right Questions and let Ron Paul answer them in Detail WITHOUT Interupting Him unlike in All those So Called Presidential "Debates" where Mr. Paul has had to Endure being Disrespected , Getting Ignored, and Cut Off in Mid Thought by Idiot Panelists who are Obviously doing it to try and Derail him run for the Presidency because of their Orders from the MSM Head Honchos . I Bet that Leno Appearence Alone got Ron Paul More Political Support than All those Previous debates Combined ..............Thank You for your Fairness Mr. Leno !

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by eLPresidente

This thing IMHO, is being staged, and only those with the type of education that I have, in sociology-political science, know what is happening.

Well I guess we should all major in sociology and political science then, apparently its all you need to know everything there is to know

Yes you are the be all and end all, you now all of the plans and that it is controlled opposition because you studied sociology for a few years.
You are sitting by idly doing nothing because that is what smart people do as the 'silly revolutionaries' run off the cliffs like lemmings.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
Especially whilst holding goose stepping military march pasts, with 'death to America' painted on the sides of their missiles!

It means that they are never going to be your 'friends', they are never going to 'respect' you - and you are never going to win their hearts and minds - they want you all subservient or dead - period!

This is due to "Blow-back". It may take 10, 20, 30 or 40 years... but once the US troops pack up and leave the Middle-East for GOOD, the younger generation in that area will NOT hold a grudge.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente

Well I guess we should all major in sociology and political science

It certainly helps.

Listen, i get that people in general, don't like being told they don't know something. It's something we natural revolt against. But, that doesn't mean there isn't something to be learned from others. Some people have the education, in certain fields, that could open up new venues of thought that we hadn't considered before.

For instance, people always talk about the Hegelian dialect - thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. This is actually an ancient metaphysical concept which Hegel merely put into modern language. All empires were broke with this thought in mind, and their reintegration was the ultimate aim. The collapse of Rome (thesis), challenged by the tide of change (antithesis), created the Byzantium empire (Synthesis). Rome absorbed the christian culture of the near east, and perpetuated itself under a new form.

This, whether you appreciate it or not, is the Modus Operandi of Hellenism. It is contained within its mythology - Hesiods theogony in particular.

America too has its Myths - its founding fathers.

Look at this statement of CG Jung, written in 1950, and look at how amazingly true, and prophetic, it rings today:

Loss of roots and lack of tradition neuroticize the masses and prepare them for collective hysteria. Collective hysteria calls for collective therapy, which consists of abolition of liberty and terrorization. Where rationalistic materialism holds sway, states tend to develop less into prisons than into lunatic asylums - Carl Jung, Aion Lectures, The psychology of Christian Alchemical Symbolism

Sociology is really just a branch of psychology - a branch which deals with collective human psychology. How human beings act, and how they can be MADE to act, by creating the circumstances and situations in which they live.

It's much like the rat mazes scientists work with. The mazes are the limitations and circumstances human beings live within. The scientists are societies leading sociological minds, and the rats, are the laymen. We bump into walls - the circumstances - which trigger the predictable emotional/collective response, and we're led down the maze, towards the end.

The end has already been set. Whatever happens, with Ron Paul, has been engineered to happen. Our response, has already been predicted. Humanity, due to our own spiritual ignorance (ignorance of the nature of consciousness) become frozen within the archetypal framework of psychology. We respond because we can't help but respond. And there are always conspirators within the system pushing peoples buttons; leaders of movements (Alex Jones being a prime example) directing people in the way that they should go. And their opposition is always, to a degree, intellectually justifiable. The outmoded system, as per usual, always becomes tyrannical, and the opposition, always polarizes the ruling establishment as the embodiment of pure evil, and themselves, the seekers of good, and justice.

I'm sorry if this robs of you of the enthusiasm of being apart of a "grassroots movement" (And to be sure, all oppositions ALWAYS begin as grassroot movements; the Russian revolution, the French revolution, the american revolution - all grassroot, led by the common man) buy that is a worthy price to pay for knowledge of how things actually work.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by dontreally

I'm sorry if I'm ruffling your feathers but your post was complete b.s. and I honestly believe that.

You claim to know a lot about Ron and the supposed engineering of his rise in popularity. You claim it was predicted and engineered but you don't know if he will win or lose? Yet you also wish to vote for him.

