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2011: the year the world almost ended (many times)

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:24 AM
From harrold camping and his dual raptures of 5/21/11 later corrected to 10/21/11, to the Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) discovered by Leonid  Elenin to numerologists predictions of 11/11/11 being the end, clearly this year has turned out to be full of world ending predictions.  Let's not forget the miscalculation claims for the myan calendar setting the 'real' end of the world for 10/28/11 instead of the more familiar date of 12/21/12.  Another miscalculated recalculation, sigh.

The asteroid YU55 buzzed us today amid warnings that it would really strike the earth and JPL was lying, well that too came and went - literally.  There were the Tsunami fears from the undersea volcanic activity near the Canary Islands that put many on the East Coast on edge.  The lack of main stream media coverage pointed to yet another cover up, or maybe it was nothing after all and the media just didn't care. There was yet another near miss with 2008 TM8 on 10/17/11 that I read would certainly hit us and do some serious extinction level damage, those Liars at JPL again tried to assure us everything was fine, curse them!

The obsession with the end of the world seems to grow as we approach the big date of Dec 21, 2012.  Maybe life is so bad people would rather it end.  Perhaps the idea that when an individual dies the world will still exist without them causes them to hope that the world dies along with them instead.  The end of the world is nothing new, we have been predicting it since we could conceive of it's ceasing to exist.  So I guess one can say that eventually someone will be correct in their assertations that it will all be over soon, but unfortunately they won't be around to get any credit. 

My personal favorite is the little known cult called Subgenius who have had their annual end of the world prediction every July 5th since 1998.  July 5th, 2011 came and went but they feel next year will be different.  At least they have a good excuse.  Claims that their scriptures were accidentally read upside down seem more plausible an excuse than anything Mr. Camping came up with.  So until 8661 I suppose Subgenius will have their annual end of the world party, just don't drink the cool-aid.  

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:28 AM
Because nearly everyone knows about the whole 2012 mayan prophecy crap thanks to television and popular media, the worst thing that could possibly happen on that december day next year is that people make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

They expect something to happen on that date, so they make it happen. Probably just stupid people looting and # though.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:39 AM
Curious, have you thought that people have gotten so desperate for change, any change....something different than the crap we call a society that they would hope for an ELE......Something that would allow us to live a life hunting and gathering without the fear of credit, foreclosure, or the whims of big banking to meet ends meat?

The world is not a happy place, and if you can't see that, I am happy for you.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by OathKeeper

Few more weeks left in the year there dude.

And two days before 11/11/11, tsk tsk tsk

edit on 11/9/2011 by Open2Truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:49 AM
I think people are sick and tired of all of the injustice in the world. They see our leaders betray us and the ideals we've lived by for more than 200 years, attack people in other countries for nothing more than dollars (which are quickly becoming as valuable as toilet paper,) and even their own citizens; and we've had enough. It's not just citizens in the US either. I think it's obvious by all of the uprisings in the world today that everyone is feeling like something has to change.

We're sick of seeing brutality being waged on man, by their fellow man. We're sick of those we expect to bring us closer to God diddling our kids. We're sick of multinational businesses, churches, and world leaders becoming so wealthy they could not possibly spend all of the money while in some places people starve to death. We're sick of seeing our fellow human beings murdered in the name of God. We're sick of our children and grandchildren being enslaved to debt, inoculated, bred and slaughtered like cattle for the amusement of those who crap into solid gold commodes.

And what's come so far has been nothing. Compared to what is coming next, even a Zombie Apocalypse is looking pretty good.
edit on 11/9/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/9/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:15 AM
Don't be so quick to judge, it's not 11/11/11 yet

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:19 AM
Here is my take yes yes and yes all are right all are wrong it is what one wants to believe in, that is, is right or is that wrong?
For I too am sick of the doom and gloom for one day it will come.
When or at what hour know one knows.
What one should know is that yes it will come, be ready for it, is it in our life time or the next gens?
I would say ours, for all the signs are here and now, not all but most.11/9/11 is here and so we are still 11/11/11wil it be like it is now? so close yet so far, how many would want a magic spell to see that far yet so close, better still why not just chill.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:39 AM
The matrix is designed as such to ware us all down for when 2012 rolls around, only the few people will have enough belief left in them for real dommsday scenirio. Boy crying wolf

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:49 AM
I Predict...

On 11/11/11 YU55 will slingshot around the sun and head towards earth just before half the governments are transported off planet by reptilians while all the bankers lock themselves into underground seed vaults. Meanwhile, every atheist on the planet will ”ascend” and become beings of light. At the same time, just as YU55 slams into the yellowstone caldera, all the mayans and hopi are raptured up into the sky towards nibiru just as it reappears near the moon, which itself flies off back to mars. Those left on the surface will all be swallowed up in rain of lava pouring across the world from yellowstone as the earth is smothered in earthquakes and tsunamis.

Five years later Jesus, Moses, Mohamad and Kali descend to earth, look around, shrug and return to the heavens.

I could be wrong, though, so don't hold me to it.

edit on 11/9/2011 by dethduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by OathKeeper

this year has been the most doom and gloom year of my entire life. For myself I am watching 2 time lines,11-11-11 and December 2012. My doomsdays are yet to come.

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