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Actors being used as Spys or event organizers to corrupt your world view?

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posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 10:01 PM
I believe it is called street theater.
Also, movies such as Body Double, many years ago, were probably a hint not to believe everything you see.
Problem--reaction--solution. Staged events, contrived battles of opinions, and appearance of emergencies when there isn't one, but also, so that no one can tell what is real, and distracted or unable to see the real emergency.
And, of course, also pointing blame like an arrow. But I also think there has been a game of "replacements" going on within all that.
Interesting thread.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by iamusic
I was looking for an alternative explanation for the brawl but I could not think of one. However after looking at the video of the pepper spray incident I can find some logical explanations.
1. She is telling a photographer to snap the picture or roll cameras to document the police brutality.
2. She is letting a friend across the street know that the police are getting violent so its time to leave.
3. This is something like improv everywhere and this is the scene in which the police attack protesters...

I have my doubts for all of it.

If you only hold up the "click gesture" by itself, then yea, there are many variables. But when you pair it with them being associates, how they are oddly segregated and sprayed for no reason, etc. Also, the reaction from the girl is crazy. It's clear she is "acting" or trying to be dramatic. I know that stuff hurts beyond measure, but it's clear she is doing it for effect.
edit on 5-12-2011 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX

Originally posted by iamusic
I was looking for an alternative explanation for the brawl but I could not think of one. However after looking at the video of the pepper spray incident I can find some logical explanations.
1. She is telling a photographer to snap the picture or roll cameras to document the police brutality.
2. She is letting a friend across the street know that the police are getting violent so its time to leave.
3. This is something like improv everywhere and this is the scene in which the police attack protesters...

I have my doubts for all of it.

If you only hold up the "click gesture" by itself, then yea, there are many variables. But when you pair it with them being associates, how they are oddly segregated and sprayed for no reason, etc. Also, the reaction from the girl is crazy. It's clear she is "acting" or trying to be dramatic. I know that stuff hurts beyond measure, but it's clear she is doing it for effect.
edit on 5-12-2011 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

Yeah...I'm no longer going to even bother with the obvious fakery of the OWS movement because I kind of figured them out from the beginning but this Giffords thing...That is real. I think i'm going to make a new thread speaking about that. I find it absolutely absurd that no one is talking about the Gabby Giffords Rebecca Joy connection on ATS...if anyone wants to make the thread before me...go right ahead but this is kind of huge.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by iamusic

I find it absolutely absurd that no one is talking about the Gabby Giffords Rebecca Joy connection on ATS...if anyone wants to make the thread before me...go right ahead but this is kind of huge.

People are scared of a real conspiracy.
It's much easier to go into a "snake killed kitten" or "snake killed man" thread and post a one liner than come in here and research and post your thoughts.
No offence to the peeps who posted the animals threads, I'm just saying (just an example).

ETA: as you can see I have your thread linked in my signature, as I take it very serious.

edit on 6-12-2011 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by iamusic

So its safe to say that you just landed, we where taught back in the 60's how it was done, the old hollywood magic show, when you have a nation at war with a man and a group of people who rape, murder, inslave, and havested the dead for the gold in there mouths, their diamond rings, their art, then you use everyone to help fight. every actor who could help, helped, from flying, to serving coffee, writing letters for servicemen. so who do you want in office, a person who goes on vacition and no message on the affairs of Afakians or an actor or actress who can help get a message across, about aids, hunger, disease, so pick a good cause and help, and please don't throw rocks

edit on 6-12-2011 by bone13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by bone13

Wow...are you serious? If I didn't know any better I would say that you were advocating the use of actors to get the msg across? Well lets just say you are right. Lets say you are a OWS paid actor and you don't mind because it is meant to engage real people to aid in stopping the PTB. But what if you are instructed to incite a riot that gets out of hand...more than the London riots did this summer? Thousands of homes burned to the ground and many people dead on the streets. Then what?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by iamusic

Thanks for posting OP. This is very interesting stuff that is in this guy's videos. In the beginning, the first few videos, I was a bit iffy, but as he goes further and further into it, you start to see that that there is too much uncanny resemblance over and over to the point where it doesn't seem like any random similiarity anymore.

I had suspected this kind of stuff was going on for a while. I made a thread a while back when I noticed something funny that relates to this stuff. Interstingly, right after I did that, this New Al Qaeda Leader Psyop seemed to have been aborted too. That's what they seem to do. When you put the spotlight on them, they cancel the plan and move on to the next one.

When " Scott Olson" started to stink they had to hide and pull out the " Judge William Adams" beats his daughter, or maybe they were just trying to tornado bombard the riffe raffe like that every now and then to get things done through the back door.

[color=palevioletred]New Al Qaeda Leader Looks Like Timothy Geithner in Prosthetics

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by Pocky

If anybody knows where to get free Timothy Geithner pics that we can post on this thread let me know.




[color=43F030]I am sure that this is going to be extremely difficult to believe, but you're just going to have to take my word for it. I am not exactly an expert in this particular field. Also, I didn't actually put much time or effort into this.