Was Mitt Romney, the Mormon millionaire and Newt Gingrich, the egotistical, intelligent, debater also controlled opposition for the controlled opposition? I'm sure it was already set in stone decades ago for Gingrich to cheat enough times and take enough money for people to like him for a controlled period of time before finally losing hope. And I'm sure Cain's sexual scandals was all engineered too, Rick Perry's several brain farts on national television? getting caught with a corndog in his mouth? same for Bachmann? How about the MSM? just the right amount of manipulation and bias per week to anger the supporters enough to send those emails, spam those polls and tweet/facebook/sign-bomb but not enough to give up? All engineered for the perfect moment for Ron Paul to rise to the top of the polls right before Iowa? And I'm sure New Hampshire is the perfect storm as well, make Romney the frontrunner with almost HALF of the states support but when Ron wins Iowa, watch out, he'll take New Hampshire by storm and win the GOP nomination which EVERYBODY said he couldn't do.

Yes, it was all engineered and predicted by some mystical entity that you are choosing not to name because only sociology/political science students have the brain capacity to process this information.

I'm sorry if this robs you of your 'fantasy' of being part of an elite group of sociology college students that are able to access this special information of how grassroots movements are meticulously engineered by mysterious people and their knack to strategically control the opposition and the opposition of the opposition of the opposition and through that controlled opposition of the opposition of the opposition, proceed with the most wretched plan of all...installing a presidential puppet with the evil engineered message of personal liberty, individual responsibility and free markets.

And people say Ron Paul supporters are crazy...get a grip man.
edit on 18-12-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by CALGARIAN

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
Especially whilst holding goose stepping military march pasts, with 'death to America' painted on the sides of their missiles!

It means that they are never going to be your 'friends', they are never going to 'respect' you - and you are never going to win their hearts and minds - they want you all subservient or dead - period!

This is due to "Blow-back". It may take 10, 20, 30 or 40 years... but once the US troops pack up and leave the Middle-East for GOOD, the younger generation in that area will NOT hold a grudge.

No that's just Islamo leftist claptrap, designed to pressure foreign policy to make concessions.

In the eyes of Muslims, Westerners are INFIDELS - do you even understand what that means!?

It means you are satans minions, evil, untrustworthy, lower than an animal.In the eyes of a true believer, you can be tricked decieved and killed with impunity so long as it serves the advancement of Islam.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by dontreally

It's why there is muslim hate against the west...Our foregin policy has caused the hate. That's the point! If we would mind our own business there would be a lot less hate. Maybe killing civilians over and over agian won't win the hearts and minds of the middle east after all...

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 05:46 AM
Ron Paul has no real chance to get elected to anything. He has a small cult following that's all. Michelle and the conservatives do not hate Muslims, they hate what they do to people in the name of their god. There is a difference. Killing people for allah is not right nor good in any society.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 07:14 AM
I just watched it and my jaw dropped. I don't know if he meant to say it like that. There are already a million conservative rags ripping on him.

I mean it's true she is a prejudiced bigoted POS, but got boos just arguing with her at the debate, he needs to be going after Newt. I hope this doesn't hurt him. Besides that instance I think this was a great interview.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Fromabove

You believe that non sense you are typing?
Michelle Bachmann absolutely hates Muslims and gays and any one that her religion tells her too. She is just as scary as those people you claim kill for their religion (when in reality we are the ones doing the killing aren't we?)
edit on 18-12-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by peponastick
reply to post by dontreally

It's why there is muslim hate against the west...Our foregin policy has caused the hate. That's the point! If we would mind our own business there would be a lot less hate. Maybe killing civilians over and over agian won't win the hearts and minds of the middle east after all...

As I said that is just oft repeated Islamo-leftist claptrap - ie not a real belief but a POLITICAL one - just look at the statistics the overwhelming majority of muslim deaths are at the hands of their fellow muslims. What muslims do hate though is INFIDELS killing muslims - doesn't matter the reason!

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

Answer this one question, because it is a fundamental one. This question and your response to it will condition your understanding of politics.

What do you think Freemasonry is? Don't deride the question, because it is entirely relevant. Before the modern era, every important and powerful politician was involved in it. What do you think is dealt with there?

This is a serious question. You mock my suggestion that the masses are guided by mystics/sociologists (which are almost the same thing, except the former looks at the matter ontologically, while the latter, pragmatically) yet there is a secret society called Freemasonry - a name with metaphysical connotations (and it doesn't take much effort to see what Freemasonry is about) with members, who up until modern times, have been intimately involved with much of the major changes in society.

You don't think it's plausible that there may be a secret agenda? And you, might not know anything about it, because you lack an understanding of the type of subjects dealt with there i.e. metaphysics? Gnosticism?

However unmainstream this subject matter is, it's still entirely relevant. In fact, the academic taboo against speaking about this (and I never talk about it, unless with close friends) is designed to keep people away from it.
edit on 18-12-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

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