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The Awakening. Ties together much of what is discussed here on ATS. Check it out :)

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:23 PM
Wasn't entirely sure where to post this as it covers a pretty broad spectrum of ideas and concepts. I have had a gut feeling for years that this kind of thing is the key to our understanding this crazy-ass world we live in and have been attempting to piece it all together into a kind of unified theory.

Well this guy has managed to do what i have not.

This may have already been posted so my apologies if it has, but exposure of these things IMO is pretty important so lets not get too strung out about it yeah.

Like i have taken to saying in my posts of late: If you want to troll then sling that mud my way via private messages so everyone else doesn't have to deal with it, we can name call and offend each other in private

Part Two which starts at 22 mins 41 secs is where the nuts and bolts of this are explained for those of you that prefer more science then philosophy.

So here it is in it's 1 hour 5 minute glory:

Hope you all enjoyed this and took something from it.
One of the more relevant things that i have taken from it (though this was my thinking prior to viewing it anyway) is that we cannot allow ourselves to have social, theological, e.t.c blinkers put on our heads but instead learn to search for the shiny nugget of truth in everything. No-one has the full picture and perhaps theres a reason things are that way, but the full picture can be found if only we don't limit our search criteria.


edit on 13-11-2011 by Raivan31 because: fixed more typos

edit on 13-11-2011 by Raivan31 because: Wanted to add the bit about Part Two

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:14 PM
I have watched it, and I liked it. A lot of the content was not new to me but that's because I've been awake for a while now.

If you like the above video, you may also enjoy The Avirrals.

It's like a 50 part series but well worth the watch.

The most substantial point is that mankind should stop being lead to war and unite for the sake of us all.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by IndieA
I have watched it, and I liked it. A lot of the content was not new to me but that's because I've been awake for a while now.

If you like the above video, you may also enjoy The Avirrals.

It's like a 50 part series but well worth the watch.

The most substantial point is that mankind should stop being lead to war and unite for the sake of us all.

The Arrivals changed my life. Not surprisingly, it also changed Achernahr, and Noreagaaa's too. They had to go into hiding a couple of times.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Raivan31

non compliance. Here in is the video embedded. Truly a service to all.

You should get, if I were a moderator 1,000 stars. This explains why we are where we are and how to stop it.

Added you proudly as a friend simply on this video...............

An independently produced documentary from Max Igan, covering controversial topics and important issues facing humanity. Max Igan (Pen Name) is an Australian researcher/ activist/ author.

From the Author Max Igan:
In this film I have attempted to explain to you, the real structure of this reality, the nature of energy and of the light and sound that make up this entire universe and everyone and everything contained within it. I have attempted to show you that this understanding is supported both by ancient traditions and also by modern science.

I will say to you again now that all that actually exists within this or any other reality is pure conscious energy. That is truly all there is and the stuff this energy is made from is pure unconditional love.

I bring this message to you now because it is important that you receive it. The Earth and all that live upon it are about to undergo some very significant changes but these changes are nothing to be feared for once you have gained a clear understanding of what this reality truly is; once you have gained knowledge of how the true stuff of the universe actually works; Once you have realized your connection to all people and to all things and follow the path of the one universal law, then what is there to fear? What is there to hate? What is there to judge?

Understand that the life we are experiencing within this reality is a game of free will being played out by a single consciousness of which we are all merely frequencies.

Tune into that space behind your eyes.

Realize that to make it through the coming changes, all you really need do is to move into your heart; to realize that all that actually exists within this reality is energy consisting of nothing more than pure and unconditional love. Embrace it, become it, for it is what you are made of.

Visit his website for downloads and additional information:


PS: Prayer is talking to "god"..........meditating is listening to "god".

While you say oh this is too long of a video............give up just one episode of the simpsons or dancing with the stars.............this is a must see, if you are intelligent, a thinking being then see this one video.


Become a free human. Or is that scary...........responsibility is scary, it means taking responsibility for your actions.
edit on 13-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Raivan31
Wasn't entirely sure where to post this as it covers a pretty broad spectrum of ideas and concepts. I have had a gut feeling for years that this kind of thing is the key to our understanding this crazy-ass world we live in and have been attempting to piece it all together into a kind of unified theory.