[color=999999]P.S. I don't actually know who either of these guys are, but I suppose there are a couple of similarities.
edit on 9/13/11 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/13/11 by BrokenCircles because: not satisfactory. couldn't stop. Touched him up a lil bit.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Let me get a handle on this to check that I'm not going insane. According to the video at 18:33 all of these 5 women are the same person

Even at a cursory glance they arent in any way similar at all, either the maker of the video is deliberatly making things up to gain attention, or he genuinely is confused that their is more then one blonde woman, black person or man with a beard alive on the earth

I'm guessing his parents never bought him guess who for christmas

edit on 6-12-2011 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by iamusic

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
I'm surprised this thread hasn't had more exposure.

Maybe I should have titled the thread OWS employs actors to stage certain "events".

Originally posted by SyphonX

The brawl and the pepper spray incident, they are completely obvious. Especially the brawl, because you have a reaction with both the "kid" and the officer in front of him.

I was looking for an alternative explanation for the brawl but I could not think of one. However after looking at the video of the pepper spray incident I can find some logical explanations.
1. She is telling a photographer to snap the picture or roll cameras to document the police brutality.
2. She is letting a friend across the street know that the police are getting violent so its time to leave.
3. This is something like improv everywhere and this is the scene in which the police attack protesters...

More to come...

I have to say this deserves more attention

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 06:20 PM
Yeah, the street theater deserve more attention.

Here is some possible explanation.
a) Its a police way to legitimate a better portion of the city budget.
b) those occupiers are sadist, because when i get pepper sprayed a like to get on my knee so i can get more of it, facing the camera* . Its a delicate subject because to the untrained eyes of a individual, they look legit, I personally, never got pepper sprayed, but got gases extensively.acrymogen, and you try not to cry. Try a hot pepper(habanero) with gloves on, eat it, remove glove, then cry, You 'll hate me, especially if you eat the seeds.
c) its a very small portion of the OWS movement but the police and media and these actors are on the same side.
d) if the meaning of OWS is to divide, they made a good job at it. Now, when they conquer? i think we know.
e) its a conspiracy a la 1984?

more to it soon lol.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Comet2

Originally posted by iamusic

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
I'm surprised this thread hasn't had more exposure.

Maybe I should have titled the thread OWS employs actors to stage certain "events".

Originally posted by SyphonX

The brawl and the pepper spray incident, they are completely obvious. Especially the brawl, because you have a reaction with both the "kid" and the officer in front of him.

I was looking for an alternative explanation for the brawl but I could not think of one. However after looking at the video of the pepper spray incident I can find some logical explanations.
1. She is telling a photographer to snap the picture or roll cameras to document the police brutality.
2. She is letting a friend across the street know that the police are getting violent so its time to leave.
3. This is something like improv everywhere and this is the scene in which the police attack protesters...

More to come...

I have to say this deserves more attention

This is BIG!
She is in other protests too.
these are actors! They try to occupy(lol) major positions in the media to push their agenda while the guys who truly want to change things are hidden.
They are happy about us guys reading abovetopsecret while sitting all day behind our pc doing in essence nothing.
They fear the one real leader so they put in their fake leaders.
Its hard to see who is real and who not for the plain eye.
If someone enlightend steps up and is moving into a leader position with a big following that would be the worst case for the powers in control! If someone real emerges to this position they will kill him as the uprising will be dealt easier with then with one truly enlightened leader!

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:58 PM
The problem with people coming to grips with reality, whether conspiracy or not, is in lack of understanding of self and how the body-machine works.

If a person can't ask of themselves the impossible question: "What is my own flat-earth thinking?", then they can never escape their own mental prison of beliefs. The way we perceive life is a product of our beliefs. Beliefs shape everything from stepping out of bed and knowing the ground is solid to life on other planets, saviors, demons and angels. But only a truly open mind can questions itself and must realize everything is a mirror and everyone is your guru--in the sense our reactions to others reveal how we are wired/programmed.

Feelings that arise are to be monitored like car instrument gauges. A conscious person uses feelings to explore attachments and understands that the mind has hijacked the machine from the soul/spirit--the thing that knows you're body's not working right. The mind's ego component will run things and the world is a great example of a population filled with emotionally drama-crazed robotic people--programmed by parents and society to grow out of awareness as children and grow into the programming of the adult world.

If a people can't see they are programmed, no internet forum in the world will bend the mind until the recipient is willing to question everything he's ever been taught from day one.

But once you get some perspective, the puzzle pieces fall into place and pretty soon you're on the outlier of the bell curve of "reason". The heretics and blasphemers are really the one's we should be paying attention to. When has the bulbous part of the bell curve ever blown people's minds through discovery and out-of-bounds type thinking? We kill the outliers as Bill Hicks says.

The dallasgoldbug stuff resonates much like the Mark Lombardi art. If you remember, Mark was suicided shortly after his "Networks" art display in NY.

dbg makes a case that will literally blow the mind apart. And that is why it will be marginalized. It's been said prior in this thread that people really don't want a real conspiracy and I would agree. It takes flirting with insanity to question the program of your mind. But it is up to your self/soul to reclaim this authority and see things for what they are.

There are people who are VERY good at knowing how the mind/machine works and have harnessed this knowledge into a Matrix-esque existence that for most people is perfectly fine. Full of drama for a lifetime. The Big Skim is in full force and if there are doubts about 9/11, then things like Giffords & Columbine are cake to pull off.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by davespanners

you mean the really white chick with a slight tan & dreadlocks that has a Mexican name doesn't look like all the rest that clearly have the same nose, eyes, cheeks?

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