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What A Weird/Scary Friggin Dream!

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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:06 AM
Hi, I am not crazy...Yet. But I just had a horrible dream. As I have stated in a previous thread, I do not dream often. But when I do, they are usually bad or I forget them within seconds of waking up. This was a bad one that ranks among my top bad dreams, maybe second place after falling into hell when I was in 2nd grade. And most involve me getting shot at from issues in the past. So here it goes..... I was walking passed a house in an desert area. It was a big old shotty looking house on the side of a hill and surrounded by desert hills. It had a nice new chain fence, maybe 4 feet high around the pretty big property. I think I was taking a short cut to somewhere? As I looked around I saw a few people running inside of the fence line. As I looked around more I saw people on the other side of the fence waiting like it was a big game of Red Rover. Somebody in earshot said "Is this a drill, what's going on?" As I got closer to the fence, the people didn't look right and pretty menacing. Nobody on the other side was trying to jump the fence and they all just stared waiting like a short stop for a ground ball, so I turned to walk away. In earshot again, I heard the words "training exercise". I turned toward the house on the hill, and from under the support pillars there were more creepers. I looked around the lot and saw people being held down by the creepers. They approached me and said "Lay down and this wont hurt." I reached for my gun that I carry when I'm not at work or my parent's house and it was not there, but I had a knife clipped in my pocket. I refused and asked them what they wanted and they aggressively ran up on me and put me on the ground before I got the knife out. One guy took it and stabbed me in the leg, which I felt but thankfully I have no markings. I woke up breathing hard and scared. I tried to go back to sleep, but i kept seeing faint flashes when I closed my eyes. Then the neighbor's dog started barking, so I grabbed my phone and my 1911 and did a quick check around the house because one of our cars was broken into this week. Thankfully there was nothing going on around or in the house, so I came inside and posted my dream here right away. Any thoughts or comments are welcomed, even the smart arsed comments are fine with me. I am going to go back to bed now, so any replies will come daytime Sunday. Thank you for reading and sweet dreams. Also please excuse any poor grammar, incorrect spelling, and run ons. I am tired.

edit on 10/30/1111 by 1MrMarc because: oops

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by 1MrMarc

I seriously wouldn't worry about it, everyone dreams every night believe it or not; its just the fact that we don't remember our dreams. Either way, I've had some extremely strange and/or weird dreams before that if I paid any attention too then I'd probably be going mad right now.

Don't worry about it

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

Thanks for that reply
I should know better than to let it bother me. Now if I see creepers outside when I go to work in the morning, then I will worry
I mainly posted this dream for input from people who are into dreams and stuff, and a little encouragement like your reply provided that it's nothing to worry about. So thanks again, and I will let it go and get back to bed.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by 1MrMarc

No problems

Remember, the more you worry about it, the more likely you will dream about it again. It's easy for someone to say let it slide or take it easy, but that's what you need to do. If the dream becomes reoccurring over a longer period of time then that's an indication that something is probably bothering you subconsciously which you need to address.

There's plenty of people on here who are into analysing dreams and I hope someone finds this thread and gives their dream interpretation if that would make you feel better, but like I said take it easy.


posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:14 AM
You still have fears that you need to face. Face them in your waking life and you will have no more fears in your dreams.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:58 AM
It's very strange, but everyone seems to be having crazy dreams lately, if you want check this thread, and look at my story too if you like

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Forgot
It's very strange, but everyone seems to be having crazy dreams lately, if you want check this thread, and look at my story too if you like

Not everyone has crazy dreams lately. I don't have one. But it seems that you have crazy dreams lately. Care to share them to us?

edit: Never mind. I already read your post in the other thread.
edit on 30-10-2011 by wavemaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:40 PM
I just wanted to say that it sounds like they wanted to hold you down and inject a "vaccine" or maybe a chip inside you. Maybe you've been thinking about a conspiracy where a "terror attack" involving something chemical or biological causes the military to be "forced" to "save" you by injecting you with the cure, which is piggybacked with a chip that will allow them to flick a switch and kill you if they wish. Or maybe some chemical that brainwashes you? I don't really believe in prophetic dreams anymore, at least, if they exist they are very rare... so I think it would have something to do with what you've been thinking about. Also, people have been playing a lot of video games lately about world wars and apocalypse scenarios. Also... This may be unrelated, so I apologize, but the idea just popped in my mind... If messages and ideas, whether subliminal, hidden, symbolic, or whatever, can be put into tv and images, it would be even easier to do this with a video game.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:50 PM
Thank you for your replies guys! I would like to address a few points that were brought up. The only thing I see that may coincide with an outbreak or vaccine, is when I heard that it was a drill. Other than that, it could have been a quarantined area because of the fence, but it was a low fence that could have easily been jumped by all of the creepers on the other side. I know that it was definitely not a vaccine because it was the knife that had been taken from me and I felt it stab into my thigh/hip. As far as facing my fears, I do not have a whole lot because the fears are basically a reality. I had some issues in the passed before I turned my self around(not drugs) that if they ever came about again, it would be bad news for both parties involved. They were things I had to walk away from and be ready to face if the random chance of crossing paths came about. So going out and finding closure for passed issues is not a good idea. Usually in my chasing or shoot out dreams I know who the other people are or where they came from. This was a dream that came from nowhere and hope that it goes nowhere. Also I rarely play video games and its always sports games when I do, no shooters, monsters, or zombies. I also do not get wrapped up in end of the world type stuff, because all I can do is plan how to survive and if I don't I don't, pretty simple. So thanks again guys I appreciate the replies and related a little to what I read in the link above. It was a long day and I am about to go to bed, so wish me luck!

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