Well this guy has managed to do what i have not.

This may have already been posted so my apologies if it has, but exposure of these things IMO is pretty important so lets not get too strung out about it yeah.

Like i have taken to saying in my posts of late: If you want to troll then sling that mud my way via private messages so everyone else doesn't have to deal with it, we can name call and offend each other in private

Part Two which starts at 22 mins 41 secs is where the nuts and bolts of this are explained for those of you that prefer more science then philosophy.

So here it is in it's 1 hour 5 minute glory:

Hope you all enjoyed this and took something from it.
One of the more relevant things that i have taken from it (though this was my thinking prior to viewing it anyway) is that we cannot allow ourselves to have social, theological, e.t.c blinkers put on our heads but instead learn to search for the shiny nugget of truth in everything. No-one has the full picture and perhaps theres a reason things are that way, but the full picture can be found if only we don't limit our search criteria.


edit on 13-11-2011 by Raivan31 because: fixed more typos

edit on 13-11-2011 by Raivan31 because: Wanted to add the bit about Part Two

We are indeed in the middle of the "Great Awaking" I have no doubt the net has opened up communication in real time, in a way that can change and has changed the course of nations. Look at all the dictators being overthrown by the people. Impossible with out this kind of person-to-person connection. And people who see this and are moved. I feel what we are and what we feel, and believe is part of a greater reality that is just as "real" as the standard stuff of our senses, but also so much more we can't so easily see, not yet. But we are learning a lot that is part of the brains communication modalities and some aspects of this may extend to areas outside "the scull".

Kind of crazy? Not when you know people who are identical twins often "feel" something is wrong with the other no matter how distant the other twin. That implies quantum communication that is non-localized. We think a lot of how we think is also quantum in nature. (check out "Neuro-Quantology") We know many animals sense things far beyond our senses, and not just animals "smelling fear", dogs detecting seizures before they happen, or identifying cancer in-vivo/situ/vitro or even other less quantified areas. I really do believe that certain things are detected by chemical means, we just don't know yet. But a lot of how things happen, and we see the connections in frequency of seizures, earthquakes, the stock market, even social change is all part of one the hottest fields today; Prediction. A lot of this seems connected in some way at the quantum level. Lot of money being spent here, and the intelligence community is one major investor.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent



posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 06:59 PM
Ok i spent the last 65 minutes listening to this, and im not really sure how to describe it.

I'm pretty sure after this post i'll get the following:
1. *blah blah blah*, you're one of the elite causing this.
2. You're brain washed
3. You watch too much TV and are brain washed
4. You've been brainwashed by Hollywood

If you think the above, dont bother reading on, it will just make you annoyed.

First of all he is inaccurate (i believe) about Druids use of wands. Traditional druids (not the modern day ones), used to use staves, not "made" from wood to say, but from branches of the fallen tree (as historically the wood (which was usually Ashwood) was 'given' freely by nature to the druid in question). Sacrifice (of any type) was strickly forbidden. However not living in that time, obviously no one knows whos right
. This severs the connection from the whole "Hollywood" connection.

Depopulation via H2N1 virus, I'm sorry but what? The Virus itself killed Between what? 10k to 20k people. I mean if this was to the calibre of the Black Plague, then yes i'd suggest it was a malicious depopulation, but 10k-20k people? What? Thats only a TINY slice of human kind. The flu virus (As a whole) has been on a murderious rampage since we 'discovered it' along with every virus on the planet and it will continute to do so until we find a way to completely eradicate it (unlikely).

Humanity being a single conciousness? Man in who's ever head we are in has some massive amounts of mummy & daddy issues its not funny. Humans are not a collective people despite what this fellow says, sure we can live in proverbial peace, but its unlikly it would be a 'forever thing', humans historically are violent, and we will continue to have bouts of this violence in the future. This implication of a collective being we are terrible at making choices, maybe we need group theropy (joke)

The only few points i picked up as "valid" is the technical revelation that all life is 'energy', technically he is right, all life (not just humans, to which this fellow has a massive hard on for) is made up of random atoms of elements strung together in a strange way to produce "life", this includes Virus -> Humans.

