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How many people are just sick of the way the world is run??

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posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 02:57 PM
You know what ,i just got it. The occupy is a rerun of Venus project. Same "lets turn off electricity and all will be fine" ideas.
World is run awfully, there is injustice, corruption and greed at force. (1)The thing is - it always had been this way. You cannot hide from the fact that there are people who enjoy power and will do anything and step over anyone to get it. Romans did not have electricity but had a corrupt empire ,with slaves. You speak about small communities - they have no real private property nor money but still have chiefs and wars because of (1) .
This does not mean that protesting is bad or pointless - simple people got whatever freedoms/justice they have via some kind of protest, not always by simple people by the way. However try to understand what you are playing with. I assure you that 7 billion cannot live in small communities and grow enough food/have access to enough water without invading other communities. The world is not a happy "let's all just be friends" place ,due to the same (1).
Frankly i would take current system, upgraded with better counter-balancing options, over some utopian dream any day.

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