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What will you tell your kids 30 years from now when the U.S. is in a complete police state?

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:13 AM
I am a German but have liven in the UK for more than 20 years. I came here mainly because the UK seemed far more free than Germany. Where you had to go and tell the 'order-office' everytime you moved. Where your car insurance had the details of your GP and where you had to constantly carry your ID card around. Sounds bad? It wasn't actually, those were harmless little things compared to what the UK is doing now. It is sad to have to say that I feel actually worse in the UK now than I ever felt in Germany. Mostly because they used the shared info and your registration for useful stuff and to make life easier, rather than use this info to 'get you'. They had learned from east Germany what oppression means and were very very wary of anything looking slightly like oppression. I am still aware when Governments are starting to get 'funny' and so is probably most of the former east German population. However the British and the Americans had always freedom and have become a little desensitised when it comes to gov. shenanigans. Seeing sentences such as : "If you have nothing to hide..." or "You don't have to fly" or "This is all nonsense..." drive me up the wall. It is people like that that are the easiest to herd into a totalitarian state. My counter argument will always be that there are enough instances where innocent people have been falsely accused and had to suffer, it is not that they are immune just because they have nothing to hide. All it takes is an overzealous neighbour snoop or a computer error or just anything and you the innocent one will get it just like anyone else.
Don't believe me?
There was a story here in Britain where bailiffs, looking like thugs were using swearwords and intimidation against a family which was absolutely terrified. They sat on the person's car and used a crowbar to enter their house, threatening violence. The owner rightly called the police. Turned out that they had the wrong family and it was all about an outstanding ELECTRICITY bill from the previous tenant.
Now those people were INNOCENT and still had to fear the electricity company because: It was all within the law!
Other things that I do NOT have to put up with is having my naked body shown to anyone that I don't know. The only people who are allowed to look at me this way is my husband and my GP [who is a woman]. Those that are not allowed is airport workers and especially not governments. By becoming complacent and saying "well you don't have to fly" you ALLOW this to continue. I have a right to fly if I pay money for my ticket but that doesn't mean I want to be degraded.
Can you imagine Victorian people would have to go through this thing? I think the airports and governments would be in for a shock as to the level of resistance they would get. The reason for this is that Victorians had values, strong values and values protect you. However our values have slowly been eroded.
A good example is that just because porn stars exist, doesn't mean that everyone is happy showing their body off, but porn would be used as an argument. I don't even have a bad figure to be ashamed of, I just think it is going too far when a government can literally strip me bare in a public place and pretend it is for my own good.
Once this is allowed to go ahead where will it stop? Everyone has a limit. Maybe some people's limits would kick in if they had to stand naked next to each other and bend over at the airport. Now you see, my limit stops well before that and I believe I have a right to have a limit. After all this is my life and my body. No government owns me [in theory anyway]. If I don't feel comfortable doing something this will be my limit and anyone who forces me to make myself uncomfortable is just not right.

Fear has always been used to make people comply, most believe it but some don't. Some don't think that little infringes on your freedom will lead to bigger ones but some KNOW that this will happen. East Germany [I am from the West] will always be in my memory and hence I am equipped with the knowledge how quickly a sane and modern country can suddenly descent into a nightmare. Yes, it can happen to you Americans and it certainly can happen to us here in the UK.
I'd just like those head shakers to wake up and become more sceptic and suspicious. We can all be guilty if a government decides to call us that, don't worry, they will find something. Just stay vigilant.

Oh and I don't have kids deliberately because I think the whole planet sucks.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by MrSandman

I would tell them to research the past of TERRA before the ??? and to remember not to make simular mistakes made by those given caretaker status of Earth.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:22 AM
US will always be a police state as long as US leaders think that they need resources from all around the world.

US politicians think that people who live in constant terror will always be ready to fulfill their dreams and schemes.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:59 AM
Won't have to tell my kids anything about the U.S. in 30 years because it will no longer exist.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:01 AM
I'll say, "Kids, aren't you glad we moved to Iceland?" as I slice open a tasty blood sausage.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:10 PM
I was born in I was a kid in the 50's and sixties and I can tell you that the United States IS a police state right now...I want the freedoms I was born with back....but it isn't going to happen huh? comrad citizen

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by MrSandman

Not that I have any kids, but of I did then I guess I'd be saying "see, now aren't you glad we live in vastly overcrowded Britain sharing a house with 3 Poles, 9 Asians and some Australian spiders"

(actually, I think that's in 3 years time ......

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:19 AM
Hello great post I will tell them the truth about how we were once free but i hope more people will wake up and we stop the take over but yet its already becoming a police state. I hope we all live in Peace and Everyone is Equal. I know it sounds crazy but ya never know what in store for Humanity there is a lot of good people out there. Stay positive and hopefully we all make it out of this police state.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by MrSandman

Probably the same thing we are telling ourselves, Its really not that bad. Everything will be ok. Go along to get along. It could be worse. As long as it doesn't affect you. Its for your own good. If you can lie to yourself its not hard to lie to everyone else.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by MrSandman

What will you tell your kids 30 years from now when the U.S. is in a complete police state?

2nd line

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by MrSandman

I would tell them to Learn to Shoot Straight , and Keep their Powder Dry . The Rest is Up to them After I am Gone . The Furture is theirs to either Live as Free Men , or be nothing more than Sheeple for the Rich Elite to Whipe their Rears With.............

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:52 AM
Hand me that ammo... here comes another one...

Shot for the joints to disable them.

Then walk up to the camera on their helmet and point in it and say "I will never give up my freedom bitches".
edit on 19-11-2011 by SmArTbEaTz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:59 AM
It won't be my kids, it will be my grandkids. My kids already know something is very wrong.
But, to my grandkids, I will tell them it all started when people stopped standing up for what is right. It is far easier to be pushed around than it is to stand your ground.
When people stand up, the police state will pop like a balloon.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:08 AM
I don't have kids, though not sure what I would tell them if I ever did. I guess I would say things used to be better and still can? That is of course if the U.S does turn into a police state.

EDIT: I heard the U.K is practically a police state right now. Though it could just be hear say. Do you guys really have this posters around?

edit on 11/19/2011 by Mcupobob because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by soldita
reply to post by CaptChaos

I agree. It's sick. But wouldnt the blame of all this be placed upon you and your generations shoulders?? You have been electing and cultivating this problem, not us. So spare me the dude drama. If you and your generation were as tough as you say you are we wouldnt be here.

The awareness of my generation (20's 30's) is amazing. When we become the decision makers things are going to change, no thanks to you.

What makes you think i'm a baby boomer?
I'm part of your generation.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Hecate666

Thank you for that well thought-out reply.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Mcupobob
I don't have kids, though not sure what I would tell them if I ever did. I guess I would say things used to be better and still can? That is of course if the U.S does turn into a police state.

EDIT: I heard the U.K is practically a police state right now. Though it could just be hear say. Do you guys really have this posters around?

edit on 11/19/2011 by Mcupobob because: (no reason given)

Wow, that poster was really shocking.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:15 PM
With the way the world is wanting to blow up their neighbors we may not make it to the 30 year mark but if I do I will probably be showing my grand kids how to light a fire from sticks.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:16 AM
"Don't blame me. I always supported small government, but the collectivists wanted their idea of utopia because they were ignorant of history."

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