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Dizzines While Praying

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
Sorry to inform you that you have aids.
Ummm Ok???

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by group935

Go with Jesus, and be strong!

Go, group!

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by group935

yOu sHould tAlk tO aN aDult iN yOur fAmily aBout yOur eXperience. mOst oF tHe pEople iN tHe fOrum dO nOt hAve the pRoper cRedentials aNd mEans tO fUlly dIagnose wHat hAppened tO yOu oR wHy (aNd eVen iF tHey hAd tHis wOuld nOt bE aN eThical lOcation tO pRovide mOre tHan A tEntative eXplenation).

pEople dO nOt fAith bEcause oF magical iNfluences, tHey cAn fAint bEcause oF pHysical iLlness or mEntal dIsturbance. a lOw bLood sUgar, eLevated bLood pResure, fAtigue oR eMotional sTress cAn rEsult iN fAints.

aS I aNd oThers hAve sAid tAlk tO aN aDult aNd iF yOu dId sUffer aNy hEad iNjury dUring tHe fAint oR bEfore aSk tO bE tAken tO a dOctor, eXpecialy iF yOu hAve aN hEad aChe, iMpaired vIsion oR eAr a bUzz

(if you see a troll say that I already have feed one this week)

edit on 13-11-2011 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:45 PM
When I was a teen I use to go to Catholic Church
with my cousin. She would faint in church and scare
me. I would have to get her up and back in her seat.
She told me it happened almost every week at
church. Later we came to find out she didn't eat
before going to church and when she started eating
before going she no longer fainted. Did you eat
breakfast? Did you get a good nights sleep?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:18 AM
This is really easy to explain, yet hard to comprehend.

If you do not smoke, ((Cigarettes)) you are not use to your Dopamine levels raising.
It is proven, that when you pray, and really concentrate, and really mean it, your dopamine levels raise, this will cause dizziness and feeling all jittery.

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