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Autumn 2011

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:14 PM
With only a few weeks left in the 2011 fall/autumn season everything seems backwards here in texas.Most oak trees that usually turn beautiful yellow and rust colors around october are still green.A lot of the pine trees that keep their green color year round are now brown and dead from the drought.One thing that was pointed out to me about the dead trees most lived in very damp almost wet year round areas that have been pretty dry now for almost two years.

I'm undecided if i should be upset or not.With all the talk of radiation from japan in the wind and rain may be it's a good

The four seasons are determined by changing sunlight (not heat!)—which is determined by how our planet orbits the Sun and the tilt of its axis.

I remember hearing that edgar cayce predicted this type of event happening.However i couldn't find anything on the subject.I have a prediction of my own.It's only a matter of time until we hear cries to buy water from t boone pickens. 9D-t-boone-pickens-and-the-privatization-of-water/

When Pickens, a billionaire oil tycoon, purchased eight miles of bare scrubland in the Texas panhandle recently, some people were confused: there’s no oil in them there flatlands. What he’s interested in, though, isn’t black gold, it’s blue gold: water, contained within the Ogallala Aquifer partially located under the ranch. His plan was to build a pipeline from the aquifer to larger cities, selling the water as a commodity that, at least in his mind, would undoubtedly be in demand during times of drought.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:25 PM
Here's a link to some Cayce stuff on pole shift: I really think we should listen to what he has to say. While many of his predictions did not come true, he has a very good track record at diagnosing and treating patients through clairvoyance.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by revswirl

I have frequent kidney stones and recently learned more about getting rid of them just by googling his readings on the subject.The a.m.a. treatment for cronic renal failure is to drink The only relief came from his advise to drink celery seed tea and eat water melon.
I agree with you very much and i'm looking now for the readings.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by deadeyedick

In my part of the world the environment has been backwards, forwards and sideways since last Spring. I've made a few posts and comments about it. Everything is random. We had a snow storm before Halloween (unusual), and now it's mid-November and 75 degrees out (unusual). Oh well... people keep telling me it's in my head, but I can feel it in my gut. Things are just slightly off and have been for a while.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Where was the largest-magnitude earthquake in the 50 states, and when was it? The strongest recorded earthquake in the United States was near Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 27, 1964. It measured a 8.4 on the Richter scale and killed 131 people. It also caused a 50-foot tsunami that traveled 8,445 miles at 450 miles per hour. This earthquake's tremors were felt in California, Hawaii, and Japan. However, the New Madrid (Missouri) Earthquake, which was not recorded, is considered by many to have been the most severe in U.S. history. This series of earthquakes started in December 1811 and lasted until March 1812. It shook more than two-thirds of the United States and was felt in Canada. It changed the level of the land by as much as 20 feet, altered the course of the Mississippi River, and created new lakes west of Mississippi and Tennessee. Because the area was so sparsely populated, there was no known loss of life.
I can't imagine what impact this would have today.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:30 PM

Here's the hard news: In order to have shifted from Thuban as the Pole Star to Polaris, the Earth would have shifted its northern axis pole about 26°, not a drastic shift. However, in order to shift from Polaris as the Pole Star to Vega, the Earth will have to shift its northern axis pole a whopping 51°! But, if it is done gradually, over a very long period of time, as Cayce indicated it would, then we should not be expecting a dramatic pole shift in the next few years. It's enough to know that the present age is ending and a new age is beginning.
reply to post by Skorpiogurl
You may be correct about things being slightly off.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Same here. I'm in Colorado and I can't remember a year when I've seen so many trees still have leaves on them (especially since we had a wet snow storm last month-that should have helped take some leaves off trees). When my mom and I go for walks at night, we always mention how it's almost December and the trees still have so many leaves on them. We've even seen some bright green lawns too. Odd (but nice lawns haha). Usually we would have raked all our leaves up by now but our trees still have many more to drop.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:03 PM
I have two apple trees the backyard. The early summer variety has shed it's leaves. It's very old, so little to no fruit this year. The red delicious was LOADED...most apples I've ever seen on it...but I'd say only about 25% have dropped...and the tree has hardly lost any leaves at all. After the very cold weather Utah had a couple of weeks ago my Concord grapevine lost nearly all it's leaves as well...but the smaller apple tree thinks it's still August! Don't know what's up with all...

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by deadeyedick

The drought and tree fires have long been prophecied in some Christian circles.

As is the looming famine.

May God have mercy on all of good heart.

Add in WWIII scheduled by the globalists on our shores . . . yuck to the max.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

My guess is that the prince of peace in syria will rise his head and bring a false sense of security to the world.
People are waking up to the killing of these dictators and seeing things becoming worse in those countries and the advert of ww3 will be welcomed by all people.In the mean time the balance of nature will continue to sway back and forth.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by deadeyedick

My guess is that the prince of peace in syria will rise his head and bring a false sense of security to the world.

I'm not sure I get your meaning.

Are you speaking of the Anarchist/Anti-Christ or who?

Certainly WWIII will cause some massive changes . . . many more greater changes than WWI or WWII or both combined, imho.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Yes the antichrist.
He will come in the same confusing manner.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 03:08 PM
Since i made this thread we have gotten an inch of rain and warm tempatures.
It seems that autamn continues cause the leaves are not being shed for the most part.

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