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NOV. 14: Pulsating UFO zips by Chinese spacecraft Shenzhou-8, in front of the cameras.

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by indisputable

The ET phenomenon is so big even china is in on it, ETs got them by there B$#%s too.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

Didn't we already prove that China is not in space, and it's all faked?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:25 PM
Obvious answer is obvious: It is Chinese Lanterns!!

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

Thanks for the info on the craft's trajectory from right to left! The more times I look at the video, the more I'm convinced it is indeed an alien craft, very much similar to those in other videos previously recorded. I'm quite sure that what we get to see in these space agency videos that seem to have been "missed" by their censors, are nothing compared to objects filmed that don't get released for public viewing. A gradual release of videos that show more, could well be part of government plans for full disclosure. Perhaps as that long awaited day draws near, we will have for some time been watching "missed" space agency videos that show alien craft much closer and in much greater detail.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Jaellma
For those who claim it's debris falling and bouncing off the craft, I ask this question:

At the rate of speed the craft is traveling in space, can solid debris fall and bounce off any craft? Wouldn't any debris, even as small as a penny, penetrate the craft and cause destruction to the craft?

Just asking because it seems most folks are overlooking this simple fact as they try to debunk what they are looking at.

The debris could be traveling in the same direction as the craft at a similar, yet slightly slower speed. It most likely was a piece of hardware from a spacecraft in that orbit. Or perhaps even more likely from the docking craft itself.

Remember those spacecrafts are orbiting earth at roughly 20,000 mph. If that piece of debris is traveling 19,995 mph in the same direction it would appear that it is moving toward the craft at 5 mph, but in reality it is the craft that struck the debris.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Battlefresh

Originally posted by Jaellma
For those who claim it's debris falling and bouncing off the craft, I ask this question:

At the rate of speed the craft is traveling in space, can solid debris fall and bounce off any craft? Wouldn't any debris, even as small as a penny, penetrate the craft and cause destruction to the craft?

Just asking because it seems most folks are overlooking this simple fact as they try to debunk what they are looking at.

The debris could be traveling in the same direction as the craft at a similar, yet slightly slower speed. It most likely was a piece of hardware from a spacecraft in that orbit. Or perhaps even more likely from the docking craft itself.

Remember those spacecrafts are orbiting earth at roughly 20,000 mph. If that piece of debris is traveling 19,995 mph in the same direction it would appear that it is moving toward the craft at 5 mph, but in reality it is the craft that struck the debris.

it would be hard to explain the speed at which the object flashed past the ship...if it was traveling a bit slower than the craft, would it accelerate tremendously away from the ship after being hit? I'm not an expert or anything, just asking...If it was hit by a ship, and it was a space junk...i would expect it to bounce of the ship, not accelerate away from the ship at greater speed than the ship itself...if it was traveling slower than the ship.

Anyway...I think that any collision with an object that is hard enough not to break on impact would surely penetrate the interior of the ship or bounce away, not reverse the heading completely.

I don't get this space junk posts. I dont buy space junk at all. Would space junk remain in orbit so close to earth without any power behind it? Would it not lose orbit eventually and fall to the nearest gravity source? Or am I talking #?

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