He was constantly beating into the listener that its only mankind that shape the universe/conciousness, that would imply that all life (except for humans) are simply illusions (which causes a paradox), to that i completely disagree. For this is the biggest flaw in his argument, if we are all energy, what "stops" me from becoming a lion? Or hell whats stopping me from becoming a rock? Nothing at all. (some days i'd like to be a rock.......)

How i dont disagree with him that perception plays a MASSIVE role with each living entity on the planet, i dont believe we are all specifically the energy to which is discribed on this video, and i also dont believe the "history books" are completely wrong (to which he implies).

Last but not least, the "shamanistic" tribes as he put them, used to fight like cat and dog.

Nature is a state of chaos, constantly correcting itself in its eternal quest for balanace, without chaos there is no order, without order there is no chaos, but with both there is balance. Ponder on that for a while.

Another thing to ponder is - If i turn around and not look at an object, who is to say its still in existance (Quantum Mechnaics/Schrodiner's (sp) Cat).

My two cents, not peeing in the OPs pool, not am i name calling, i could but i'd have to think of names, and i have other things that i could be thinking of than calling someone else on the internet a doody-head (again joke line)
edit on 13-11-2011 by Spruk because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Spruk

We all have opinions, the world would boring if this wasn't so.
Which way would prefer the world? the way you describe or the way the guy in the vid describes it.
Hope is something we all need.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Raivan31
reply to post by Spruk

We all have opinions, the world would boring if this wasn't so.
Which way would prefer the world? the way you describe or the way the guy in the vid describes it.
Hope is something we all need.

Indeed, i couldnt have put it better myself.

Personally, i dont think we could ever achieve a 'perfect' world, i just dont think its possible, unless we where all emotionless clones, in which case then yeah it'll work a treat
. Perfection is a journey, not a destination (kind of like IT Security), and to answer your question directly, the world at the moment despite its flaws is exactly as it should be (Obviously, im referring to it in a metaphoical standpoint, not as a currently @ 1:42pm 14/11/2011). Sure we can make a lot of changes, develop more balance, stop wars etc and so forth.

But without trials or problems or bad events, how would humankind grow? How would we adapt? What would we do?

If we where collective, we'd all have the same thoughts, and we would lost individuality in my honest opinion, you and i would cease to be.

Just considering this have you seen Neon Genesis by any chance? Touches on the same stuff this fellow is getting at, obviously some people see different things depending on your persuasions of course.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:56 PM
I'm at work right now and as a result can't view any type of videos but I have made a note of it and will watch it as soon as I get a chance. I am very intrigued by everthing all of you have said so far and I can't wait to learn something from this video!

Thanks and I will elaborate a bit more upon watching it!

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:52 AM
It is said that all numbers and symbols relating to this are no accident, they all have meaning. Various docs you read or watch regarding this "Awakening" refer back to the Mayan calendar and there are two days that stand out, October 28th 2011 which is supposed to be the beginning of this "quickening" toward the culmination on December 21 2012.

All the levels of the Mayan calendar have their respective names and titles. Some presenters show these steps being represented in the Mayan pyramid with 9 steps, the ultimate step being of 260 days. There is, however, the temple atop the pyramid and likewise a period of time that remains unnamed wherein this final phase all takes place. I hesitate to comment further or suggest a name for this last phase except to point out that the time between 29 October 2011 and 21 December 2012 is 420 days. 7 "days" and 6 "nights" within each level gives us 13 divisions of this 420 earth days of 32.3 days apiece.

Currently we are in the Year of the Rabbit and toward the end of the 2nd "day" of the 420 day Transformation we enter the Chinese Year of the Dragon on 23 January 2012. The rabbit moves rapidly and the dragon moves with great force and intention.

edit on 14-11-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Raivan31
I have encountered various aspects of the information contained within the video over the course of my search for understanding. I have been searching all my life, but most especially in the past 10 to 15 years. It can be very scary to finally realize that "reality" is not a happy little fairytale, but is dark and dangerous. It can cause you to feel alone, exactly as the video pointed out. But the information presented was very coherent and very comforting and put everything together, instead of having it jumbling around in my head. Thank you to the creator of the video and much thanks to the OP for presenting it.

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