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Mitt Romney is put in his place by radio host, then suddenly has to go. Then host goes off!

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posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I was raised within the Mormon Church.....and as a child I was taught, that during The Last Days, there would be a sitting Mormon President. This is part and parcel of their doomsday prophecies......SOOOOO all the Mormons will be voting that guy in. I betcha the church is telling them to do this no matter what politics they subscribe to.

The UGLYNESS about Mitt Romney IMO.........was clearly shown when we had the Olympics in Utah, as shown in the Russian skater judging debacle. Seems CLEAR that there was a conspiracy within the judges to vote for the Russians despite the actual performance of the skaters, and all of this was neatlt sealed up and then tied with a pretty bow by Mr Romney himself, when 2 gold medals were given out
This showed me clear as day that Mr Romney has VERY good cover up abilities, as well as excellent 'oh LOOOKY at my left hand, and pay no attention to what my right hand is doing'.................after that event, I fully EXPECTED there to be an full investigation, but for some weird reason, after interviewing Mr Romney, there was none.........things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.
My opinion on this matter is a HUGE sore spot within my immediate family, as my Aunt was actually one of Mitts companions during his Mormon Missionary days, and in MY family "thou Shalt NOT say a single disparaging word about Mitt Romney" my facebook postings have cause quite the row within my family, and I have been
to all upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas family events.
Pretty classic from a family of Mormons who's verbal policy it is 'to put FAMILY first', yet behavior clearly shows to be different than what comes out the mouth

............and mind you I have never once, discussed politricks at a family gathering, yet I am dis-invited to keep me from tainting the younger ones of the family........."sigh"

personal rant over

edit on 3-11-2011 by theRiverGoddess because: because I am dyslexic

edit on 3-11-2011 by theRiverGoddess because: to remove superfluous smileys

Well, there ya go. One way for a cult to control people is to limit outside information, and to quash all contrary opinions to the "teachings" of the group. I for one, don't want anyone who believes that magic underwear works, or that Missouri had any special spiritual significance,( I lived in Missouri for 10 years, trust me, that is NOT the case! ), to be in control of, well, anything at all. I hope we can keep all of these religious wing-nuts out of the Oval office, whether they happen to be a hypochristian, mormon, or southern baptist. These people need to keep their superstitions to themselves. They have a right to their beliefs, but they feel an obligation to force their dogma on everyone else. YIKES......
No surprise that Romney cannot answer the hard questions at all. Actually, I don't get all of the Ron Paul garbage on ATS, either. They act like he's not part of the system. The only thing that these conservatives want is to keep the rich people rich, and the poor people poor.
I know they're your family, but they put the church before their own child. They've ostricized you for having an opinion of your own. Yeah, that's conservative "family values" for ya! Disagree, and you're Persona Non Grata.

edit on 4-11-2011 by moonzoo7 because: spelling

edit on 4-11-2011 by moonzoo7 because: added content

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by imawlinn

Mitt Romney is everything that was said and more. More of the rich who pay no or little taxes and laugh at the fact other people can barely get by. They have to pay their taxes with no relief in sight. He then makes fun of the only person who has the honesty and integrity to tell the truth.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:24 PM
What is the disconnect between so many Americans and the ideals of the Constitution and Freedom? This is a question that has long perplexed me. Its like watching a Clockwork Orange, but instead of Ultra-violence (which is widely embraced) and pornography (also embraced) the subject finds themselves wanting to gag at the near mention of Freedom, Liberty, the Constitution or any thing of the sort which at one time made this country great.

I think this host was spot on and I think this is a shining example of the discontent rising in this country and as evidenced by the masses in the streets. I 110% support the idea of a 1% tax on all goods and services across the board with no exemptions. It is completely acceptable to me the idea of paying a tax on items and services that I (of free will) choose to purchase. There is no reason that the alternative be 1/3 if not more of the average wages earned by an American yearly, which is completely in circumvention of the Constitution and its ideals, and the Supreme court has even ruled that the 16th amendment (whose ratification is in question) allowed for no new form of taxation - look it up. We have become so tuned into the idea of a gestapo type organization going around and imposing its will on the people (THE TRUE POWER) that we can't even accept our salvation when it is placed on a silver platter in front of our faces.

Even in this I am allowing some form of compromise, but I am willing to accept that things change, so fine, to try to reach an even keel with everyone that just cant accept freedom wholesale, I'll agree to go along, to get along on this one. However I know that this country survived from its conception until the early 1900's without taxation, but what I will not do is live under a totalitarian regime that imposes its will on me in the form of wage taxation (slavery) in the very land my family fought to free. So you can have my 1%, or you can continue to receive your goose egg, and as always you know where to find me.

Were on the cusp of some amazing possibilities here in this country, but we have to seize on this opportunity and refuse to accept even one day more the status quo. You want to do your part and do for this country, imagine the revenue 1% of every purchase of every good and service used by 300 million people, because after all, now they all have 1/3 or more of their money in their pocket to purchase with.

Our present form of taxation has nothing to do with making America stronger and everything to do with controlling the masses. Lets break our chains of this leviathan and return if only in some small way to the ideals that make this country great.

To add - Many comments have been made in support of the idea of just such a tax suggested by a particular well meaning candidate (there's only one) and that it would still fall to the scrutiny of the Senate and the Congress. This is a valid argument as has been evidenced by so many failed proposals shot down due to party in-fighting. It is at this point when (to be quite frank) the people must now impose their will.
edit on 4-11-2011 by WWJFKD because: to follow up.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by WWJFKD

Wow you pretty much summed it up. Well stated. I wish I could put my thoughts in writing so eloquently.
edit on 5-11-2011 by imawlinn because: (no reason given)

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