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2012 and evolution

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 10:45 AM
It just seems to me that if the theory of 2012 being a time of radical change happened, it would not go along with history or the way that we evolve as a species. Humanity has grown up very slowly and learned it's lessons one at a time. I would think a society that is ready to evolve to the next level would at least have an extremely low crime rate. Racism and hatred/jealousy would be completely absent in a society that was "ready." Both are still prevalent in our society.

So why would we do this to ourselves? Make some magic leap into freedom. We've been on this road for thousands and thousands of years, slowly learning. Why would we do this to ourselves? What if because we didn't learn all our lessons together it would all have to be done over? We don't even have world peace. We haven't even learned how to do no harm unto eachother, and we think we are ready for the finer points of compassion? We would have no foundation to build on into the next dimension - we would basically have no soul, no heart - collectively.

So if the theory on 2012 happened (profound change) and we all magically knew the truth, it seems like it would be a cheap thrill. It would be a waste of thousands of years of evolution. Why wait until now just for a cheap thrill? The context just has no value. It's like the story going off on a huge tangent that won't really mean anything. People are told things to open their minds everyday, scientific evidence, amazing stories. Most of them say, "oh cool, whatever" and go on with their lives. It would be the same with the 2012 theory that everything will change. It won't mean anything to most of the population. It would be a disaster collectively. Sure, some of us would be happy - the few of us who are tired of being on this ride, but the majority would simply shrug and feel somewhat taken advantage of.

It just seems like it would be a cheap thrill and a waste of thousands of years. There are so many more lessons to learn, so many more triumphs and hard lessons as a species to experience.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:14 AM
Something very important will happen in 2012. I just don't know what.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Novise

You ring a bell in my head here Novise. All this 2012 stuff to me is no more than potential. It is a field of potential which has always existed. Through all those slow thousands of years we generally moved along as you say in a hit or miss manner. And as you say we have reached a point where we don't even have world peace and we still are making more misses than hits as a conscious species.

I think that the potential, though, for individuals to guide their own growth has advanced well beyond what it has been in the old days. Though evidence for our species to make an evolutionary leap is speculative, I feel that as individuals, the potential for spiritual growth is more abundant than ever.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Novise

I feel like 2012 lessens the triumph over tragedy in the story of man's evolution. The outcome I can realistically look forward to is global known contact. The impact extraterestrials would have on people as a whole would be positive, because it introduces a new lifting of cultural veils and would unite societies under the common fear of the unknown outsiders.

The whole awakened consciousness thing is a part of evolution, and should naturally evolve via the spread of information and education. Its wishful thinking imo to expect miraculous alignments that enable people to disregard worries altogether and join in peace and harmony.

edit on 13-11-2011 by juveous because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:23 PM
Can't you feel it though....? The world is speeding up.

Technological advancement is accelerating at an ever increasing pace. We are more connected than ever. We have access to more knowledge and ideas than ever before. The planet is close to the brink of self destruction yet the first generation of kids who were raised to actually care about the planet is finally beginning to hold positions of power and influence within the world. Look at the increase in violence all across the world in locations where people are still (openly) condemned for expressing themselves and their ideas. And then there's all this talk of a global rise in consciousness.

It all seems far more than a coincidence to me.

No matter what your belief system you cannot deny that the world, whose inhabitants have been slumbering for so long, is beginning to take off at an exponential rate.

Now I've never held much stock in this whole 12-21-12 Mayan Calendar bs. Yet at the same time i cannot help but feel that a new-age is dawning upon us. And I personally feel very lucky to be alive at this point in time to watch the start of it all unflold.


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